Structural Architucture Simulation in ACtive-HDL - vhdl

I have written two codes that successfully simulated in ISE Design Suit:
-- 2X1 Multiplexer
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
package mux2to1_pkg is
component mux2to1
port(d1,d0: in std_logic;
s: in std_logic;
f: out std_logic);
end component;
end mux2to1_pkg;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity mux2to1 is
port(d1,d0: in std_logic;
s: in std_logic;
f: out std_logic);
end mux2to1;
architecture behavioral of mux2to1 is
f <= (d0 and not s) or
(d1 and s);
end behavioral;
-- 6X1 Multiplexer
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
package mux6to1_pkg is
component mux6to1
port(d: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
s: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
f: out std_logic);
end component;
end mux6to1_pkg;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use WORK.mux2to1_pkg.all;
entity mux6to1 is
port(d: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
s: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
f: out std_logic);
end mux6to1;
architecture structural of mux6to1 is
signal m1,m2,m3,m4: std_logic;
mux1: mux2to1 port map(d(5),d(4),s(0),m1);
mux2: mux2to1 port map(d(3),d(2),s(0),m2);
mux3: mux2to1 port map(d(1),d(0),s(0),m3);
mux4: mux2to1 port map(m2,m3,s(1),m4);
mux5: mux2to1 port map(m1,m4,s(2),f);
end structural;
The problem is when I want to simulate the MUX6to1 in Active-HDL the output doesn't change at all. What's the secret in this program? Ty.

Using this test bench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mdl_tb is
end entity;
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
architecture sim of mdl_tb is
signal s_d : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal f : std_logic;
dut_e : entity work.mux6to1
port map(d => s_d(5 downto 0),
s => s_d(8 downto 6),
f => f);
process is
wait for 1 ns;
s_d <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(s_d) + 1);
end process;
end architecture;
it shows changes like:
based on this Active-HDL script with the above two files in mdl.vhd:
# Workspace "prod" create under current and open this workspace
workspace create prod
# Design "prod" create under current workspace
design create -a prod .
# Create to directory under workspace
cd $DSN/..
# Compile
acom ../mdl.vhd
acom ../mdl_tb.vhd
# Load module for simulation
asim work.mdl_tb
# Waveform add
add wave /mdl_tb/*
# Run
run 600 ns
Btw. you can reduce the code significantly if you skip the component declarations and related packages, through code like:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity mux2to1 is
port(d1,d0: in std_logic;
s: in std_logic;
f: out std_logic);
end mux2to1;
architecture behavioral of mux2to1 is
f <= d0 when (s = '0') else d1;
end behavioral;
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
entity mux6to1 is
port(d: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
s: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
f: out std_logic);
end mux6to1;
architecture structural of mux6to1 is
signal m1,m2,m3,m4: std_logic;
mux1: entity work.mux2to1 port map(d(5),d(4),s(0),m1);
mux2: entity work.mux2to1 port map(d(3),d(2),s(0),m2);
mux3: entity work.mux2to1 port map(d(1),d(0),s(0),m3);
mux4: entity work.mux2to1 port map(m2,m3,s(1),m4);
mux5: entity work.mux2to1 port map(m1,m4,s(2),f);
end structural;


How can i represent the all curls with states from an state automate?

