Magento table rates and multiple stores? - magento

I am trying to make my table rates work with my multi store setup. I have 2 stores (not only store views) for the same installation and I want table rates for that.
I tried with the built in table rates and I also tried with
The problem is, this only seems to work for my first store, the second store always tells me that there is no shipping available in the OPC.
I checked the tables shipping_tablerate and shipping_matrixrate (this one comes from the extension) and both have the website_id column which is 1 (my first store) for me. I tried changing from 1 to 3 (thats the id of my other store), did not help.
This is the content for the extensions file:
Land,Region/Staat,Stadt,"Zip/Postal Code From","Zip/Postal Code To","Gewicht From","Gewicht To",Versandkosten,"Delivery Type"
How can I make this work for my second store as well?

you just need to import csv for all websites.
No changes in code.


Configure magmi to import or create categories from multiple columns in magento

Hi i have a csv in which the product categories are in 3 columns .
say column1 == parent category
column 2 = subcategory
column 3 subcategory of column 2
Now can you please tell me how can i configure magmi to import categories from multiple columns.
I am also using a csv (actually, it's a ~ delimited file).
You want to use one column for the categories and separate them by something, but let MAGMI know. I'll explain that part in a bit.
Anyway, my csv file looks like this...
Catalog|Computer Components|DRAM DDR3|> 2GB~154~mysku
So, Catalog is the parent category, then Computer Components, then DRAM DDR3, then > 2GB
If you wanted to add another category - let's say Catalog->Computers->Upgrade Components (not that you would ever have a category for that), you'd do the following
Catalog|Computer Components|DRAM DDR3|> 2GB,Catalog|Computers|Upgrade Components~154~mysku
The | separates the categories in their parent-child relationships.
The comma (why I don't use an actual csv) separates the two different categories you want to add.
Now, for the MAGMI configuration.
You're going to be using the "On the fly category creator/importer". I can't recall if it is installed by default. I believe it is. If not, it's easy to install plugins. Look it up.
Anyway, you'll want that checked off and then click on "configure" beside it.
Set "Assing product to" (you read that correctly) to "all categories in tree"... that is, unless you don't want your products to be added to all the categories in the tree. So, it would add the product to Catalog AND Computer Components AND ..and so on.. If you have this set differently it will only add to the last categories (> 2GB AND Upgrade Components).
Set the "Tree level separator" to |
base category tree will depend on how you have configured yours to work. I include Catalog, which is my base level tree, so I have this blank.
I would suggest keeping the url ending in html
I hope that makes sense and it what you're looking for.
I re-read your question. I think I answered it above, but in a little more detail than you need probably. You can't really have multiple categories in multiple columns and try to import them. The way I described (importing them using a different delimiter) and using the on the fly category creater/importer is the only way I have been able to efficiently gain control over category management with MAGMI. So, create your csv file using a one column method for categories and you should be good. I also suggest using ~ delimited files, rather than comma - comma is used in a lot of other places and would be more prone to issues. For example, if you want to include two stores you would do "store1, store2" and MAGMI will know how to include them. If you forgot the quotes the import might would work fine (with warnings or errors), but it would assume the comma is there to separate different columns and likely throw bad data into other columns, rather than the proper values for that column.
I hope that all makes sense.

Where do you store UPC codes for products?

