Expected parenthesis errors gfortran - compilation

I am trying to compile some fortran code using gfortran v.4.8.2.
When I compile, I get the following errors:
if (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns)
Error: Syntax error in IF-expression at (1)
ry%thck(ew,ns) = -rhoo/rhoi * (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)- model%climate%eus(ew,
Error: Expected a right parenthesis in expression at (1)
Error: Expecting END DO statement at (1)
odel%geometry%usrf(ew,ns) = - (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,
Error: Expected a right parenthesis in expression at (1)
model%geometry%usrf(ew,ns) - (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,
Error: Expected a right parenthesis in expression at (1)
call glide_set_eus(model,eus)
Error: Rank mismatch in argument 'inarray' at (1) (scalar and rank-2)
The errors relate to the following lines of code:
if (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns) < 0 .and. model%geometry%thck(ew,ns) == 0 .and. &
mask(ew,ns) == 1) then
model%geometry%thck(ew,ns) = -rhoo/rhoi * (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns))
model%geometry%usrf(ew,ns) = - (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns)) * rhoo/rhoi &
+ (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns))
model%geometry%thck(ew,ns) = model%geometry%usrf(ew,ns) - (model%geometry%topg(ew,ns)-model%climate%eus(ew,ns))
call glide_set_eus(model,eus)
Any help much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Your errors are due to line truncation. For fixed-form Fortran a line length of 72 characters is specified and for free-form Fortran it should be 132 characters. You source should be interpreted as free-form due to the .f90 extension but you can force free-form in gfortran with -ffree-form. You can also alter the maximum line lengths in fixed- and free-form source with the options -ffixed-line-length-n and -ffree-line-length-n respectively, where n is the number of characters and values of 0 or none mean unlimited line length.


`*': negative argument (ArgumentError) Ruby

I keep getting this negative argument error when running this code in the Codewars IDE. It runs fine in terminal but in Codewars it both passes the test and runs this error message simultaneously.
main.rb:5:in `*': negative argument (ArgumentError)
from main.rb:5:in `maskify'
from main.rb:9:in `<main>'
The code is
def maskify(cc)
x = cc.to_s
y = "#" * (x.length - 4)
return y + x.slice(-4..-1)
I'm new to Ruby but I've not heard anywhere that it has a problem with negative numbers being used in .slice. Am I missing something here? Thanks.
You're not considering cases when cc is shorter than 4 symbols.
And expression "#" * (x.length - 4) raises the error because you can't multiply a string by a negative number.
Try to use Array#max method to handle this:
"#" * [x.length - 4, 0].max

'=' expected near var_y

I have this code:
function var_leafdrop(var_inc, var_restpos)
If var_y >= var_restpos then
var_y = var_restpos
var_y = var_y + var_inc
return var_y
I get error:
error 18: '=' expected near 'var_y'
18 being the line:
If var_y >= var_restpos then
I've tried:
Changing the variable name
Changing its declaration
Removing the if then block
Moving the entire function to the beginning of the script file
This is using the built in script editor for Watchmaker.
I can't see any error!? I just don't get it. Is this some dumb idiosyncrasy with Watchmaker...?
As mentioned in the comments, Lua is case sensitive.
So use if instead of If.

Read and write tab-delimited text data

I have an excel output in the tab-delimited format:
temperature H2O CO2 N2 NH3
10 2.71539E+12 44374931376 7410673406 2570.560804
20 2.34216E+12 38494172272 6429230649 3148.699673
30 2.04242E+12 33759520581 5639029060 3856.866413
40 1.75491E+12 29172949817 4882467457 4724.305292
I need to convert these numbers to FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3) readable for another code.
This is what I've come up with:
program fixformat
real temp, neuts(4)
integer i,j
character header
read(11,*) header
write(12,*) header
do i = 1, 200
read(11,*) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
write(12,23) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
end do
23 FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)
I keep getting this error:
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
Is there any other way to convert the data to that format?
You need a character string, not a single character for the header
character(80) header
other than that you program works for me. Make sure you have the right number of lines in your loop
Do i=1,200
Adjust 200 to the real number of your data lines.
If for some reason you still cannot read even a single line, you can also use the format:
read(11,'(f2.0,4(1x,f11.0))') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
because the tab is just a character you can easily skip.
Unformatted and formatted means something completely different in Fortran. Unformatted is what you may know as "binary".
Use some indentation and blank lines for your programs to make them readable.
There is no reason to explicitly use status=unknown. Just don't put anything there. In your case status=replace may be more appropriate.
The FORMAT statement is quite obsolete, in modern Fortran we use format strings:
write(12,'(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
There is absolutely no reason for your return before the end. Returns is for early return from a procedure. Some put stop before the end program, but it is superfluous.
To read tab delimited data, I'd use a simple algorithm like the one below. NOTE: This is assuming that there is no tab character in any of your fields.
integer :: error_code, delim_index, line_index
character*500 :: data_line, field_data_string
double precision :: dp_value
Read(UNIT=1001,End=106, FMT='(A)' ) data_line
line_length = LEN(TRIM(data_line))
delim_index = SCAN(data_line, achar(9) )
line_index = 0
DO WHILE ( delim_index .NE. 0 )
line_index = line_index + delim_index
IF (delim_index .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! found a NULL (no value), so skip
GOTO 101
field_data_string = data_line( (line_index-delim_index+1) : line_index )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=100) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 101
100 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
101 Continue
IF ( (line_index+1) .GT. line_length ) THEN
GOTO 104 ! found end of line prematurely
delim_index = SCAN( data_line( line_index + 1 : ), achar(9) )
field_data_string = data_line( line_index + 1 : )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=102) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 103
102 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
103 Continue
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
104 Continue
104 Continue
PRINT *, "Error opening file"
105 Continue

