m2eclipse says "Missing artifact" but I can build from cmdline! - maven

I'm trying to use this Sonatype Eclipse plugin for the first time to handle an existing (huge) software that I can build with maven form the command line.
I have configured the plugin to use my maven 2.2.1 installation instead of the built-in Maven 3.
In Eclipse I have 25 projects (loaded through the root pom.xml) and 4 of them have compilation errors; the maven console contains a lot of lines like this one:
Missing artifact commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.0.4:compile
I have all the jars in my repository and the M2_REPO classpath variable correctly defined. Why the plugin doesn't see all the jars?
The .classpath file of those projects simply references "MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER", there isn't a list of the jars.
The pom.xml in Eclipse shows an error on the first line for the missing jars but I can build from the command line!
Any idea? I need help! I will try to move to NetBeans if I don't solve this problem.
Thank you.

You may need to to tell Eclipse to force update:
Project -> Maven -> Update Maven Project
and then make sure you have selected:
Force Updates of Snapshots/Releases
this happens when mvn install copies some jar files into Maven repository and Eclipse had checked this repo BEFORE this jar has been copied there.

If Dependency management is enabled when the above problems occur in Eclipse you can Project > Maven > Disable Dependency Management and then \Project > Maven > Enable Dependency Management. This normally remove any dependency errors in the pom.xml.
Also do as #Nishant indicated in his answer above after the above steps to complete the projects dependencies.

right click on your project > Maven > Update Dependencies
right click on your project > Maven > Update Project configuration
Assuming you M2Eclipse plugin is installed correctly this should solve the issue. Also, check if there is an option right click project > Maven > Enable dependency Management select that.

Using Eclipse Kepler, the removing and re-adding of the maven nature fixed this same issue I was having. What this process actually did was modify the .settings/org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs file, changing the line
So you could probably make this change manually if you had to.

Adding my 2c for future Googlers:
Whenever this problem shows up, I delete the corresponding folder from the m2 repository (on a mac it's on ~/.m2/repository) and build again from eclipse with clean install.
Works every single time.

Close eclipse IDE and open it again, this issue should be fixed.

Just to add yet another possible resolution, if you have a multi-project build with interdependencies, if you have a repository defined in a child project pom to resolve a specific dependency that only that project depends on and it is relying on a partent project for it's other resolutions it fails to see those dependencies in the child project (even though it works from the command line).
Move the repo definition to the parent pom.

The lack of jars in the build path suggests you haven't enabled Maven dependencies. Right-click on the project, select Maven, select "Enable Maven Dependency Management". This allows M2Eclipse to reference your POM.

I finally found a workaround. It is surely a bug in m2eclipse, however the problem disappeared when I added quartz-1.6.0.pom next to quartz-1.6.0.jar in .m2\repository\opensymphony\quartz\1.6.0\
The pom is not present at http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/opensymphony/quartz/1.6.0/ but you can extract it from quartz-1.6.0-bundle.jar linket at http://jira.opensymphony.com/browse/QUARTZ-482
It's a strange solution but it worked on the PCs of my collegues too.

None of the other suggestions worked, but the following steps worked for me (SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6.1):
Back up the contents of the local Maven repository
Delete the repository
Project > Maven > Update Dependencies
Replace anything not available in a public repository from the backup

If disabling and enabling project dependency management doesn't help (usualy it helps) you can modify .classpath file in your project and add a line:
<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
After eclipse restart dependencies should be added.

I had this same problem happened to me. On the CLI clean install, then on eclipse delete the dependency, paste it again and that did the trick.

Remove all the artifacts except the jar in maven local repository

Late answer: In my case I had multiple profiles in settings.xml. Building worked since the correct profile was selected in the Maven Build run config, but the editors showed errors because the profile was not selected via Project -> Maven -> Select Maven Profiles ...


