Installation fails when trying to install Unity AndroidPlayer on macOS - macos

I'm having trouble installing the latest version of Unity's AndroidPlayer (v5.6.1f1) on my macOS MacBook Pro (macOS version 10.12.5)
I already have Unity installed and working, but all I'm trying to do is add ability to run my games on an Android device (I have Android SDK configured and working from my previous Android App development)
I'm running the pkg file that I got from Unity called UnitySetup-Android-Support-for-Editor-5.6.1f1.pkg and go through the installation process, but after the installer begins to install the software, it fails and looking at the logs it states that PackageKit: Session UUID file exists - will not overwrite [some long path]/[filename].activeSandbox
Anyone knows what could be the problem? I've even restarted my Mac / re-downloaded the file with no avail...

I managed to defeat the issue by installing the required packages from the Unity Hub, instead of manually downloading & installing.
Start Unity -> click Installs -> reveal Add Modules by clicking the vertical 3 dots and select the modules required by clicking on the checkboxes.

I managed to install Android support using the full Unity3D installer and making sure that the Android support is selected. Could be a specific problem with the AndroidPlayer installation package.

If anyone else runs into this and is unable to see the Add Modules button described in the other answer, you need to install the editor through Unity Hub in order to see that option.
I removed the old editor, went to:
and then clicked the Unity Hub button for the specific version I was using. That way you're able to Add Modules :)


GStreamer SDK installation on Mac

Can someone please let me know the proper steps for installing Gstreamer SDK on Mac. I followed the steps on the following
After installing the Runtime and development files I cannot find: Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Current/share/gst-sdk/tutorials. Cannot see the Current folder.
New to GStreamer as well as Mac.
First of all, ist not part of the official GStreamer project. The project's URL is
The SDK available on is based upon the GStreamer 0.10.x release. These versions have not been maintained by the GStreamer project for a couple of years already. The current stable version is 1.4.x.
I strongly suggest getting the SDK from the official GStreamer project page and start reading the documentation found there.
Returning to your original question. Apple decided to hide your personal Library folder. You can reach it as described in this KB:
The Library folder is hidden. If you need to open it for some reason,
click the desktop to make sure you’re in the Finder, hold down the
Option key, then choose Go > Library.

How to add Mac OSX to cordova project

I currently have a Cordova project with 2 platforms: Android and iOS
I'm trying to add "OSX" with this:
However the documentation is quite hard to follow and I can't seem to get it to work properly.
Does anyone have any idea on how to do this? or more precise step by step instructions?
The Cordova CLI does not support OSX project targets.
In your project working directory root, type in:
cordova platform list
... to see the available and installed platforms.
just wondering if anyway gots this running ? actually I tried to load cordova from master. Later I tried to applied the patch which did NOT worked. So I did what the patch did by hand.
Anyway after the full cycle still "platform list" does not changed ?
So I assume there are more steps to be done, before OSX is added as a new platform?

MonoDevelop 2.4.2 or 2.6b2 Does not render fonts on MacBookPro

On a clean MacBook I installed all the latest Apple updates and Mono 2.10.2 SDK / MDK
The mono installer did not create a symlink from /Library/Frameworks/Mono/framework/Mono.framework/Versions/Current to /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.2 so I added that.
My path was also not updated so I added a text file called mono to /etc/paths.d
With just this line in it
None of the characters in either MonoDevelop 2.42 or 2.6b render correctly. All characters are replaced with a ✋ (rectangle). This suggests to me that I am missing a font or that there is possibly something incorrectly configured on my Mac.
Any advice? Do I need to manually configure anything else for mono / MonoDevelop?
I'm getting the same thing, are you installing as a local account, and then running as a network account? We're looking into moving the font collections from the local account into the network account.
If you need it to use it, then can you log in as one of the other accounts?
Will report when a solution is found.

