How would I create a function to convert from an integer to std_logic vector in VHDL? - vhdl

I am seeking help as I am learning this language construct.
Here is what I have:
function int_slv(val,width: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable R: std_logic_vector(0 to width-1):=(others=>'0')
variable b:integer:= width;
if (b>32) then
assert 2**bits >val report
"value too big for std_logic_vector"
severity warning
end if;
for i in 0 to b-1 loop
if val ((val/(2**i)) MOD 2 = 1) then
end if;
end loop;
end int_slv;

In addition to 5 syntax errors, one wrong identifier and a modulo reduction expressions expressed as an element of an array as well as several sets of redundant parentheses, your modified code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package int2bv_pkg is
function int_slv (val, width: integer) return std_logic_vector;
end package;
package body int2bv_pkg is
function int_slv (val, width: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable R: std_logic_vector(0 to width-1):=(others=>'0'); -- added ';'
variable b:integer:= width;
if b > 32 then
b := 32; -- ":=" is used for variable assignment
assert 2 ** width > val report -- width not bits
"value too big for std_logic_vector"
severity warning; -- missing semicolon at the end of assertion
end if;
for i in 0 to b - 1 loop
if val/2 ** i MOD 2 = 1 then -- not val (...)
R(i) := '1'; -- ":=" variable assign.
end if;
end loop;
return R; -- parentheses not needed
end int_slv;
end package body int2bv_pkg;
analyzes (compiles). The exponentiation operator "**" is the highest priority, the division operators "/" and "mod" are the same priority and executed in the order they are found (left to right). It's likely worthwhile learning VHDL operator precedence.
You were using "=" for variable assignment when you should have been using ":=" in two places, you were missing two semicolons and were using the identifier bits (which isn't declared in your function) where apparently you meant width.
The modified example analyzes, and hasn't been tested absent a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example in the question.
Note that a package body is a design unit as is a package declaration. There are various other places in other design units you can introduce a function body.
You could also note the 2 ** 31 is outside the guaranteed range of an integer in VHDL equal to 2147483648, while the INTEGER value range guaranteed to be from -2147483647 to +2147483647 at a minimum.
This implies that were ever you are using a value that derived from an expression equivalent to 2 ** 31 you can incur a range error during execution (either at elaboration or during simulation).
This pretty much says you need a VHDL implementation with a larger INTEGER value range or you need to rethink what you're doing.
As a matter of course there are integer to unsigned and integer to signed functions found in package numeric_std in library IEEE.
The result of such can be type converted to std_logic_vector, and the source code can make great learning aids on how to wend through the limitations VHDL imposes. These to_signed or to_unsigned functions would be capable of dealing with the maximum value an INTEGER can hold and specify the length of the resulting array type while providing zero or sign filling for array lengths greater than the INTEGER's binary value. That utility extends to clipping using length as well.
VHDL -2008 package numeric_std_unsigned contains a function To_StdLogicVector that does what your int_slv function is intended to do although limited to a NATURAL range for the integer type input.

As #user1155120 has already indicated, the VHDL-2008 package numeric_std_unsigned has a builtin to_stdlogicvector. And #user1155120 already pointed out the to_signed and to_unsigned in numeric_std are available as well.
So, to expand on the previous answer, you can do:
constant C : integer := -6817563;
constant C_VEC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_signed(c, 32));
And this mechanism will accept the full range of integer. You can also use to_unsigned, but this is limited to the range of natural.


What happens when I provide a function with the parent of the subtype argument it's expecting?