Importing to IntelliJ - Error package org.springframework.boot does not exist

Dear Stackoverflow Community, I have the following problem with my spring boot starter application. I imported the starter project as a new maven project into IntelliJ. But IntelliJ does not find the dependencies I specified in the pom.
Image of my Application Class:
If I try to run the project I get the following error message.
Image of the Error Message:
I already tried everything from re-installing IntelliJ to re-importing the project or redownloading the dependencies. I simply dont know why IntelliJ doesn´t find the dependencies.
My pom.xml looks as following
Image of my pom.xml:
The first time I tried to edit the pom.xml it said to me "this file does not belong to the project". Maybe this might be one reason.
Running the whole thing with 'mvn install' or 'mvn clean verify' works.
Try this and then build: mvn -U idea:idea
Had the same problem. I have tried everything: invalidating cache, deleting the whole .m2 folder, changing settings, reloding the project, nothing helped.
The solution for me was to delete the .iml files which are IntelliJ module files used for keeping module configuration. After reopening the project it worked.
The idea was not mine, I found the hint here: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/203365204--package-does-not-exist-error-despite-autocomplete-being-aware-of-them
Sometimes your workspace could get corrupted.
In my case, I tried to Reload the project and it worked
in my case changed JDK version in Maven importer from JDK 11 to my local JDK version 1.8
Here is how my IntelliJ settings for spring boot application looks like
Click open -> browse your workspace -> and select POM.xml file
Check this in your intelliJ settings
Do this too [Settings --> Maven --> Importing]
I just had the same issue. My solution was to remove all dependencies from the pom, reload via maven -> Reload All Maven Projects. Run mvn compile. Add dependencies back to the pom, maven -> Reload All Maven Projects. Run mvn compile.
Now the Intellij build works.
You need to change Maven's JDK for importing option from Project JDK to the Path variable for Java on your machine.
You can get to this by going to Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing. Scroll down to the bottom and look for JDK for importing:. Select from the list the path variable for JAVA.
For Windows users, JAVA_HOME should be an option in the drop-down list.
Follow these steps, your problem should be solved. You just need to add Spring-framework-starter-web and Spring-framework-starter-tester from your pom.xml file.
Got to generate(ALT+Insert)
Add dependencies
Search "springframwork"
Here is the link
In my case, adding the project as maven project helped .

missing artifact org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch:jar:5.0.0-alpha1

Even though I can see the JAR file in Maven Dependencies and in .m2/repository directory, I still get this error.
missing artifact org.elasticsearch.elasticsearch
Do you have any idea where I am doing wrong?
I have met the same question.You can try the flowing steps:
1.make sure your network is well connected.
2.go to .m2/repository,delete all the files
3.restart your project and run maven install and maven update.
After running a build from the shell (mvn clean install, etc.) and making sure the problem is caused by Eclipse - there are a few options:
First, try Project --> Clean...
Right click on the project in the Project Explorer pane and then choose Maven --> Update Project...
Disable and then re-enable Dependency Management - right click Maven --> Disable Dependency Management and then Maven->Enable Dependency Management
Close the project and then reopen it.

maven + elicpse related questions

Forgive me asking following questions. I am totally lost in regards to maven+eclipse. I checked out someone's java project (maven built) from SVN to my local eclipse (kepler). When I click Windows > Preferences, I see Maven.
question 1)
Is this a maven plugin? When developers say maven in eclipse, are they referring to maven plugin? maven and maven plugin are two separate components?
question 2)
when I click on user settings, C:\Users\myName.m2\settings.xml is missing. Exact error message is "User settings file doesn't exist". Does it get created when you install maven plugin at first time?
question 3)
I found three folders may have to do with maven C:\workspace\maven_local_repo_artifactory directory, C:\maven_local_repo and C:\Users\myName.m2\respository but not sure how they get created and what is the relationship among them.
question 4)
Is it ok to remove current maven plugin from eclipse and re-install it then check out the java project from SVN? I think my maven or maven plugin settings are not correct in my local box.
1) Is this a maven plugin? When developers say maven in eclipse, are
they referring to maven plugin? maven and maven plugin are two
separate components?
Yes. This is the maven-plugin. maven-plugin uses the configurations of maven (%M2_HOME%/conf).
If you wanna work with maven, you need to install it on your machine. Then you can run maven commmands. In addition, if you want to invoke maven commands within eclipse (conveniently) - you can install the eclipse-plugin. "maven-plugin" is a plugin for eclipse, that lets you use maven within Eclipse conveniently.
2) when I click on user settings, C:\Users\myName.m2\settings.xml is
missing. Exact error message is "User settings file doesn't exist".
Does it get created when you install maven plugin at first time?
By default, the maven-plugin assumes that your settings.xml (which is the configuration file of maven) is in the path you have mentioned. However, there are cases (like in my case) where the config file is not there, but under %M2_HOME%/conf. you can update it in Eclipse, and the error will disappear.
3) I found three folders may have to do with maven
C:\workspace\maven_local_repo_artifactory directory,
C:\maven_local_repo and C:\Users\myName.m2\respository but not sure
how they get created and what is the relationship among them.
C:\Users\myName.m2\respository is the "local repository". If you learned a bit about how maven works, it holds a local repo on the local machine, and it keeps there all artifacts. It downloads them from the "repository" - if you have one in your company (Nexus, Artifactory, etc) or from Maven Central. However, this path is configurable by Maven's settings. So there might be that someone played with it and changed the path, and these other directories were created. You did not mention what resides inside these paths...
4) Is it ok to remove current maven plugin from eclipse and re-install
it then check out the java project from SVN? I think my maven or maven
plugin settings are not correct in my local box.
Sure it is OK. You may remove the plugin, and the source plus maven itself will not be deleted from your machine.

