GStreamer SDK installation on Mac - macos

Can someone please let me know the proper steps for installing Gstreamer SDK on Mac. I followed the steps on the following
After installing the Runtime and development files I cannot find: Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Current/share/gst-sdk/tutorials. Cannot see the Current folder.
New to GStreamer as well as Mac.

First of all, ist not part of the official GStreamer project. The project's URL is
The SDK available on is based upon the GStreamer 0.10.x release. These versions have not been maintained by the GStreamer project for a couple of years already. The current stable version is 1.4.x.
I strongly suggest getting the SDK from the official GStreamer project page and start reading the documentation found there.
Returning to your original question. Apple decided to hide your personal Library folder. You can reach it as described in this KB:
The Library folder is hidden. If you need to open it for some reason,
click the desktop to make sure you’re in the Finder, hold down the
Option key, then choose Go > Library.


No such element filesrc after installing Gstreamer

I'm new to Gstreamer. I installed Gstreamer and found that "filesrc" element is missing right after the installation (using gst-inspect-1.0). If I type in gst-inspect-1.0 filesrc, it returns "No such element or plugin"
My environment:
Windows10 x64
Gstreamer v1.16.1
Gstreamer MSVC 64-bit installer (runtime and development)
"Complete" is selected for both installers
My original goal is camera capturing by OpenCV+Gstreamer, and my vs2019 project keeps returning "no element v4l2src". I finally found that even "filesrc" is not available, which means I already have problems BEFORE I build OpenCV together with Gstreamer.
I checked this installation guide too but no luck. Are there some additional steps to install the plugins?
Based on this post, I should delete the gstreamer "registry" to force it to kind of re-detect the available functions. This solution is for linux, not Windows 10. But I finally found the absolute path of that registry, fortunately:
C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\gstreamer-1.0\registry.x86_64.bin
What I did to get "filesrc" appears in the list and available:
1. Delete the registry file manually
2. Performed a clean re-install
3. Run "gst-inspect-1.0"
Hope my workaround helps someone who gets stuck in the same situation.

Installation fails when trying to install Unity AndroidPlayer on macOS

I'm having trouble installing the latest version of Unity's AndroidPlayer (v5.6.1f1) on my macOS MacBook Pro (macOS version 10.12.5)
I already have Unity installed and working, but all I'm trying to do is add ability to run my games on an Android device (I have Android SDK configured and working from my previous Android App development)
I'm running the pkg file that I got from Unity called UnitySetup-Android-Support-for-Editor-5.6.1f1.pkg and go through the installation process, but after the installer begins to install the software, it fails and looking at the logs it states that PackageKit: Session UUID file exists - will not overwrite [some long path]/[filename].activeSandbox
Anyone knows what could be the problem? I've even restarted my Mac / re-downloaded the file with no avail...
I managed to defeat the issue by installing the required packages from the Unity Hub, instead of manually downloading & installing.
Start Unity -> click Installs -> reveal Add Modules by clicking the vertical 3 dots and select the modules required by clicking on the checkboxes.
I managed to install Android support using the full Unity3D installer and making sure that the Android support is selected. Could be a specific problem with the AndroidPlayer installation package.
If anyone else runs into this and is unable to see the Add Modules button described in the other answer, you need to install the editor through Unity Hub in order to see that option.
I removed the old editor, went to:
and then clicked the Unity Hub button for the specific version I was using. That way you're able to Add Modules :)

Core Audio SDK, Xcode 5.1

I've been trying to figure out how to implement Core Audio development kit into the current version of Xcode but have had no luck. I can't find where to download the SDK or where it would be located inside Xcode. The tutorial that apple offers only brings you to their website which doesn't have it, they have audio tools and examples but no SDK. Am I missing something? I have been searching my computer to see where any of the source files would be but have had no luck.
You don't need to download anything actually, it comes with XCode.
Import the CoreAudio header where you need it with
#import <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
Then head over to your targets build phases to section "Link Binary With Libraries".
There you need to add CoreAudio and you are done with it.
In case you are new to CoreAudio I can highly recommend the book "Learning Core Audio". It helped me a ton.

Xcode Base SDK: What is the easiest way to install multiple SDK versions side by side

Alright what I noticed is that when I am developing against iOS 4.3, and I set my deployment target as iOS 4.1, I DO NOT get any kind of warning from the IDE about calls which are not supported in the minimum deployment target.
For example, calling [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus] shows no warning, despite the fact that the documentation for authorizationStatus says it was implemented in iOS 4.2.
I expect this would be a problem when wouldn't it?
From what I understand the solution to this is to download multiple SDK versions, temporarily build against the SDK for your minimum version, but switch to the current SDK version in order to ship.
If there is a better way to do this please advise. How can I get more options in Xcode under the "Base SDK" setting?
I expect this would be a problem when wouldn't it?
Yes, you'll generally crash if you call a method that doesn't exist.
From what I understand the solution to this is to download multiple
SDK versions, temporarily build against the SDK for your minimum
version, but switch to the current SDK version in order to ship.
That's a pretty good approach; probably the best way to find this kind of error semi-automatically.
If there is a better way to do this please advise. How can I get more
options in Xcode under the "Base SDK" setting?
You don't install all the SDK's together in a single "Developer" folder. Install each one separately -- there's an option to choose an alternate location when you install the SDK. Then it's just a matter of finding the copy of Xcode in the right folder and launching.
You don't need to have multiple options under Base SDK -- the normal practice is to just use the latest, but set the Deployment Target to the minimum version of iOS that your app supports.

Missing com.CorePlot.Framework.docset bundle for core-plot documentation install into xCode

I am very new to both Objective-C and iOS programming. I am working my way through creating some graphs using core-plot and want to access some documentation that might help explain the examples given.
The readme file says in order to install the documentation I must:
Quit Xcode
Copy the com.CorePlot.Framework.docset bundle into ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets/
Launch Xcode, and browse Core Plot documentation in the Documentation browser
This looks easy but I am having a problem locating the "CorePlot.Framework.docset" bundle. Perhaps I am missing something simple?
Are you using one of the release packages or building from source?
If you're using a release package without the installer, the docset is in "CorePlot x.x.x/Documentation" after unzipping the archive.
If you're using the installer, it should have placed the docset in the right place.
If you're building from source, follow the instructions here to install Doxygen and Graphviz. Open the CorePlot-CocoaTouch project and build the Documentation target. The build script will install the docset automatically.