I am working on an install of AspDotNetStoreFront (version Currently, the company stores their own SKU's from their business system in the provided SKU field. They often use Manufacturer Part Number to store their vendors part number.
The above example is a variant of a product where we would like to store UPC information.
I searched the AspDotNetStoreFront manuals and could not find a recommended strategy for storing UPC codes. Its easy enough to add a field to the database and bulk import the data, however, an admin needs to be able to maintain them from within the stores user interface.
Is there a way to add a UPC field without modifying core ASPDNSF code and still allow users to maintain it from within the UI? Or do I have to use the SKU or MPN fields?
I do see that there are 5 fields for "ExtensionData" that I could possibly use, but I don't see those fields as editable for Variants in the UI the way ExtensionData is for the Products themselves.
I don't think we have had customers who didn't use sku for their UPC code. In the event that you need to modify the table by adding another column, you can modify the admin to show this.
You should be ab able to edit entityEditProducts.aspx and entityEditProducts.aspx.cs to edit this in the admin area. You will just need to modify the sql scripts and the view.
I'm not sure if it's important enough for you to upgrade over, but version 9.4 added fields for UPC. From the 9.4 release notes (
"Added new GTIN field to the product variant information for unique product identification. This new field holds up to 14 characters and can be used for EAN, UPC, ISBN, etc. This new field is included in WSI, Excel & XML Imports, and supported by DotFeed."
The GTIN field works for both variant and size/color.
you can use one of the 5 extension field given by default in the product table to store UPC code. By default it has also UI in edit product under Extension Data tab.

Saving copy of old table entry to another table when updating table entry with SaveChanges()?

Im working on an online store project where I have already made it possible for an administrator to update different table entries via the store gui (like items, user profiles, orders etc). SaveChanges(); is used to save the changes.
Im currently trying to figure out how to make this work:
An entry in table "items" gets updated.
Before the entry in the table "items" gets updated, a copy of the old entry gets saved into a table named "history-items".
The copy that is saved to "history-items" preferably has a timestamp.
How would I go about doing this? (As you might tell, I just recently picked up visual studio, and am pretty new to everything)
Thank you.
There are atleast 3 ways to do this:
If you are using SQL Server 2008 or newer this is now built in functionality, see:
If you opt not to use that then the simplest solution is to use database triggers.
If you want to do it in C# code, then you need to read the original values before saving, and save these original values to the history table. For reading original values see: How to get original values of an entity in Entity Framework?
I would go for option 1 if possible.

Magento coupon entities in database

I'm trying to develop a Magento plugin which involves using coupons. Apparently after looking around I found a source that mentions use of a 'salesrule' table for coupons. However when I looked at my database i couldn't find it. However I did find 3 tables that had mention 'coupon' called 'coupon_aggregated', 'coupon_aggregated_order', and 'coupon_aggregated_updated'.
I just wanted to know what is the difference between the 3 tables so I can start using them? I am on the latest version of Magento.
The table you're looking for is indeed named
There's also a table named salesrule_coupon, which contains specific coupon codes linked back to the main salesrule definition.
If your database is missing this table, something bad has happened to your system. Go to
Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules
and create a new coupon code with a distinct title. Then dump your database content and search for the text of your distinct title. That will let you know which table your system is storing salesrules in.
The tables you mentioned above are aggregate data tables used for reporting only.

Magento: what is table eav_entity for?

I know EAV logic and I know what is eav_entity_attribute for. (about eav_entity_* - the same).
But I'm not clear about table eav_entity. It is always empty.
Could someone give some comments please.
I would be glad to get any assumption.
Google gives nothing on this question, as usual)
Doing a grep of the Community Edition code, the only time eav_entity is mentioned is in the config file (/app/core/code/Mage/Eav/etc/config.xml) and in the database setup files (/app/code/core/Mage/Eav/sql/eav_setup/mysql4-install-0.7.0.php).
To me this says that it was put in just before a release and then never actually used. The devs possibly decided to go with a slightly different way of storing the data...
I expected to see all records of all entities in the table eav_entity. But I see that Magento has created separate tables for each of the 8 entities ( customer, customer_address, category, product, order, invoice, shipment, creditmemo) with the following table names ( customer_entity, customer_address_entity, catalog_category_entity, catalog_product_entity, sales_flat_order, sales_flat_invoice, sales_flat_shipment, sales_flat_creditmemo). So eav_entity table is empty and you get data for entities directly from their respective tables.. Some level of de-EAVing the database design :-)
