WP7: Store data in users live account - windows-phone-7

For storing WP7-app-data it would be great if it was possible to use the current users live account. Is this possible somehow? I guess not. The alternative is for me to setup my own server to store the data, which means I also will have to implement account-management and require the user to create a new login and password for my particular app/site. This is not very practical as the user already has a live account on the phone. A compromise would be if I could use the logged in live-account on the phone as some kind of token to validate that the logged in user is who he/she pretends to be, and then store the data on my website. Comments?

This is not possible for security reasons and I wouldn't expect it to change in the foreseeable future.
Allowing applications access to a users live account and be able to interact with content there would raise all sorts of possible issues, particularly around security.
On the phone the users data is sacrosanct and you (your app) cannot interact with it without the user knowing.


Is it possible to use power apps to create a login page using office365 email and password for credential submission

I'm creating a powerapp interface for a small corporation that using office365/sharepoint to log in to their network. Is it possible to use both the username or email and password to login and pass on to the next screen? so far this is what I’m working with "-----" don't know what to use.
If (User().Email = Txt_Inpt_Us, User().
If(User().Email exactin Txt_Inpt_Us.Text).------ = Txt_Inpt_Pas.Text, false, true)
I've tried various combinations and combing through powerapps help but am growing tired and wanted to get y'alls take.
PowerApps will be used by internal employees in a corporate using Azure AD user account, which is used for Single signon across Sharepoint, O365, etc. In some cases external guests can be shared with this PowerApp but still they have to be in some AAD and invited through your company AAD as guests.
That being said, Authentication for PowerApp is already taken care by Azure AD challenge. Not sure why you want to have a separate login screen to mimic the behavior.
In case you want some registration process to use and authorization on multiple role/persona, then you should maintain a separate database to handle the entitlements and authorization.
Don’t forget, this is going to be extra step for users, to get authenticated in addition to AAD always.

Integrate laravel app with MS Active Directory but restrict users who can access

I have a custom application for internal use only where currently users are created by a super admin. Some of the users are from within the business and some external e.g. suppliers/customers.
I'm looking for a way to integrate MS Active Directory as a login option but want to be able to restrict which users from the business can actually use this method.
I have search through all the MS docs and have all the documentation on the different oauth approaches but not sure which one would be suitable for my needs.
I am thinking that perhaps i need to give the admin a way to browse the AD and select the users that can login which then creates inactive user accounts in the mysql database with some sort of MS user ID. Then provide a 'Sign in with MS' button that does the usual auth redirection process to MS and back to the site. At that point I can check an ID and if that matches an allowed user account and if so, sync the rest of the data e.g. name, email, phone etc..
Links I've already found:
Your first order of business is enabling a user to sign in to the Laravel-based app. For this, I strongly recommend not trying to re-invent the wheel (at least not completely), and make use of an existing Laravel package. Laravel Socialite is probably the best place to start, since it has a long list of existing community-provided Socialite providers, including three which work with Azure AD already: Microsoft, Microsoft-Graph and Microsoft-Azure. (Note: Though I haven't tested any of these myself, the first two seem to be the most promising, as they use the newer v2 endpoint.)
When it comes to authorization (controlling access), you have two options:
Control at Azure AD
Once you've got the app integrated with Azure AD, you can configure the app in Azure AD to require user assignment, and then control access to the app by assigning (or not) users to the app. Users who are not assigned won't even make it past the sign-in page.
You can use Azure AD's existing experiences for managing user and role assignment for the app, or you could go all-out and build this experience directly into the Laravel-based app itself, making use of the Azure AD Graph API to create the [app role assignments](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/azure/ad/graph/api/entity-and-complex-type-reference#approleassignment-entity and user picker experience.
Hint: In either case, remember that you can make the app "superuser" an "owner" of the app in Azure AD (Azure AD > Enterprise apps > (app) > Owners), which will allow them to assign users without needing to give them any additional privileges in Azure AD.
Control at the app
In this approach, you allow all users to sign in to the app with Azure AD, but then you use your app's own authorization logic to decide who makes it any further, and what roles they get in the app.
In reality, you will most likely find the best approach is to use a combination of the two, with some of the authorization enforced by Azure AD and the next level enforced by the app itself.
If you would do it in this way, it will be necessary that the super-admin has always this permissions in the AAD. From my point of view it is less practical.
I would perfer such app-assigments with help of Service Principal. You assign a role (look for app roles) to the user and then your business logic must decide which permissions the user has. If you would use the app roles feature, then you can restrict access to the role with it's help. All the user can login, but only users with a specific role would be able to see a content of the app.
I hope this hints can help to find a right direction, but there is no silver bullet solution... :/

