How does IntelliJ's "Reimport All Maven Projects" button work? - maven

How does IntelliJ's "Reimport All Maven Projects" button actually work?
I'm asking this because I see that IntelliJ's reimport button's behavior is different than that of running the mvn command with the -U argument, and it's not clear to me why.

I think you miss the part with local and remote repository.
If you run mvn -U it forces maven to download all libraries from remote repository that will be your company nexus or maven repo. The main difference with -U and without is that -U will override your local SNAPSHOT jars with remote SNAPSHOT jars. The local SNAPSHOT jars came from install and remote came from deploy command.
There will come the confusion with reimport. Reimport will load your local jars instead of remote jars, especially SNAPSHOT ones. You can enable force update snapshot in maven menu, which will enable -U switch in intellij.
Also double check that you share same .m2 directory with your system maven and intellij maven. You can see that in user setting file and compare it with command line maven. Just run mvn -X and check the settings section.
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.3.9/libexec/conf/settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from /Users/xbaran/.m2/settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading global toolchains from /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.3.9/libexec/conf/toolchains.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user toolchains from /Users/xbaran/.m2/toolchains.xml
[DEBUG] Using local repository at /Users/xbaran/.m2/repository
asker's note for future readers
This answer did not fully explain the reimport button's behaviour, so I'm going to add my observations here for posterity.
There seems to be something going on with IntelliJ's caches (i.e., the .idea folder). using mvn clean install -U in terminal works as described here, but does not affect IntelliJ IDE; missing symbols are still described as missing. However, if I press the "magic reimport button", those missing symbols successfully resolve.
I can only assume that the reimport button is basically instructing IntelliJ to refresh its own cache, which is why there is a difference in behaviour.

If you changed the pom.xml file, IDEA needs to update the project structure.
For example if you've added there some more dependencies, IDEA needs to add them as project libraries.
So "Maven > Reimport" is used exactly to that - to reimport a maven module. It does not trigger any maven commands with any arguments.
"Reimport All" does the same but for all maven modules in the project.
As a side note, instead of using those two actions, in "Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven > Importing" you can choose "Import Maven projects automatically". This will automatically invoke "Reimport" action when the pom.xml is changed.


how to force mvn redownload snapshot

I got a maven project (myApp) depending on another maven project in snapshot version.
But I got a problem with this after the "arty" got an update without changing the version (I know that would be the cleanest solution).
I build the myApp local and got still the old version of the "arty" dependency.
I verified tow option working for me (and a college):
1) Manual cleaning of the local repository: navigating to my .m2/repo/org/group/dep/arty and deleted all folders inside. After rebuilding the myApp local it was working fine - arty was downloaded form the again with the updated content.
2) Local building of the arty package so it got updated in the local repository. After rebuilding the myApp local it was working fine.
But I got similar problem on the Jenkins:
I got a Jenkins job just building without building before It failed for the missing changes form "arty".
What can I do now to solve my problem there?
I can not rely on first building as I can not be sure for Jenkins to run both jobs on the same host using same local repository (I don't want to change that).
Somehow the myApp-Jobs was failing after I manually cleared on that Jenkins node the in the repository and running than the myApp-job (was somehow not downloading the package).
I finally found the mvn -u but as I tried this I was as well disappointed.
I tried different maven versions on that jenkins and got the same result.
Is there no way to force the update of the snapshot versions?
Is this "another project" is a part of the same multi-module project?
If so you can build your project with --also-make options so that maven will effectively rebuild your module and all of its dependencies
If its an entirely different project, use mvn -U to forcefully download all the snapshot dependencies of your project.
If there is a particular issue with one concrete dependency consider using mvn dependency:get. This get goal of maven-dependency-plugin downloads one specific artifact from the remote repository
Here is a link to the plugin documentation
The simplest solution to redownload -SNAPSHOT is by using the command line option: -U or as long option --update-snapshots
Furthermore your project sounds like the need for a multi module build which prevents such issues. Or you might need to define those Jobs depending on each other (There is an option to build if a SNAPSHOT has been updated in Jenkins).

