Why is there a space between the write statements in VHDL - vhdl

In the following code after the second write statement there is a space inserted and I don't understand why
write(output_line,string'(" when x"""));
write(output_line,address_map(1 to address_count));
I expect to get --- when x"adressmap" but instead receive -----when x"adressmap "
I do not want this extra space between the p and quotation mark any idea on why this is happening?

With this:
use std.textio.all;
entity foo is
end entity;
architecture fum of foo is
constant address_map: string := "address_map";
constant address_count: natural := address_map'LENGTH;
variable output_line: line;
variable output_line_length: natural;
variable read_buff: string (1 to 80);
write(output_line,string'(" when x"""));
write(output_line,address_map(1 to address_count));
output_line_length := output_line'length;
read(output_line, read_buff(1 to output_line_length));
report "output_line = " & read_buff(1 to output_line_length);
end process;
end architecture;
I get:
% foo
foo.vhdl:21:9:#0ms:(report note): output_line = when x"address_map"
Which doesn't demonstrate the extra space in the quoted portion of string accessed to by output_line.
This tells us your extra space is coming from some declaration or statement you haven't provided. Your code isn't a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
It seems likely you're making a mistake with address_count in your actual code.
You could note providing an mcve would likely have pointed you to the discrepancy.


How to write new line to file in VHDL?