Allow admin user to login as other users

Is there any way to login other users account for admin user ?
Currently authentication based on Meteor Accounts
I saw this post but didn't working at all now.
The feature is important for us because when user have problem in system then admin need to see it this by simulating user account.
Thanks in advance.
It seems you want to impersonate a user. This means that you want to have Meteor.userId (or this.userId depending on context) reflect the _id of a specific user both on the client and the server.
afaict the only way to do this is to login as the user. Presumably you don't want to ask the user for their password so you have a couple of choices:
Save their existing password, replace it (temporarily) with a password of your choosing, then after you're done impersonating their account, restore their existing password.
You probably don't want to ask the user for their password and you don't need to. All you need to do is set aside Meteor.user.findOne(userId).services.password.bcrypt, then reset the password to your temporary value, then restore the original bcrypt value later.
The downside is that the original user would not be able to login while you are logged-in. Plus it's really hacky.
Extend Meteor's Accounts package to provide impersonation capability in a more elegant manner.
You might also look at validateLoginAttempt. The docs are unclear as to whether a failed login attempt could be overridden with a successful one but if it could then that would provide another pathway to solve your problem.
Instead of logging in as the users, which requires their password and which is a total no-no, you may use rather alanning:roles and allow the admin to assign the role of any user in order to draw views based the user's role.
This requires a well designed role system.
As a plus you could then at least load the documents associated with the user who you want to support.
This requires a well designed document and data model.
But generally spoken you should rather focus on writing good tests (test driven development) for components as unit tests, integration tests and UI tests.
This will reduce the need to manually view the app as an end user a lot.
The most common end user problems can be reduced by creating a good knowledge base like a wiki or video tutorials.
Even if then an error occurs in the end user side, I would rather try to implement a well designed error log that allows users automatically create tickets on error which also include the error stack.
All the above methods are to be favored before logging in AS THE USER.
As #Jankpunkt has already mentioned alanning-roles I can add something you can use without installing any external package.
Just keep a type key in the profile object of the users collection. Then define some types like 1 for super-admin, 2 for admin, 3 for general etc. Then check the authorisation of particular action by checking the value of user.profile.type key.
Caveats: Make sure you are checking the type in server side. By default profile field is writable from the client end, so if you are putting type field in the profile object make sure that you are not allowing users to modify users collection in the client end.
Here is how to restrict client end update in users collection:
update() { return true; }
Read more on roles and permissions here:

How does Google One-Tap manage my refresh tokens? How does it differ from GAPI?

In the documents of Google One-Tap sign in, it says:
Returning users are signed in automatically, even when they switch devices or platforms, or after their session expires.
Question 1:
But it doesn't say anywhere how it does this? Is the user refresh token saved in the browser's cache? How can it then auto log in a user cross devices?
Question 2: The reason I ask is because I have a setup where I initialize the Google API client for JavaScript ("GAPI"). The GAPI library also automatically logs in a user whenever the client is "initialised" through gapi.client.init().
Now the problem is that after I have added the Google One-Tap code (Or should I say "YOLO code"? : ) my user gets logged in through One-Tap and also through GAPI. I can prevent this by not initializing the GAPI client, but I don't think that's wise, because I thought this whole library is built to manage my refresh tokens etc. Is my understanding correct that One-Tap does exactly the same and in case I only want to Authenticate users I do not need the GAPI client anymore?
Really, which library does a better job at managing my refresh tokens? And how do they differ? I'm clueless...
The way I implemented my login is the following:
Try to login in the user first using gapi.auth2. Maybe the user was previously signed into the site.
If can't login user automatically, then use googleyolo to try to find existing user accounts.
If no existing accounts, then present a signin button for user to signin.
I can give you some code snippet if you need.
To answer your questions.
#1, the credential is stored within the browser/device. If the user has never signed into google in a device, then yolo won't be able to sign in the user.
#2. googleyolo will also login the user, the difference is that it will give the account selector even if there's only one user to select (it will automatically login the user if there's only one). gapi simply sign in the user without showing anything.

Clarifications of use of Session in Parse Dashboard

I recently noticed the addition of a "Session" object in Parse dashboard. Now, from what I understand, a session uniquely identifies a user to the server. So why would we need such a Session? For the session token? We already have a currentInstallation... so I don't really see the point. Can someone explain and provide a scenario where I would use the "Session" object. Right now they just annoy me by their presence because they take up potential space on the Parse server and I would like to go delete them all but want to make sure that isn't stupid.
The sessions are used by parse to deal with the users (is the user logged?, on which devices?, etc.), and are available as a class as you may want to manipulate them. By deleting the sessions you would automatically logout all your users, so it's a pretty bad idea.
You don't have to use or touch anything about this class, but here are few examples of why it can be useful:
[...] If a user contacts you about his or her account being compromised in your app, you can use the Data Browser, REST API, or Cloud Code to forcefully revoke user sessions using the Master Key. These new APIs also allow you build a “session manager” UI screen where your app’s users can see a list of all devices they’ve logged in with, and optionally log out of other devices. [...]
You can read more about the Sessions on their blog post.