I made a state automate for this diagram:
Diagram with states
(not a from diagram represents a='0' and b with horizontal bar above represents b='0')
And I write structural and comportamental automate, structural with mux4:1 and 3 d flip-flops.
I made a testbench file in which i give simulate values for a and b variables like this:
a<='0' after 2ns,'1' after 5ns,'0' after 8ns,'1' after 11ns,'1' after 16ns;--se va incepe dupa rn, dupa 2 ns
b<='1' after 11ns,'0' after 13ns;
, for clock:
wait for 0.5ns;
wait for 0.5ns;
end process;
and for an asynchronous reset:
rn<='1' after 0ns,'0' after 0.2ns,'1' after 2ns;
with this rn i will be starting showing the states and giving a logic value for a and b only after 2 ns
Test result is wrong
The test shows the wrong states for structural description only for first scrolling, after that is equal to the comportamental description. How I can make to show all the curls for this diagram, not only this which is the complete?
I add there the vhdl code for structural and comportamental description, mux4, d flip-flop and test:
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity automat is
Port ( ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn : in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC;
b : in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));
end automat;
architecture structural of automat is
component mux4 is
Port ( a0 : in STD_LOGIC;
a1 : in STD_LOGIC;
i0 : in STD_LOGIC;
i1 : in STD_LOGIC;
i2 : in STD_LOGIC;
i3: in STD_LOGIC;
Y : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
component dff is
Port ( d : in STD_LOGIC;
ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn: in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC;
qn : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
signal q2,q1,q0,d2,d1,d0:std_logic;
signal an,bn,q0n:std_logic;
signal net1,net2:std_logic;
q0n<=not q0;
q<=q2& q1& q0;
an<=not a;
bn<=not b;
--cele 5 muxuri necesare descrierii structurale
mux412:mux4 port map(i0=>'1',i1=>'0',i2=>'0',i3=>'0',a1=>q0,a0=>b,y=>net1);
mux41:mux4 port map(i0=>'0',i1=>a,i2=>'1',i3=>net1,a1=>q2,a0=>q1,y=>d2);
mux42:mux4 port map(i0=>'1',i1=>an,i2=>q0,i3=>q0n,a1=>q2,a0=>q1,y=>d1);
mux432: mux4 port map(i0=>'0',i1=>'1',i2=>'0',i3=>'0',a1=>q0,a0=>a,y=>net2);
mux43:mux4 port map(i0=>'1',i1=>an,i2=>net2,i3=>q0n,a1=>q2,a0=>q1,y=>d0);
--cele 3 bistabile d necesare
dff2:dff port map(d=>d2, ck=>ck, rn=>rn, q=>q2);
dff1:dff port map(d=>d1, ck=>ck, rn=>rn, q=>q1);
dff0:dff port map(d=>d0, ck=>ck, rn=>rn, q=>q0);
end architecture;
Mux4:1 :
library IEEE;
--descriere multiplexor 4:1
entity mux4 is
Port ( a0 : in STD_LOGIC;
a1 : in STD_LOGIC;
i0 : in STD_LOGIC;
i1 : in STD_LOGIC;
i2 : in STD_LOGIC;
i3: in STD_LOGIC;
Y : out STD_LOGIC);
end mux4;
architecture Behavioral of mux4 is
signal A : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
--mux4: process (a1,a0,i0,i1,i2,i3)
A<=a1 & a0;
Y<=i0 when A="00"
else i1 when A="01"
else i2 when A="10"
else i3;
end Behavioral;
D Flip-Flop:
library IEEE;
--descriere bistabil d
entity dff is
Port ( d : in STD_LOGIC;
ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn: in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC;
qn : out STD_LOGIC);
end dff;
architecture Behavioral of dff is
flip_flop: process(ck,rn)
if rn='0' then
q <= '0';
if rising_edge(ck) then
q <= d;
qn <= not d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity combinat is
Port ( ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn : in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC;
b : in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));
end combinat;
architecture Behavioral of combinat is
signal cur_poz,next_poz:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
if rn='0' then
elsif rising_edge(ck) then
end if;
end process;
case cur_poz is
when "000"=>next_poz<="011";
when "011"=>if a='1' then
end if;
when "100"=>if a='1' then
end if;
when "101"=>next_poz<="110";
when "110"=>if b='1' then
end if;
when "111"=>next_poz<="000";
when others=>next_poz<="000";
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx leaf cells in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity test is
-- Port ( );
end test;
architecture Behavioral of test is
component automat is
Port ( ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn : in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC;
b : in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));
end component;
component combinat is
Port ( ck : in STD_LOGIC;
rn : in STD_LOGIC;
a : in STD_LOGIC;
b : in STD_LOGIC;
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0));
end component;
signal ck,rn,a,b:std_logic;
signal qsec,qcomb:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
Testare1: automat port map(ck=>ck,--pentru test descriere structurala
Testare2:combinat port map(ck=>ck,--pentru test descriere comportamentala
rn<='1' after 0ns,'0' after 0.2ns,'1' after 2ns;
wait for 0.5ns;
wait for 0.5ns;
end process;
a<='0' after 2ns,'1' after 5ns,'0' after 8ns,'1' after 11ns,'1' after 16ns;--se va incepe dupa rn, dupa 2 ns
--evaluarea timpilori si valorilor parametrilor conform buclelor din diagrama gasite
b<='1' after 11ns,'0' after 13ns;
--a<='0' after 2ns,'1' after 4ns,'0' after 6ns,'1' after 8ns,'0' after 16ns;
--b<='1' after 8ns,'0' after 10ns;
verificare:process(qsec)--verificare daca corespund rezultatele celor 2 structuri
if qsec/=qcomb then
report "Rezultat al descrierii structurale diferit fata de cea comportamentale";
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