I would like to separate my data with new line character in an output file, but the following codes result in error "can't resolve overload for procedure call":
write(out_line, "\n");
write(out_line, "");
write(out_line, '');
An example code how I want to use it:
ENTITY writer IS
PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0');
SIGNAL vect : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) := "000";
TYPE state_type IS (init, write_file);
SIGNAL state : state_type := init;
PROCESS (clk, start)
FILE out_file : text;
VARIABLE out_line : line;
IF rising_edge(clk) THEN
CASE state IS
WHEN init =>
IF start = '1' THEN
state <= write_file;
state <= init;
WHEN write_file =>
state => init;
write(out_line, vect);
writeline(out_file, out_line);
-- write(out_line, "\n"); <--
-- write(out_line, ""); <--
-- write(out_line, ''); <-- None of these work
writeline(out_file, out_line);
So I would like to know, is it possible in VHDL? If yes, how?
The following will consistently give you a single blank line:
write(out_line, string'(""));
writeline(out_file, out_line);
I suspect what #Dani posted may be tool dependent. For example while on one popular simulator, the following produces one line feed:
write(out_line, LF);
writeline(out_file, out_line);
However when I add a space after the LF, I get two lines:
write(out_line, LF & ' ');
writeline(out_file, out_line);
Creating a minimal, complete and verifiable example from the question's incomplete sample code:
library ieee; -- ADDED
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- ADDED
use std.textio.all; -- ADDED
-- use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; -- ADDED for revisions earlier than -2008
ENTITY writer IS
-- PORT ( clk : IN STD_LOGIC := '0'; start : IN STD_LOGIC := '0');
SIGNAL vect : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0) := "000";
-- TYPE state_type IS (init, write_file);
-- SIGNAL state : state_type := init;
PROCESS -- (clk, start)
FILE out_file : text;
VARIABLE out_line : line;
file_open(out_file, "some_file", WRITE_MODE); -- ADDED
-- IF rising_edge(clk) THEN
-- CASE state IS
-- WHEN init =>
-- IF start = '1' THEN
-- state <= write_file;
-- state <= init;
-- END IF;
-- WHEN write_file =>
-- state => init;
write(out_line, vect);
writeline(out_file, out_line);
-- write(out_line, "\n"); <--
-- write(out_line, ""); <--
-- write(out_line, ''); <-- None of these work
writeline(out_file, out_line);
-- END IF;
wait; -- ADDED
demonstrates a way to get a blank line in the output:
some_file contents:
The second writeline procedure call produces an empty line without an intervening write procedure call.
Why is seen in IEEE Std 1076-2008 16.4 Package TEXTIO:
Procedures READLINE, WRITELINE, and TEE declared in package TEXTIO read and write entire lines of a file of type TEXT. Procedure READLINE causes the next line to be read from the file and returns as the value of parameter L an access value that designates an object representing that line. If parameter L contains a non-null access value at the start of the call, the procedure may deallocate the object designated by that value. The representation of the line does not contain the representation of the end of the line. It is an error if the file specified in a call to READLINE is not open or, if open, the file has an access mode other than read-only (see 5.5.2). Procedures WRITELINE and TEE each cause the current line designated by parameter L to be written to the file and returns with the value of parameter L designating a null string. Procedure TEE additionally causes the current line to be written to the file OUTPUT. If parameter L contains a null access value at the start of the call, then a null string is written to the file or files. If parameter L contains a non-null access value at the start of the call, the procedures may deallocate the object designated by that value. It is an error if the file specified in a call to WRITELINE or TEE is not open or, if open, the file has an access mode other than write-only.
The language does not define the representation of the end of a line. An implementation shall allow all possible values of types CHARACTER and STRING to be written to a file. However, as an implementation is permitted to use certain values of types CHARACTER and STRING as line delimiters, it might not be possible to read these values from a TEXT file.
A line feed (LF) format effector occurring as an element of a string written to a file of type TEXT, either using procedure WRITELINE or TEE, or using the WRITE operation implicitly defined for the type TEXT, is interpreted by the implementation as signifying the end of a line. The implementation shall transform the LF into the implementation-defined representation of the end of a line.
For each WRITE, OWRITE, and HWRITE procedure, after data is appended to the string value designated by the parameter L, L designates the entire line. The procedure may modify the value of the object designated by the parameter L at the start of the call or may deallocate the object.
If deallocation occurs out_line will have a value of null after a writeline call and a null string is written in the immediately following writeline call which also provides an end of line.
If the object value accessed by out_line is a null array (having no elements, Index constraints and discrete ranges, a null string) the immediately following writeline call will result in an end of line being written to the file.
In essence your code example already contains one of these methods for writing a blank line, which depends on whether deallocation is used conditionally (may).
Variants of allocate() and free() can be relatively expensive in terms of execution time and when the size of the allocated object and it's element size is known a smaller 'allocated' object can be written to the same object space saving simulation time. The simulation kernel representation of an array object can have bounds separate from the array value, deallocation and re-allocation can be reserved for when the object size is larger than the previously allocated size or an explicit deallocate call occurs.
There's also a requirement that an implementation translate an LF character to an end of line in a write to a file. This is the other mechanism that allows you to write an LF character as the last or only character to a line and get a following blank line.
You could also explicitly write a null string to out_line
write(out_line, string'(""));
prior to the second writeline call. The qualified expression provides the type of the string literal unlike the attempt commented out in the original question where the type of the string literal can't be determined. See 9.3.2 Literals "... The type of a string or bit string literal shall be determinable solely from the context in which the literal appears, excluding the literal itself but using the fact that the type of the literal shall be a one-dimensional array of a character type. ...". The procedure write would be ambiguous in this context, failing overload resolution (12.5 The context of overload resolution).
Finally after a lot of searching and trying I found that the following code works:
write(out_line, lf);
writeline(out_file, out_line);
I found that write(out_line, cr); does the same thing, and write(out_line, nul); adds ' ' character between the outputs.

Why is there an apostrophe before a parenthesis in this VHDL function?