Maven fails to find local artifact

Occasionally maven complains that a particular dependency, which is built and packaged locally, cannot be found in the local repository while building another project that has it as a dependency. We get an error like:
Failed to execute goal on project X: Could not resolve dependencies for project X: Failure to find Y in [archiva repository] was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of internal has elapsed or updates are forced ->
Where X is the project being built, and Y is the supposedly missing artifact. If you look in the local repository, the artifact is there. This artifact is never installed in our archiva repository, so the problem is purely based in the local repository.
We have tried various profiles in settings.xml, and of course "mvn -U". Neither do any good, nor should they because this artifact never goes any further than the local repository.
The only two things that seem to work are to wait a very long time until maven smartens up, or to completely delete the local repository. Presumably the waiting option is related to the aforementioned update interval.
We have experienced this problem with maven 3.0.2 and 3.0.3. We are using Archiva 1.0.3 (but again this shouldn't be a factor). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The local Maven repo tracks where artifacts originally came from using a file named "_maven.repositories" in the artifact directory. After removing it, the build worked. This answer fixed the problem for me.
As the options here didn't work for me, I'm sharing how I solved it:
My project has a parent project (with its own pom.xml) that has many children modules, one of which (A) has a dependency to another child (B). When I tried mvn package in A, it didn't work because B could not be resolved.
Executing mvn install in the parent directory did the job. After that, I could do mvn package inside of A and only then it could find B.
Even in offline mode, maven will check remote repositories if there is a _remote.repositories marker for the dependency. If you need to operate in offline mode, you may need to delete these files.
The simple shell command below deletes these marker files. This is safe to do if you only use offline mode for the machine. I would NOT do this on a machine that needs to pull files down from the web.
I have used this strategy on a build server that is disconnected from the web. We have to transfer the repository to it, delete the marker files and then run in offline mode.
On Linux / Unix you can delete the remote repository marker files this way:
cd ~/.m2
find . -name "_remote.repositories" -type f -delete
Maven remembers when it didn't find something. The key is "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of internal has elapsed or updates are forced ->"
The quick solution is to delete your local "repository" subdirectory for the problem artifact - assuming you have fixed the problem with it. :)
mvn -U will force update from remote repository - again, assuming you have now populated remote with said artifact.
When this happened to me, it was because I'd blindly copied my settings.xml from a template and it still had the blank <localRepository/> element. This means that there's no local repository used when resolving dependencies (though your installed artifacts do still get put in the default location). When I'd replaced that with <localRepository>${user.home}\.m2\repository</localRepository> it started working.
For *nix, that would be <localRepository>${user.home}/.m2/repository</localRepository>, I suppose.
If you have <repositories/> defined in your pom.xml apparently your local repository is ignored.
Catch all. When solutions mentioned here don't work(happend in my case), simply delete all contents from '.m2' folder/directory, and do mvn clean install.
Even I faced this issue and solved it with 2 ways:
1) In your IDE select project and clean all projects then install all the maven dependencies by right clicking on project -> go to maven and Update project dependencies select all projects at once to install the same. Once this is done run the particular project
2) Else What you can do is check in the pom.xml for the dependencies for which you are getting error and "mvn clean install" those dependent project first and the install maven dependencies of the current project in which you facing issue. By this the dependencies of the local project will be build and jars will be created.
I run to the similar problem when my new project depend on oracle jdbc jar(which I have installed in my local repository and work well for other projects). I tried -U option ,deleting .lastupdate file or the whole directory and downlaod again,but it did not work. finally,I deleted the directory and installed it locally again,it works.
One of the errors I found around Maven is when I put my settings.xml file in the wrong directory. It has to be in .m2 folder under your user home dir. Check to make sure that is in the right place (along with settings-security.xml if you are using that).
I had DependencyResolutionException in Ubuntu Linux when I've installed local artifacts via a shell script. The solution was to delete the local artifacts and install them again "manually" - calling mvn install:install-file via terminal.
This happened because I had http instead of https in this:
check if if your artifact Y have packaging set to "jar". If you have defined it as "war" by error or copy paste, it will show this strange "was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of internal has elapsed or updates are forced". I would expect something like "artifact Y is war, jar type expected".