While trying to figure out the specifics of the shift_right function from the numeric_std package I noticed that the count argument is of the subtype NATURAL:
function shift_right(ARG: UNSIGNED; COUNT: NATURAL) return UNSIGNED is
if (ARG'length<1) then return NAU; end if;
However when calling the function I can also provide an INTEGER which in contrast to NATURAL can hold a negative number.
Example of calling code that succesfully compiles:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity ExampleCode is
clk : in std_logic;
input : in signed(15 downto 0);
shift : in signed(3 downto 0);
output : out signed(15 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture rtl of ExampleCode is
ProcessExample : process(clk)
if (rising_edge(clk)) then
output <= shift_right(input, to_integer(shift));
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
The numeric_std package shows that if you use to_integer with a signed argument that it returns an integer:
function TO_INTEGER ( ARG: SIGNED) return INTEGER;
My questions are;
Does VHDL always allow parents of subtypes to be provided as arguments to functions?
When it does allow a parent type, how does it resolve the imposed constraints of the subtype?
The other answer is very detailed, but I think goes down a bit of a rabbit hole, when your specific questions can be answered more succinctly. I have answered from a perspecitve of what will practically happen in a real tool that you might use, as opposed to trying to re-interpret the language standard.
An important feature of a subtype is that there is automatic 'conversion'+ to and from the parent type. The example below clearly shows this with an enumerated type. The same automatic conversion would be invoked when passing a parent-type parameter to a function that expects the sub-type.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity e is
architecture a of e is
type r is (A, B, C, D);
subtype rs is r range A to C;
signal x1 : r := B;
signal x2 : r := D;
signal xs : rs;
xs <= x1; -- Fine.
wait for 1 ns;
xs <= x2; -- Run-time error, "Value 3 is out of range 0 to 2".
end process;
Does VHDL always allow parents of subtypes to be provided as arguments to functions?
From the above, yes, it does, but in many tools, you will get an error if the automatic type conversion cannot succeed, as it obviously cannot in the second assignment in the example. Note that if x2 was a constant, a tool could work out that the conversion is not going to be possible, and thrown up a compile-time error then instead.
The same applies with natural and integer; since natural is defined as subtype natural is integer range 0 to integer'high, natural in a sense is an integer, so automatic 'conversion' is simple and reasonable as long as the integer is not outside the natural's range.
When it does allow a parent type, how does it resolve the imposed constraints of the subtype?
Whether standardised or not, a particular tool might implement this in a variety of ways, so you might see different behavior for out-of-range parent-typed values with different tools.
For example, when I tried with ModelSim, it appears that its conversion from integer to natural simply copies the value, meaning that shift_right will surprisingly work with a negative value in that tool, if the shift amount integer is not a constant (at least for version 10.7e).
Obviously it is not sensible to rely on a particular behavior, but regardless of behavior, using a sub type can offer you more protection than just using base types throughout a design.
+ It's not really conversion in VHDL, but if you've used pretty much any other language, this is how you will tend to refer to it.

How to use iterate variable in case statement [VHDL]

I want to generate my register interface, because I have several instance (channels) of the same peripheral.
while (I < generic_num_of_instances) loop
case loc_addr is
when 0 + I*256 =>
q_ctrl_reg(I, 31 downto 0) <= s_axi_wdata;
end case;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
And it says: Error: Case choice must be locally static expression.
How can I generate this register interface? Should I use less descriptive if/elseif statements?
Matthew mentioned two important improvements, your case target must be a static expression (whose type is a locally static type) and if you are doing synthesis, you need to use a for loop.
Next, you cannot slice a multi-dimensional array, hence, q_ctrl_reg(I, 31 downto 0) is also invalid. Lets fix that by using an array of an array (shown below):
type q_ctrl_reg_type is array (0 to MAX_REG -1) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) ;
signal q_ctrl_reg : q_ctrl_reg_type ;
Now lets put it all together, lets us a for loop instead of the while loop and an if statement instead of your case statement:
for i in 0 to generic_num_of_instances - 1 loop
if loc_addr = 0 + I*256 then
q_ctrl_reg(I) <= s_axi_wdata;
end if;
end loop;
Yes. Or use Verilog.
Case choices is VHDL have to be locally static - that is they have to be literals, constants or generics. That isn't the case with Verilog.
You're also going to find that you need a when others branch, which will negate any improved readability gained using a case statement. (And given such a coding style is rather unusual anyway, I'd question whether it was ever more readable.)
try making that "0 + I*256" value equal to a variable that you name in the loop i.e.
while (I < generic_num_of_instances) loop
variable A : integer;
A := 0 + I*256;
case loc_addr is
when A =>
q_ctrl_reg(I, 31 downto 0) <= s_axi_wdata;
end case;
I := I + 1;
end loop;
hopefully this should work

