Why oracle doesn't show the integer part of a decimal - oracle

when I execute the next SQL:
select 1/3 from dual;
the result is ,333333333
but the result that I expected was 0,333333333
Why doesn't oracle show the zero ? is there any parameter that can affect it?
Edit: I checked this behaviour from an aplication that uses the oo4o (oracle object for ole), and confirmed with the sqlDeveloper (when I execute the sql with F5, not with ctrl+intro). The real problem is with the oo4o Dynaset object: when I try to sum the value of two fields, what I get is a concatenation, not a sum: ,3 + ,2 = ,3,2.
What I want to know is if there is some parameter or configuration that makes the oracle engine return the number without the zero, so I can turn on|off in order to return de zero as integer part.

SQL*Plus will show that by default (using your territory's decimal separator):
SQL> select 1/3 from dual;
You could use set numformat to change the behaviour:
SQL> set numformat "0D9999"
SQL> select 1/3 from dual;
... where the D represents the decimal separator. Or you could use column formatting, with a column alias:
SQL> set numformat ""
SQL> column answer format 0.000
SQL> select 1/3 as answer from dual;
Other clients have different ways of controlling the default output; SQL Developer behaves much the same, but PL/SQL Developer, Toad etc. might not.
Or you can format the number as part of the query, which isn't client-dpendent:
SQL> select to_char(1/3, '9990D99999') from dual;
You need to provide enough digits for the integer part of whatever you're calculating though. Anything less than zero is simple, but if there are too many digits before the decimal separator then it won't display at all:
SQL> select to_char(100000/3, '9990D99999') from dual;


Oracle APEX number format mask without comma

I am trying to change the number eg. 1000 to 1.000, 10000 to 10.000 istead of 10,000 or 10,000.00
DO you have any idea? :)
As far as I can tell, there's (unfortunately) no declarative way to modify thousands/decimal separators. Should be somewhere in "Edit application definition - Globalization" settings, but - there's nothing like that there.
So, do it yourself, manually. Navigate to shared components - security attributes - database session tab - initialization PL/SQL code and put this into it:
execute immediate q'[alter session set nls_numeric_characters = ', ']';
which will set comma as decimal separator, and space as thousands (group) separator.
SQL> alter session set nls_numeric_characters = ', ';
Session altered.
SQL> select 5000 val1,
2 to_char(5000, '999G990D00') val2,
3 to_char(5000, '999G990') val3
4 from dual;
---------- ----------- --------
5000 5 000,00 5 000
You can use
SELECT TO_CHAR(your_nr_col, '999G999G999G990', 'nls_numeric_characters='',.''') AS nr_formatted
if you're dealing with integers only ( without including any decimal separator ), put as much as 9s to exceed the number of the digits while adding Gs after each three padded digit starting from the right hand side.
If there might arise some cases in which the decimal separators are needed, then replace the second argument with '999G999G999G990D0000' to pad enough 0s after single D character directing from left to right

How to rounding up in oracle

I want to convert this value "2167.124" to "2167.13" using round function in oracle 11g. Problem is that it converts LIKE "2167.12"
But i need "2167.13".
Please help, Thanks in advance
If you want to convert given value 2167.12" to "2167.13" Please use this
select ceil(2167.124*100)/100 from dual;
Expanding on Sam's example, multiplying by 100 effectively moves the decimal point two places to the right, so your value becomes 216712.4:
select 2167.124*100 as step1 from dual;
You then call ceil on that, to find "the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to n":
select ceil(216712.4) as step2 from dual;
Then dividing by 100 effectively moves the decimal point back the same two places to the left:
select 216713/100 as step3 from dual;
Putting the three steps together into one statement gets:
select ceil(2167.124*100)/100 as result from dual;