I'm new to coding test benches and so there is a lot of new syntax for me to learn. I'm stuck on trying to understand what the apostrophe after "string" is indicating.
It doesn't appear to be an attribute from here. Also, I've never seen a parenthesis after an apostrophe in VHDL.
procedure Shrink_line(L : inout LINE; pos : in integer)
variable old_L : LINE := L;
if pos > 1 then
L := new string'(old_L(pos to old_L'high));
end if;
It's a qualified expression.
IEEE Std 1076-2008, 9.3.5 Qualified expressions:
A qualified expression is a basic operation (see 5.1) that is used to explicitly state the type, and possibly the subtype, of an operand that is an expression or an aggregate."
qualified_expression ::=
type_mark ' ( expression )
| type_mark ' aggregate
This qualified expression states both the type and the subtype for the allocator (9.3.7 Allocators) assigned to L in the procedure.
The operand of the qualified expression is the expression old_L(pos to old_L'high).
It's not an aggregate, it doesn't use named association to distinguish it from a parenthesized expression having a single choice (9.3.3 Aggregates).
Because you're not using a reference covering expressions you may not be aware what this allocator can do. Creating an MCVE:
use std.textio.all;
entity foo is
end entity;
architecture fum of foo is
procedure Shrink_line(L : inout LINE; pos : in integer)
variable old_L : LINE := L;
if pos > 1 then
L := new string'(old_L(pos to old_L'high));
end if;
variable L: LINE;
write (L, string'("...shrinking violet"));
Shrink_line(L, 14);
end process;
end architecture;
Running this code in a simulation provides an output:
ghdl -a foo.vhdl
ghdl -e foo
ghdl -r foo
The output comes from the writeline to OUTPUT (which is the File STD_OUTPUT (stdout in POSIX parlance).
9.3.7 Allocators, para 2:
The type of the object created by an allocator is the base type of the type mark given in either the subtype indication or the qualified expression. For an allocator with a subtype indication, the initial value of the created object is the same as the default initial value for an explicitly declared variable of the designated subtype. For an allocator with a qualified expression, this expression defines the initial value of the created object.
Creating the new allocator with a subtype constraint from the old allocator copied the string from the old allocator starting at position pos.
One other thing to note is that a string left bound is 1 by default. Shrink_line counted on that.

How would I create a function to convert from an integer to std_logic vector in VHDL?

I am seeking help as I am learning this language construct.
Here is what I have:
function int_slv(val,width: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable R: std_logic_vector(0 to width-1):=(others=>'0')
variable b:integer:= width;
if (b>32) then
assert 2**bits >val report
"value too big for std_logic_vector"
severity warning
end if;
for i in 0 to b-1 loop
if val ((val/(2**i)) MOD 2 = 1) then
end if;
end loop;
end int_slv;
In addition to 5 syntax errors, one wrong identifier and a modulo reduction expressions expressed as an element of an array as well as several sets of redundant parentheses, your modified code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package int2bv_pkg is
function int_slv (val, width: integer) return std_logic_vector;
end package;
package body int2bv_pkg is
function int_slv (val, width: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable R: std_logic_vector(0 to width-1):=(others=>'0'); -- added ';'
variable b:integer:= width;
if b > 32 then
b := 32; -- ":=" is used for variable assignment
assert 2 ** width > val report -- width not bits
"value too big for std_logic_vector"
severity warning; -- missing semicolon at the end of assertion
end if;
for i in 0 to b - 1 loop
if val/2 ** i MOD 2 = 1 then -- not val (...)
R(i) := '1'; -- ":=" variable assign.
end if;
end loop;
return R; -- parentheses not needed
end int_slv;
end package body int2bv_pkg;
analyzes (compiles). The exponentiation operator "**" is the highest priority, the division operators "/" and "mod" are the same priority and executed in the order they are found (left to right). It's likely worthwhile learning VHDL operator precedence.
You were using "=" for variable assignment when you should have been using ":=" in two places, you were missing two semicolons and were using the identifier bits (which isn't declared in your function) where apparently you meant width.
The modified example analyzes, and hasn't been tested absent a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example in the question.
Note that a package body is a design unit as is a package declaration. There are various other places in other design units you can introduce a function body.
You could also note the 2 ** 31 is outside the guaranteed range of an integer in VHDL equal to 2147483648, while the INTEGER value range guaranteed to be from -2147483647 to +2147483647 at a minimum.
This implies that were ever you are using a value that derived from an expression equivalent to 2 ** 31 you can incur a range error during execution (either at elaboration or during simulation).
This pretty much says you need a VHDL implementation with a larger INTEGER value range or you need to rethink what you're doing.
As a matter of course there are integer to unsigned and integer to signed functions found in package numeric_std in library IEEE.
The result of such can be type converted to std_logic_vector, and the source code can make great learning aids on how to wend through the limitations VHDL imposes. These to_signed or to_unsigned functions would be capable of dealing with the maximum value an INTEGER can hold and specify the length of the resulting array type while providing zero or sign filling for array lengths greater than the INTEGER's binary value. That utility extends to clipping using length as well.
VHDL -2008 package numeric_std_unsigned contains a function To_StdLogicVector that does what your int_slv function is intended to do although limited to a NATURAL range for the integer type input.
As #user1155120 has already indicated, the VHDL-2008 package numeric_std_unsigned has a builtin to_stdlogicvector. And #user1155120 already pointed out the to_signed and to_unsigned in numeric_std are available as well.
So, to expand on the previous answer, you can do:
constant C : integer := -6817563;
constant C_VEC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_signed(c, 32));
And this mechanism will accept the full range of integer. You can also use to_unsigned, but this is limited to the range of natural.

