Xcode 6.4 CFBundleIconFiles - xcode

When I try to submit my app to the app store i get this error: "error itms-90032 invalid image path no image found at the path referenced under key CFBundleIconFiles"
The problem is that I ma not even using CFBundleIconFiles. A search of the entire app shows that it is not present. I just can't figure this out. Any help would be appreciated.

They are in AppIcon in Images.xcassets
Okay, but it sounds like you forgot to tell the app target about that. Edit the app target, go to the General tab, and make sure that the target knows where to find the icons:

You won't necessarily see CFBundleIconFiles in the plist that Xcode created for your project, but CFBundleIconFiles does get added to the Info.plist that is submitted to the App Store.
Your bundle icon files are automatically generated from your Asset Catalog icons and added to the bundle.
The details for the icons are contained in Images.xcassets.
Check to make sure that the Asset Catalog was not relocated, or the validation will fail, since the icons could not be generated.

I double checked everything you guys posted and everything is good, but still getting the error. I finally just decided to add iconfiles (ios5) to the plist and it worked when I tried to upload. I don't know why that did the trick.


xamarin.ios app in xamarin form not building

I am not able to build xamarin.ios project in xamarin form app. Getting error
MessagingRemoteException: An error occured on client Build42164 while
executing a reply for topic
DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path
Its searching Assets.xcassets folder, which is not found. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
you have to right click on the Asset Catalogs > Add Asset Catalog. It will generate the Asset. Remember to turn on "Show All Files" in the Solution Explorer, sometimes it's created but you have to include in the project. By doing this, the contents.json is automatically created.

Duplicated Xcode project issue

I've duplicated my Xcode project - basically I'm creating an app with similar functionality but with different content. I duplicated the main folder and updated the names in the new project for the new app following a guide on Youtube that was on another thread, but when I updated the background of the storyboard for the new app, I've now seen it has changed the storyboard of the original app, so it must be using the same story file, or be linked somehow.
Please can someone suggest what I might have done wrong, or what I need to do when duplicating the project to avoid the same story file being used.
Please check the "Full path" of your file like shown below. Make also sure, that all your other files are linked correctly.

Impossible to reference an image from the Assets Folder

I am currently building a Windows Universal App and the learning curve is OK. I get a response from my webservice, parse the JSON, display info in the app, but my current issue is the following one:
I tried to display an image that I put in the Assets folder, but this doesn't seem to work.
This is my layout:
As you can see, the text "Test" is correctly displayed but not the images.
On the right side, in the explorer pannel, I cannot see the files that should be here:
In my example, they are in the Assets/picto folder, but I have also tried the root directory Assets, as wal as creating Image folder at the same level.
I have definitely no idea how to add a simple picture, so any help is appreciated!
Adding items in Windows explorer to the right location doesn't add them to your solution / deployment.
You have to right-click the picto folder -> Add > -> Add existing item. Your items are not even in your solution, so they won't show up on the layout screen.
Make sure you set the correct build target for each image.
If an image shouldn't show up, even through it's in your solution, this is often the reason.

Problems adding help bundle to Mac app in Xcode 5

I'm trying to add a help bundle into my Mac app and the help viewer just can't seem to find it. I must be missing something.
Here is what I've done.
1: Created a help document in iWeb and exported it into a local desktop directory /Helpbook
2: Got a 16x16 png for an image and put it into /Helpbook (icon_16x16.png)
3: Copied the help director into the lprog directories for base and for en (base language)
4: Added those directories into the project
I know this worked because I'm seeing the (Base) and (English)
indicators within Xcode
5: Added plist entry CFBundleHelpBookFolder and set it to 'Helpbook'
6: Added plist entry CFBundleHelpBookName and set it to 'TestHelpBuild Help'
7: Went into the index.html file for both the base and English lprog versions and added:
meta name="AppleTitle" content=“TestHelpBuild Help">
meta name="AppleIcon" content=“Helpbook/icon_16x16.png">
dropped initial less than sign so you could see the tag in the post
added them within the tag along with another meta name
generated by iWeb
8: Ran Help Indexer over both Helpdesk directories
Got some errors but got a .helpindex file
Not sure what to think about that
Help Indexer didn't like the meta names added above
Worked ok without them
Clicking on the app menu entry to bring up 'app-name Help' shows me a box with no topics.
Anybody have any idea as to what might be wrong or areas that I might review more closely?
Here is the directory structure of the skeleton app I'm writing...
And here's the actual file structure via Finder...
Thanks in advance.
Well, I got it to work and I'm not sure how.
First thing is that I made the folder name 'TestHelpBuild Help' and made sure the index file meta name was also 'TestHelpBuild Help'. Then I put those two names into the plist and, lo, my help text appeared.
This meant deleting the help folder out of the app, copying the new folder into the .lprog folders, and then re-adding it back into the app via Xcode.
If you're having trouble with this, try taking the help out an app bundle with working help and knitting it as is into your app. This will help you get the procedure straight and give you some confidence that it can work.

Xcode 5 Link Document Type

Am following tutorial at
To link a document type to my application so that my application is responsible for opening up of that document.
XCode 5 works very different... Under your Target, Info tab is a "Document Types" line... am not sure how to use this, is there a sample for me?
I'm sure you've either figured this out or moved on, but a little tip for most of these tutorials: you can often download the completed code from the website. I did so, and loaded it up in Xcode 5.0, and it works fine. Here's a screenshot of the plist entries (that's under Resources/ScaryBugs-Info.plist) for Document and Export:
Another way to change the Document types in Xcode is via the Project Info (select the project in the Navigator, then the target in the projects and targets list, then the info tab). Here's a screenshot of what that stuff looked like for me:
Here's another very helpful link straight from apple support. Watch the screenshot they have under Example and literally replicate everything from this screenshot and just change their custom extension from catinfo to pdf, ttf, xml or whatever you like
NOTE: Make sure you test this on actual iphone / ipad and not on simulator.