Term to packet erlang. Constructing a binary

I have the following code:
term_to_packet(Term) ->
B = term_to_binary(Term),
A = byte_size(B),
<< 1:4/integer-unit:8, B:A/integer-unit:8 >>.
However, when I run:
I get an error:
exception error: bad argument in function term_to_packet line 20
where line 20 corresponds to the last line of the term_to_packet function.
I'm not quite sure what's throwing this error.
B is a binary, but in the binary construction on the last line you specify that it is an integer. This seems to work:
term_to_packet(Term) ->
B = term_to_binary(Term),
A = byte_size(B),
<< 1:4/integer-unit:8, B:A/binary-unit:8 >>.

Getting fortran runtime error: end of file

I have recently learned how to work with basic files in Fortran
and I assumed it was as simple as:
read(10,*) some_variable, somevar2
So I can't understand why this function I wrote is not working.
It compiles fine but when I run it it prints:
fortran runtime error:end of file
Function Load_Names()
character(len=30) :: Staff_Name(65)
integer :: i = 1
open(unit=10, file="Staff_Names.txt")
do while(i < 65)
read(10,*) Staff_Name(i)
print*, Staff_Name(i)
i = i + 1
end do
end Function Load_Names
I am using Fortran 2008 with gfortran.
A common reason for the error you report is that the program doesn't find the file it is trying to open. Sometimes your assumptions about the directory in which the program looks for files at run-time will be wrong.
using the err= option in the open statement to write code to deal gracefully with a missing file; without this the program crashes, as you have observed;
using the inquire statement to figure out whether the file exists where your program is looking for it.
You can check when a file has ended. It is done with the option IOSTAT for read statement.
Function Load_Names()
character(len=30) :: Staff_Name(65)
integer :: i = 1
integer :: iostat
open(unit=10, file="Staff_Names.txt")
do while(i < 65)
read(10,*, IOSTAT=iostat) Staff_Name(i)
if( iostat < 0 )then
write(6,'(A)') 'Warning: File containts less than 65 entries'
else if( iostat > 0 )then
write(6,'(A)') 'Error: error reading file'
end if
print*, Staff_Name(i)
i = i + 1
end do
end Function Load_Names
Using Fortran 2003 standard, one can do the following to check if the end of file is reached:
use :: iso_fortran_env
character(len=1024) :: line
integer :: u1,stat
open (newunit=u1,action='read',file='input.dat',status='old')
ef: do
read(u1,'A',iostat=stat) line
if (stat == iostat_end) exit ef ! end of file
end do ef
Thanks for all your help i did fix the code:
Function Load_Names(Staff_Name(65))!Loads Staff Names
character(len=30) :: Staff_Name(65)
integer :: i = 1
open(unit=10, file="Staff_Names.txt", status='old', action='read')!opens file for reading
do while(i < 66)!Sets Set_Name() equal to the file one string at a time
read(10,*,end=100) Staff_Name(i)
i = i + 1
end do
100 close(10)!closes file
return!returns Value
end Function Load_Names
I needed to change read(10,*) to read(10,*,END=100)
so it knew what to do when it came to the end the file
as it was in a loop I assume.
Then your problem was that your file was a row vector, and it was likely
giving you this error immediately after reading the first element, as #M.S.B. was suggesting.
If you have a file with a NxM matrix and you read it in this way (F77):
DO i=1,N
DO j=1,M
READ(UNIT,*) Matrix(i,j)
it will load the first column of your file in the first row of your matrix and will give you an error as soon as it reaches the end of the file's first column, because the loop enforces it to read further lines and there are no more lines (if N<M when j=N+1 for example). To read the different columns you should use an implicit loop, which is why your solution worked:
DO i=1,N
READ(UNIT,*) (Matrix(i,j), j=1,M)
I am using GNU Fortran 5.4.0 on the Ubuntu system 16.04. Please check your file if it is the right one you are looking for, because sometimes files of the same name are confusing, and maybe one of them is blank. As you may check the file path if it is in the same working directory.