VHDL using an output from an instantiated entity in my toplevel entity

I've a VHDL code with a top entity and several other entities. Now there is an output in one of the subentities of which the value has to be brought to the toplevel entity to show it in my simulation program.
How can i do that?
TOP entity:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity multiplier is
port( Clk : in std_logic; -- Clock
A,B : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- A and B
Start : in std_logic; -- Start
Y : buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Result of A * B
Ready : out std_logic); -- Ready
end multiplier;
architecture structural of multiplier is
-- declaration of signals between different sub-circuits inside the multiplier
signal smInit, smCheck, smAdd, smShift, smZero, smReady, Stop : std_logic;
signal SR_A, SR_B, ADDout, MUXout : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
io01: Ready <= smReady;
-- Instantiation of the FSM controller
sm01: entity work.FSM port map( Start, Stop, SR_A(0), Clk,
smReady, smInit, smCheck, smAdd, smShift, smZero);
-- Instantiation of the other sub-circuits and their connections
SR1: entity work.Shifter port map(smInit, smShift, '0', Clk, A, SR_A);
SR2: entity work.Shifter port map(smInit, smShift, '1', Clk, B, SR_B);
A1: entity work.Add16 port map(SR_B, Y, ADDout);
M1: entity work.Mux16 port map(smAdd, ADDout, Y, MUXout);
G1: entity work.Reg16 port map(smInit, Clk, MUXout, Y);
Z1: entity work.AllZero port map(SR_A(7 downto 0), Stop);
end structural; -- end of the multiplier architecture`
Now in the following subentity there is output S which i need to be able to call in the toplevel entity:
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity Add16 is
port( A, B : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
S : buffer std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));
end Add16;
architecture behavior of Add16 is
signal Addout : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
S <= A + B;
end behavior;
How do i do that?
VHDL-2008 has a "external names" concept, whereby a hierarchical reference is possible, so you don't need to manually route internal signals through the hierarchy if the test bench needs access to the value.
If the top-level test bench name is tb and the multiplier instance name is multiplier_e then an alias for the S port on Add16 can be created in the test bench using:
alias S_tb is <<signal .tb.multiplier_e.A1.S : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)>>;

Creating a 16-bit ALU from 16 1-bit ALUs (Structural code)