Can you make an array of types in VHDL?

Vivado Simulation cannot support unconstrained types which have a signed component to them.
type A is array (natural range <>) of signed;
I have been using this in a design where type A is used in port declarations as I wish to have a parallel design which I control through a generic as well as the current stage word length e.g.
port (
inputdata : A(0 to number_of_parallel_generic-1)(stage_wordlength_generic-1 downto 0)
As I use the type A with many variations of the generics controling them e.g. 4 wide arrays with 16 wordlengths and other variations (often controled by a for generate loop)
for i in 0 to length_of_generate_statement-1 generate
signal example_signal : A(0 to 3)(stage_wordlength_generic + i - 1 downto 0);
<functional code>
end generate;
This sort of code would allow me to gain bit growth from sequential sections of my archetecture - e.g. from an addition.
Now... getting to the question at hand.
One way I could get round this rather than initiating a signal with a forever changing generate statement could actually be in the creation of an "array of types".
Lend me your eyes this is written in a not quite vhdl way but hopefully you can see what Im trying to do.
type my_arr_of_types is array(0 to length_of_array-1) of type;
for i in 0 to length_of_array-1 generate
my_arr_of_types(i) <= <type declaration with some dependance on i>;
end generate;
Hopefully you can see what I am trying to do.
This would allow you to then call an element of the my_arr_of_types which itself is a type to then assign to a signal/variable.
signal my_sig : my_arr_of_types(n);
*Where n is any valid index of the array.
Obviously this is not allowed in VHDL or any simulation tool. But can anyone see a potential solution to my problem?
Remember I use most of these types on port statements so any solution has to fit within the limitations of the port declarations.
Using two dimensional arrays as a solution:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package utilities is
type T_SLM is array(natural range <>, natural range <>) of std_logic;
end package;
Now you can use this type in a port declaration together with two generic parameters. As sizes are now known in the architecture, you can create your used defined type of signed values and you can use either generate statements or a function to convert from the T_SLM to myArray type.
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library myLib;
use myLib.utilities.all;
entity foo is
generic (
number_of_parallel : natural;
stage_wordlength : natural
port (
Input : T_SLM(0 to number_of_parallel - 1, stage_wordlength - 1 downto 0)
end entity;
architecture a of foo is
type myArray is array (natural range <>) of signed(Input'range(2));
function convert(matrix : T_SLM) return myArray is
variable result : myArray(matrix'range(1));
for i in matrix'range(1) loop
for k in matrix'range(2) loop
result(i)(j) := matrix(i, j);
end loop;
end loop;
return result;
end function;
signal InputData1 : myArray(Input'range(1));
signal InputData2 : myArray(Input'range(1));
genInput: for i in Input'range(1) generate
genInput: for j in Input'range(2) generate
InputData1(i)(j) <= Input(i, j);
end generate;
end generate;
InputData2 <= convert(Input);
end architecture;
Many helper functions like this have been implemented in the PoC Library in package PoC.vectors.

Why is there an apostrophe before a parenthesis in this VHDL function?