In my case I needed project Y to be a WAR to be deployed through Tomcat, as well as it needed to be a JAR to be able to add it as a dependency in project X.
So in project Y's pom.xml, I added this plugin to create a JAR along with the WAR:
And while adding the dependency of project Y in project X's pom.xml, I had to add a classifier:
Note: when you build project Y, you will see 2 packagings in the target folder: project-Y.war and project-Y-classes.jar, so that's why while importing you are specifying the classes classifier to import the JAR and not the WAR.
Here is the long Solution to the problem
(Not Quick fix but will work if no other solution)
You're going to hate me for saying this but this is the truth about open source projects like eclipse. Because Open source is modular and allows you to build and develop a project in many ways with many tools such as maven, spring boot, options for xml or groovy, different eclipse updates & Etc. The problem is that eclipse allows you to run the project with missing maven builds because the IDE is smart enough to resolve dependencies using a remote_repository where it stores and catches the jar files that is not properly built on the project.
Because of this feature, You may actually have local build issues but just like DNS servers; if the solution is not found in the local directory, Eclipse will look for a solution in it's remote cached repository. When you delete the remote_repository and let Maven rebuild it a second time, The project may end up creating more errors and not build a second time or may possibly rebuild a cache that was missing. But that is unlikely.
So the long answer to fix your solution.
This is a project architecture issue!
What you need to do is look in to all your dependant project's pom.xml file and the maven dependencies folder in your local project and try to resolve all the missing dependency jars in your maven dependency folder. If you have a referenced library, I suggest moving those jars into your local project's maven dependency folder.
You have to work your way into solving every child project and then navigate into your root project and fix every single project by using Maven -> Build -> clean install (check off "skip tests" & "resolve workspace artifacts") until every project builds with a clean success.
most likely, when you force update your entire solution to all your projects, you will get a list of errors that you have the IDE auto-resolve. The auto-resolve will refer to a easy reference to fix the issue. But to deploy, you have to manually fix the project because Eclipse, Spring & Maven will work well together but there are maybe a few things they don't agree on. So, you have to play diplomat in those situations and figure it out.
That's the sad truth.
All said, I have a list of problems in my project. I have this issue. The war file generated has empty jar folders and the build is not clean without errors unless i force it. The WAR file generate will run a 404 error on tomcat server production and my angular application will throw a Cors-Error when executing the API.
All the errors on my front end project is artificial because the root of all issues is the WAR file generated. It did not generate with dependencies, the Main project did not execute in tomcat and tomcat server cannot run the spring initializer to deploy the cors-policy on the server to allow my angular application to communicate. But all in all, development environment works fine with no issues.
So that is my long ended solution for this thread.
I had the same error from a different cause: I'd created a starter POM containing our "good practice" dependencies, and built & installed it locally to test it. I could "see" it in the repo, but a project that used it got the above error. What I'd done was set the starter POM to pom, so there was no JAR. Maven was quite correct that it wasn't in Nexus -- but I wasn't expecting it to be, so the error was, ummm, unhelpful. Changing the starter POM to normal packaging & reinstalling fixed the issue.
In my case I had to add mavenLocal() in root level gradle dependency

Maven beginner question, get m2eclipse to download jar and add to build path?

From what I have read, after adding the relevant maven repositories, maven should automatically download the necessary jars to satisfy dependencies in the pom.xml file.
However, no jars ever get downloaded for me after I add dependencies in eclipse. Am I missing some glaringly obvious step?
I'd recommend to start from creating your project with m2eclipse. See more details in this article.
Basically, you need to make sure the following:
your Eclipse project has a valid pom.xml and all dependencies are available (you should see errors on Maven console, in the Problems or Markers view or when opening pom.xml in m2eclipse's POM editor)
Maven support is enabled for this project (you can use Maven / Enable Dependency Management from popup menu on that project)
project configuration is in sync with pom.xml (you can use Maven / Update Project Configuration from the project popup menu)
you can also use Maven / Update Dependencies to refresh your dependencies (e.g. when you got them in your Local Maven repo from the command line)
Dependencies jars aren't in your project but in your local maven repository.
These jars will be automatically used when you compile you project with maven (or m2eclipse).
If you don't have the needed jar yet, maven will download it for you.