maven + elicpse related questions

Forgive me asking following questions. I am totally lost in regards to maven+eclipse. I checked out someone's java project (maven built) from SVN to my local eclipse (kepler). When I click Windows > Preferences, I see Maven.
question 1)
Is this a maven plugin? When developers say maven in eclipse, are they referring to maven plugin? maven and maven plugin are two separate components?
question 2)
when I click on user settings, C:\Users\myName.m2\settings.xml is missing. Exact error message is "User settings file doesn't exist". Does it get created when you install maven plugin at first time?
question 3)
I found three folders may have to do with maven C:\workspace\maven_local_repo_artifactory directory, C:\maven_local_repo and C:\Users\myName.m2\respository but not sure how they get created and what is the relationship among them.
question 4)
Is it ok to remove current maven plugin from eclipse and re-install it then check out the java project from SVN? I think my maven or maven plugin settings are not correct in my local box.
1) Is this a maven plugin? When developers say maven in eclipse, are
they referring to maven plugin? maven and maven plugin are two
separate components?
Yes. This is the maven-plugin. maven-plugin uses the configurations of maven (%M2_HOME%/conf).
If you wanna work with maven, you need to install it on your machine. Then you can run maven commmands. In addition, if you want to invoke maven commands within eclipse (conveniently) - you can install the eclipse-plugin. "maven-plugin" is a plugin for eclipse, that lets you use maven within Eclipse conveniently.
2) when I click on user settings, C:\Users\myName.m2\settings.xml is
missing. Exact error message is "User settings file doesn't exist".
Does it get created when you install maven plugin at first time?
By default, the maven-plugin assumes that your settings.xml (which is the configuration file of maven) is in the path you have mentioned. However, there are cases (like in my case) where the config file is not there, but under %M2_HOME%/conf. you can update it in Eclipse, and the error will disappear.
3) I found three folders may have to do with maven
C:\workspace\maven_local_repo_artifactory directory,
C:\maven_local_repo and C:\Users\myName.m2\respository but not sure
how they get created and what is the relationship among them.
C:\Users\myName.m2\respository is the "local repository". If you learned a bit about how maven works, it holds a local repo on the local machine, and it keeps there all artifacts. It downloads them from the "repository" - if you have one in your company (Nexus, Artifactory, etc) or from Maven Central. However, this path is configurable by Maven's settings. So there might be that someone played with it and changed the path, and these other directories were created. You did not mention what resides inside these paths...
4) Is it ok to remove current maven plugin from eclipse and re-install
it then check out the java project from SVN? I think my maven or maven
plugin settings are not correct in my local box.
Sure it is OK. You may remove the plugin, and the source plus maven itself will not be deleted from your machine.

Jenkins disable or clear cache for maven builds

Our maven projects all build on a jenkins and then deploy the artifacts to a maven repository.
For some reason however there seems to be some kind of cache or update lag when building a project that has dependencies to other projects that just got newly build.
Say there's a bug in artifact A and B depends on A. Now I fix the bug locally, update my dependencies in B, run B and everything's fine. I check in obviously. Now I build A on Jenkins and afterwards B. I then get the newly built B and run it. The bug is still there. Hours later if I build B again it will kindly get the new A and the bug is gone..
So there must be a way to force jenkins to use the new A on its server. using mvn -u or mvn --update-snapshots will not help. It will check for updates and find none..
I believe there is no such caching behavior possible in Maven/Jenkins, as all your snapshot is built locally in the same instance of Jenkins. There is no need for the "update snapshot" option because you are not getting it from remote repo. However, I would recommend you to take a look in the repository setting in Jenkins. In Jenkins, we can change which maven repository to use (by default, it is shared by whole machine, but it can be changed to per-workspace or per-executor etc. (Under your project configuration, in Build -> Advanced, you can check for "Use private Maven repository", and in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Maven Project Configuration, you can select the way to manage Local Maven Repository. I am suspecting you have changed it to "Local to executor"
If you have any setting that cause the build of A installed in a different repository that B use, you may hit problem you faced.

How does IntelliJ create artifacts from pom files?