I'm new to coding test benches and so there is a lot of new syntax for me to learn. I'm stuck on trying to understand what the apostrophe after "string" is indicating.
It doesn't appear to be an attribute from here. Also, I've never seen a parenthesis after an apostrophe in VHDL.
procedure Shrink_line(L : inout LINE; pos : in integer)
variable old_L : LINE := L;
if pos > 1 then
L := new string'(old_L(pos to old_L'high));
end if;
It's a qualified expression.
IEEE Std 1076-2008, 9.3.5 Qualified expressions:
A qualified expression is a basic operation (see 5.1) that is used to explicitly state the type, and possibly the subtype, of an operand that is an expression or an aggregate."
qualified_expression ::=
type_mark ' ( expression )
| type_mark ' aggregate
This qualified expression states both the type and the subtype for the allocator (9.3.7 Allocators) assigned to L in the procedure.
The operand of the qualified expression is the expression old_L(pos to old_L'high).
It's not an aggregate, it doesn't use named association to distinguish it from a parenthesized expression having a single choice (9.3.3 Aggregates).
Because you're not using a reference covering expressions you may not be aware what this allocator can do. Creating an MCVE:
use std.textio.all;
entity foo is
end entity;
architecture fum of foo is
procedure Shrink_line(L : inout LINE; pos : in integer)
variable old_L : LINE := L;
if pos > 1 then
L := new string'(old_L(pos to old_L'high));
end if;
variable L: LINE;
write (L, string'("...shrinking violet"));
Shrink_line(L, 14);
end process;
end architecture;
Running this code in a simulation provides an output:
ghdl -a foo.vhdl
ghdl -e foo
ghdl -r foo
The output comes from the writeline to OUTPUT (which is the File STD_OUTPUT (stdout in POSIX parlance).
9.3.7 Allocators, para 2:
The type of the object created by an allocator is the base type of the type mark given in either the subtype indication or the qualified expression. For an allocator with a subtype indication, the initial value of the created object is the same as the default initial value for an explicitly declared variable of the designated subtype. For an allocator with a qualified expression, this expression defines the initial value of the created object.
Creating the new allocator with a subtype constraint from the old allocator copied the string from the old allocator starting at position pos.
One other thing to note is that a string left bound is 1 by default. Shrink_line counted on that.

No function declarations for operator + error in VHDL

In this piece of code I get this error for the line with +
function func (bv1 : in bit_vector; bv2 : in integer) return bit_vector is
variable temp : natural := 2**bv2;
variable result : bit_vector(1 to 32);
report "asd" & natural'image(temp);
result <= bv1 + temp; // this line causes the error
return result;
end func;
The error is :
No function declarations for operator +
How can I solve this? I also get a similar error for "=" as well.
Don't use bit_vectors (or std_logic_vectors, really) for anything you want to do arithmetic on.
Use the ieee.numeric_std library and then declare your signals (or whatever) to be of type signed ot unsigned depending on what type of vector you want. (Or of course, you can just use integers and the subtypes of that)
It's because you try to add a natural to a bit_vector which does not work because they are of different types. So you'll have to use a converter, e.g. as shown here within one of the functions. The other method is to stick to all the same types, but that isn't always possible.
Some initial problems with the code are that VHDL comments markup is --, not
//, and assign to result variable must use :=, since <= is for assign
to signal.
Then, the reason for the error:
No function declarations for operator +
is that VHDL is a strong typed language, so it is not possible just to add a
natural type and a bit_vector type, as attempted in result <= bv1 + temp.
Instead you need to use the package numeric_bit_unsigned, and for example
convert temp to bit_vector using function to_bitvector before adding.
Resulting code can then be:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit_unsigned.all;
function func (bv1 : in bit_vector; bv2 : in integer) return bit_vector is
variable temp : natural := 2**bv2;
variable result : bit_vector(1 to 32);
report "asd" & natural'image(temp);
result := bv1 + to_bitvector(temp, result'length); -- this line causes the error
return result;
end func;
You should check that the length is enough to handle the required values.
However, instead of using bit_vector type, you may consider the
std_logic_vector (depending on the design), since the std_logic_vector has
additional values that may reveal design problem in simulation.