BlackBerry Java SDK < 6.0.0 on Mac

I have a brand new installation of Eclipse with BlackBerry Plugin for mac.
The Java SDK 6.0.0 is already installed, the only thing now is that I want to compile for minor version, like 4.5.0
I have tried :
Help -> Install New Sotftware... ->
But it gives me an error.
"No repository found at"
anyone had the same issue ?
It seems that it worked for some people.
I don't know if what you're trying is possible, I also couldn't get it to work. According to the RIM site, they don't support building apps on OS X for non-6.0 right now, and based on the workaround below, I think it might not be as simple as installing the packages from the Eclipse installer.
However, I found a great post on building BlackBerry apps on OS X, and since then I've been working on my MBP, and can't say I would turn back. Here's a summary of how I got it set up:
Install Eclipse (I am using 3.5, but it may not matter) and VirtualBox.
Create a new VM and install Windows (tested with XP SP3). This
would probably work using VMWare Fusion or Parallels too.
On the VM, install Java 6 and the version of the BlackBerry JDE
that matches your target OS.
In OS X, download
bb-ant-tools.jar and move it
to ~/.ant/lib.
Get an OS X version of preverify, which is included in the Sun
J2ME SDK 3.0 for OS
Install it and either copy
/Applications/ to
somewhere in your PATH or just add that directory to your PATH.
If you don't have one already, create the file ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist.
Edit this file with /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Property\
Create a new variable called PATH and set it to the value of your
shell PATH, making sure that the directory containing preverify is
included. This allows Ant, via Eclipse, to see the preverify command
when Eclipse is launched from and not from the command
line. See this
for more details.
In OS X, create a directory for the BlackBerry components
(something like "bb-components").
From the BlackBerry JDE installation in the VM, copy both "lib" and
"bin" directories to this directory.
In Eclipse, create a new Java project.
Choose "Use an execution environment JRE:" and select Java 1.3.
Right click the project in the "Package Explorer" and select "Build
Path" and then "Configure Build Path."
Add bb-components/lib/net_rim_api.jar as an "External JAR."
Remove the "JRE System Library." This is so that only BlackBerry
supported classes will be offered via autocompletion etc.
Copy the attached minimal
build.xml into the project.
Edit the build.xml to suit your environment (specifically the
jde.home property) and anything else you want to customise.
Right click and select "Run as" and then "Ant Build" (the first
one). You can also build using Ant on the command line, of course.
These were adapted from
Good luck!
I develop all of my BB apps on Mac hardware but I'm running Windows through Parallels. Not better than having native Mac tools, but it works!

Installing iOS SDK 4.1 on xcode 3.2.5

I've read through a lot of posts and couldn't really figure out the answer to this question. So I apologize if I duplicating it here.
I have installed xcode 3.2.5 to my machine and it comes with SDK 4.2. My iPhone is on 4.1 and I am not planning to move it to 4.2 just yet. Problem is that I can't use this phone for testing. Since the only SDK that I have installed is 4.2, when I try to run debug with my iPhone, I get this message:
Can't install application
The info.plist for application at /blabla/ specifies a minimum OS of 4.2, which is too high to be installed on this device.
So, I got to Targets -> Get Info and I see that it is indeed targeting 4.2 (but that is the only option available - since I don't have the other SDK's installed).
So, the question is: how to I keep xcode 3.2.5, but install SDK 4.1 in addition to 4.2?
It took a while to figure this out.
I couldn't see 'iOS Deployment Target' on the info.plist either. Here's what I did.
a) Project -> Edit Project Settings
b) go to 'deployment' section
c) Change
'Targeted Device Family' = iPhone/iPad
'iOS Deployment Target = 'iOS 4.1'
Open up your info.plist in your project. There is a place where you can define for iOS 4.1.
Just open the previous SDK dmg, then go to Packages, and install the SDK 4.1 package.
More info : Install sdk 2.0 to 3.1 for xcode 3.2
Note : the "Packages" directory is not visible in the dmg since xcode_3.2.5_and_ios_sdk_4.2_final. Just use the Terminal (or finder "Go to folder") to open "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Packages".
Edit : the xcode4.1 for Snow Leopard create an app called "Install". The packages directory is inside the app package.
The best way to do this is to find a copy of Xcode 3.2.4, with iOS 4.1, and install it in a separate directory. When you install, take the dropdown that's set to Developer and switch it to DevOld, or something similar. As there's no way to install new SDKs in the new version of Xcode, keeping multiple versions is the best you can do.
If you simply want to be able to run your app in 4.1, not necessarily develop in it, go into your target's settings, and under the build tab, set the iOS Deployment Target key to 4.1 or below.
Good luck!
What you need to do is:
In the BUILD section of the Project info click on Show and change its value from Setting defined at this level to All Settings.
In the updated list of settings you will surely locate the desired one.
Good Luck!