print 2d array vhdl

How do I print matrix_a(1,1) on the console? The report command I commented does not work.
library IEEE;
entity ent is
end ent;
architecture Behavioral of ent is
type my_matrix is array(integer range 0 to 3, integer range 0 to 3) of integer;
signal matrix_a : my_matrix;
matrix_a(1,1) <= 4;
--report "signal signal_d is " & integer'image((matrix_a(1,1)));
end Behavioral;
When do you expect that report to run?
You have placed it in the concurrent statement region of your architecture : everything there is effectively a process, scheduled according to specific rules; for example, the concurrent assignment matrix_a(1,1) <= 4; will run once at startup, and whenever any of its values change (i.e. never again as they are all literal constants).
But there is nothing to make the "report" run.
Now if you embed it explicitly in a process, sensitive to changes in matrix_a, then it will run at start and whenever matrix_a changes. So try this in place of the commented line:
process (matrix_a) is -- this list controls the process running
report "signal signal_d is " & integer'image(matrix_a(1,1));
end process;

Is it possible to check the length of an input text file?

In my VHDL project, my input is going to be extracted from a text file containing n bits of 1's and 0's. I am trying to make it as general as possible. I am familiar with how to read and write on a text file using test-bench, but I don't know how to check its length.
My code normally takes 64 bit as input, pass them through all the blocks and generate an output. If the remaining bits length is less than 64 then it passes through a specific block.
Let's say the text file contains 1000 bits. 15 x 64 = 960. 960 bits will pass through all blocks, the remaining 40 will pass by a specific block. This looks straight forward but in order for me to do such operations i need to know the length of the text file. If anyone can help that would be very beneficial.
The VHDL data structure length should be considered, not the file length since that is implementation specific and not VHDL specified.
If the bits are in one long string that is to be chopped up into 64-bit pieces with a remainder, then the entire string can be read into a VHDL line type, and reading from that line to a std_logic_vector type can then depend on the remaining bits (characters) in the line.
Below is a code example doing so:
library ieee;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all; -- Synopsys package; required for VHDL-2002 only
architecture syn of tb is
process is
variable myl_v : line;
file txt_file : text;
variable slv_v : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
file_open(txt_file, "input.txt", read_mode);
readline(txt_file, myl_v);
while myl_v'length > 0 loop
if myl_v'length >= slv_v'length then -- Full slv_v
report "Full...: " & myl_v.all(1 to slv_v'length);
read(myl_v, slv_v);
else -- Reduced slv_v
report "Reduced: " & myl_v.all(1 to myl_v'length);
read(myl_v, slv_v(myl_v'length - 1 downto 0)); -- Place reduced at LSBs
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
Btw, to answer the question of "length of an input text file", then the length in characters can be determined by reading as many characters from the file as possible, for example with code like:
impure function file_length_in_characters(filename : string) return natural is
type char_file_t is file of character;
file char_file : char_file_t;
variable char_v : character;
variable res_v : natural;
res_v := 0;
file_open(char_file, filename, read_mode);
while not endfile(char_file) loop
read(char_file, char_v);
res_v := res_v + 1;
end loop;
return res_v;
end function;