Oracle 11.2 to_number multiple commas

In Oracle 11.2, is there some number format, nf, that will work with to_number to parse arbitrary length varchar2s containing digits and commas?
I can achieve this without a number format, by using regexp_replace, but I'd prefer to achieve the same thing using just a number format.
e.g., the following 2 statements work:
select to_number(regexp_replace('12,345', ',', '')) from dual;
select to_number(regexp_replace('1,234,567', ',', '')) from dual;
but I'd prefer:
select to_number('12,345', nf) from dual;
select to_number('1,234,567', nf) from dual;
where nf is one number format string that works for both statements.
If I try nf = '99,999', the first statement works, but the second fails.
Oracle won't complain if the number format is too long, so you can use a model that has enough digits to cope with the biggest number you can receive:
SQL> select to_number('12,345',
2 '999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999') from dual;
SQL> select to_number('1,234,567',
2 '999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999') from dual;
SQL> select to_number('999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999',
2 '999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999') from dual;
I've used the G group separator instead of a fixed comma to support globalisation, but the effect is the same.
The only caveat is that the source number has to have the right grouping so it matches the formatting exactly for the digits it does have:
SQL> select to_number('1,2345',
2 '999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999G999') from dual;
select to_number('1,2345',
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01722: invalid number
Although I support Alex Poole's answer, here's another crude but effective way of solving the problem that should perform better than doing a regex.
SQL Fiddle
Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:
CREATE TABLE table_of_numbers (
example_num VARCHAR2(50)
INSERT INTO table_of_numbers (example_num)
VALUES ('12,345')
INSERT INTO table_of_numbers (example_num)
VALUES ('1,234,567')
Query 1:
SELECT TO_NUMBER(example_num, RPAD('9', LENGTH(example_num) - 1, '9')) fudge
FROM table_of_numbers
| 12345 |
| 1234567 |
If you need to match the commas, then you could do something slightly more sophisticated with INSTR and LPAD to make sure you generate the right mask.
For this :
select to_number('1,234,567', nf) from dual;
Use nf = 9,999,999 will work.

Oracle BINARY_FLOAT: 2 integers give same value?

I have a table full of 10-digit integers and thought to speed up queries/math in Oracle by storing them as BINARY_FLOAT. That's more CPU-friendly than NUMBER and won't take as much space (I think), which means more data in memory.
However, it appears that BINARY_FLOAT yields the same bytes (and hence value) for two different numbers...which obviously won't work.
SQL> select dump(to_binary_float(25185387)) from dual;
Typ=100 Len=4: 203,192,38,54
SQL> select dump(to_binary_float(25185388)) from dual;
Typ=100 Len=4: 203,192,38,54
Table created.
SQL> insert into blah (somenum) values (25185387);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into blah (somenum) values (25185388);
1 row created.
SQL> select somenum from blah;
SQL> select to_number(somenum) from blah;
SQL> select dump(somenum) from blah;
Typ=100 Len=4: 203,192,38,54
Typ=100 Len=4: 203,192,38,54
I expected that if I got into floating point, I might have some problem, but these are integers. I've tried various incantations - 25185387f, 25185387.0, 25185387*1.0, to_number(25185387), etc.
As I read the docs, BINARY_FLOAT should store to 1.79e308, so it can't be a rounding problem.
I'm using Oracle on a 64-bit platform.
Ideas? Thanks.
Since the implementation of the oracle is BINARY_FLOAT standard ieee 754. BINARY_FLOAT is same as singe.
single have only 23 bits for significant bits.
25185387 = 11000000001001100011010 11 (length = 25)
25185388 = 11000000001001100011011 00 (length = 25)
hence the importance of these oracle rounds, discarding the least significant bits
25185387 ~ 11000000001001100011011 * 2^2
25185388 ~ 11000000001001100011011 * 2^2
so get the same value

Oracle to_char function with a number format that has an arbitrary precision and certain scale

This one is pretty simple actually yet I wasn't able to find anything useful.
In my SQL query I have some rounded numbers with a single scale value - round(number,1). If the numbers are rounded to some decimal digit it prints in the format '9,9'.
On the other hand if the numbers are rounded to an integer, only the integer value without the zero after comma is printed although I want my query to select the numbers in '9,9' format even the decimal digit is zero.
In short, I think I need something like for example
to_char((select round(121.01,1), from dual), '*,1') ; to output 121,0.
What is the best way to do this? Thanks in advance
All you have to do is specify the number of decimal points you want in your to_char. The problem with using format masks is that you need to specify the number of numbers you want in front of your decimal point.
SQL> select to_char(round(121.01,1),'999.9') from dual;
SQL> select to_char(round(121.4,1),'999.9') from dual;
SQL> select to_char(round(121,1),'999.9') from dual;
SQL> select to_char(round(5121,1),'999.9') from dual;
There are a number of other formatting options.
Use 0 instead 9 for decimal places:
SELECT TO_CHAR( ROUND( 121.01, 1 ), '990D0' ) num FROM DUAL;
This simple query may help you,
select to_char(round(121.01,1), '999.0') from dual;
In to_char function:
9 - indicate to block/hide zeros in the output.
0 - indicate to show zero in the output at anywhere in before/after decimal point.
No. of '9/0's in before/after decimal point is number of digits which you want to display beore/after decimal point.