We have a large project that uses Maven. I don't use mvn idea:idea, I just open the maven project in IntelliJ and the majority of the work is done in terms of setting up the artifacts.
Some of the artifact settings I need to do manually as the artifact set up in IntelliJ is not identical to the one created when I run mvn clean install from the command line. Every time there is a change to the pom file I need to reapply these manual settings. (It's settings for an EJB and and EAR artifact if that changes things.)
Is there any way of getting IntelliJ to do these steps for me automatically? Or is there an article that I can read about how IntelliJ generates it's artifact settings from the pom files?
Thanks in advance :)
Just to be clear, the pom file is already being automatically imported when there are changes to it. It's the manual changes that I applied after the previous import that are lost that I would like to find out how to automatically restore.
Starting from version 10.0, IDEA can be set up so to perform re-import of changes in POM files automatically.

m2eclipse says "Missing artifact" but I can build from cmdline!

I'm trying to use this Sonatype Eclipse plugin for the first time to handle an existing (huge) software that I can build with maven form the command line.
I have configured the plugin to use my maven 2.2.1 installation instead of the built-in Maven 3.
In Eclipse I have 25 projects (loaded through the root pom.xml) and 4 of them have compilation errors; the maven console contains a lot of lines like this one:
Missing artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4:compile
I have all the jars in my repository and the M2_REPO classpath variable correctly defined. Why the plugin doesn't see all the jars?
The .classpath file of those projects simply references "MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER", there isn't a list of the jars.
The pom.xml in Eclipse shows an error on the first line for the missing jars but I can build from the command line!
Any idea? I need help! I will try to move to NetBeans if I don't solve this problem.
Thank you.
You may need to to tell Eclipse to force update:
Project -> Maven -> Update Maven Project
and then make sure you have selected:
Force Updates of Snapshots/Releases
this happens when mvn install copies some jar files into Maven repository and Eclipse had checked this repo BEFORE this jar has been copied there.
If Dependency management is enabled when the above problems occur in Eclipse you can Project > Maven > Disable Dependency Management and then \Project > Maven > Enable Dependency Management. This normally remove any dependency errors in the pom.xml.
Also do as #Nishant indicated in his answer above after the above steps to complete the projects dependencies.
right click on your project > Maven > Update Dependencies
right click on your project > Maven > Update Project configuration
Assuming you M2Eclipse plugin is installed correctly this should solve the issue. Also, check if there is an option right click project > Maven > Enable dependency Management select that.
Using Eclipse Kepler, the removing and re-adding of the maven nature fixed this same issue I was having. What this process actually did was modify the .settings/org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs file, changing the line
So you could probably make this change manually if you had to.
Adding my 2c for future Googlers:
Whenever this problem shows up, I delete the corresponding folder from the m2 repository (on a mac it's on ~/.m2/repository) and build again from eclipse with clean install.
Works every single time.
Close eclipse IDE and open it again, this issue should be fixed.
Just to add yet another possible resolution, if you have a multi-project build with interdependencies, if you have a repository defined in a child project pom to resolve a specific dependency that only that project depends on and it is relying on a partent project for it's other resolutions it fails to see those dependencies in the child project (even though it works from the command line).
Move the repo definition to the parent pom.
The lack of jars in the build path suggests you haven't enabled Maven dependencies. Right-click on the project, select Maven, select "Enable Maven Dependency Management". This allows M2Eclipse to reference your POM.
I finally found a workaround. It is surely a bug in m2eclipse, however the problem disappeared when I added quartz-1.6.0.pom next to quartz-1.6.0.jar in .m2\repository\opensymphony\quartz\1.6.0\
The pom is not present at but you can extract it from quartz-1.6.0-bundle.jar linket at
It's a strange solution but it worked on the PCs of my collegues too.
None of the other suggestions worked, but the following steps worked for me (SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.1):
Back up the contents of the local Maven repository
Delete the repository
Project > Maven > Update Dependencies
Replace anything not available in a public repository from the backup
If disabling and enabling project dependency management doesn't help (usualy it helps) you can modify .classpath file in your project and add a line:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
After eclipse restart dependencies should be added.
I had this same problem happened to me. On the CLI clean install, then on eclipse delete the dependency, paste it again and that did the trick.
Remove all the artifacts except the jar in maven local repository
Late answer: In my case I had multiple profiles in settings.xml. Building worked since the correct profile was selected in the Maven Build run config, but the editors showed errors because the profile was not selected via Project -> Maven -> Select Maven Profiles ...