i have created the structural and the behavioral code for a 1-bit ALU,as well as a control circuit .The control circuit decides the operation that will be conducted between two variables : a,b .
Here is my behavioral part of the code :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package erotima2 is
-- AND2 declaration
component myAND2
port (outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outAND: out std_logic);
end component;
-- OR2 declaration
component myOR2
port (outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outOR: out std_logic);
end component;
-- XOR2 declaration
component myXOR2
port (outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outXOR: out std_logic);
end component;
--fulladder declaration
component fulladder
port(CarryIn,outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; sum,CarryOut: out std_logic);
end component;
--Ainvert declaration
component notA
port(a: in std_logic; signala: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); outnotA: out std_logic);
end component;
--Binvert declaration
component notB
port(b: in std_logic; signalb: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); outnotB: out std_logic);
end component;
--ControlCircuit declaration--
component ControlCircuit
port (
opcode : in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signala,signalb : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
operation : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
CarryIn: out std_logic);
end component;
--mux4to1 declaration
component mux4to1
port(outAND, outOR, sum, outXOR: in std_logic; operation: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); Result: out std_logic);
end component;
end package erotima2;
--2 input AND gate
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myAND2 is
port (outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outAND: out std_logic);
end myAND2;
architecture model_conc of myAND2 is
outAND<= outnotA and outnotB;
end model_conc;
-- 2 input OR gate
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myOR2 is
port (outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outOR: out std_logic);
end myOR2;
architecture model_conc2 of myOR2 is
outOR <= outnotA or outnotB;
end model_conc2;
--2 input XOR gate
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myXOR2 is
port(outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; outXOR: out std_logic);
end myXOR2;
architecture model_conc3 of myXOR2 is
outXOR <= outnotA xor outnotB;
end model_conc3;
--3 input full adder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fulladder is
port(CarryIn,outnotA,outnotB: in std_logic; sum,CarryOut: out std_logic);
end fulladder;
architecture model_conc4 of fulladder is
CarryOut <= (outnotB and CarryIn) or (outnotA and CarryIn) or (outnotA and outnotB);
sum <= (outnotA and not outnotB and not CarryIn) or (not outnotA and outnotB and not CarryIn) or (not outnotA and not outnotB and CarryIn) or (outnotA and outnotB and CarryIn);
end model_conc4;
--1 input notA
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity notA is
port(a: in std_logic; signala:std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); outnotA: out std_logic);
end notA;
architecture model_conc6 of notA is
with signala select
outnotA <= a when "0",
not a when others;
end model_conc6;
--1 input notB
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity notB is
port(b: in std_logic; signalb: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); outnotB: out std_logic);
end notB;
architecture model_conc5 of notB is
with signalb select
outnotB <= b when "0",
not b when others;
end model_conc5;
--4 input MUX
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity mux4to1 is
port(outAND, outOR, sum, outXOR: in std_logic; operation: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); Result: out std_logic);
end mux4to1;
architecture model_conc7 of mux4to1 is
with operation select
Result<= outAND when "00",
outOR when "01",
sum when "10",
outXOR when OTHERS;
end model_conc7 ;
The behavioral part defines the logic gates of AND,OR,XOR, a full adder for numerical addition and substraction. It also contains a 4-to-1 multiplexer that chooses (depending on the value of the "operation" variable) which operation the alu will do. Lastly there is a function that inverts the variables in order to be more efficient with our logic gate usage( using the DeMorgan theorem so we don't have to create a NOR gate). The control unit initializes the variable inputs, as well as the carryIn variable of the full adder, depending on the variable "opcode". A board with every possible combination
Next is the Control Circuit part of the code, which implements the previous board.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity ControlCircuit is
port (
opcode :in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
signala, signalb : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
operation : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
CarryIn : out std_logic);
end ControlCircuit;
architecture model_conc9 of ControlCircuit is
--signal outAND,outOR,outXOR,sum,outnotA,outnotB : std_logic;
--signal operation : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
case opcode is
when "000"=>
operation <= "00";
signala <= "0";
signalb <= "0";
CarryIn <= '0';
when "001" =>
operation <= "01";
signala <= "0";
signalb <= "0";
CarryIn <= '0';
when "011" =>
operation <= "10";
signala <= "0";
signalb <= "0";
CarryIn <= '0';
when "010" =>
operation <= "10";
signala <= "0";
signalb <="1";
CarryIn <= '1';
when "101"=>
operation <= "00";
signala <= "1";
signalb <= "1";
CarryIn <= '0';
when "100" =>
operation <= "11";
signala <= "0";
signalb <= "0";
CarryIn <= '0';
--Adiafores times--
when others =>
operation <= "00";
signala <= "0";
signalb <= "0";
CarryIn <= '0';
end case;
end process;
end model_conc9;
Lastly here is the code that uses all the previous parts and and an RTL diagram that shows the code's result
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.erotima2.all;
entity structural is
port (a,b: in std_logic;
opcode : in std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0);
Result,CarryOut : out std_logic);
end structural;
architecture alu of structural is
signal outAND,outOR,outXOR,sum,outnotA,outnotB,CarryIn : std_logic;
signal signala,signalb : std_logic_vector (0 downto 0);
signal operation : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
u0 : myAND2 port map (outnotA,outnotB,outAND);
u1 : myOR2 port map (outnotA,outnotB,outOR);
u2 : myXOR2 port map (outnotA,outnotB,outXOR);
u3 : fulladder port map (CarryIn,outnotA,outnotB,sum,CarryOut);
u4 : notA port map (a,signala,outnotA);
u5 : notB port map (b,signalb,outnotB);
u6 : mux4to1 port map (outAND, outOR,sum, outXOR, operation, Result );
u8 : ControlCircuit port map(opcode,signala,signalb,operation,CarryIn);
end alu;
Now for the tough part, i need to use the 1-bit ALU 16 times as a component, to create a 16-bit ALU. It is important to keep the control circuit independent from the rest of the code. I have tried using an std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0) but it did not work and i would like to use the previous code segments as a component. Can anyone give any tips or ideas that will help connect 16 1-bit ALUs to a complete 16-bit ALU? Thanks in advance for those who read this massive wall of text.
Your recent comment
Yes i understand that my code is weird but we were intsructed to invert the inputs according to this diagram . As for the duplicate post, i checked before posting and they were implemented only structurally, while in my case i need to write the behavioral part too.
Explains the issue, misspellings aside. You'll notice your architecture structural of entity structural doesn't match the signals shown on the above 1 bit alu diagram which doesn't contain an instantiated ControlCircuit.
If you were to provide a design unit that matched the above diagram you can hook up the 1 bit alu carry chain while deriving the carryin for the lsb from the control block which provides a + 1 and inversion for subtraction:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity alu_16_bit is
port (
a: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
b: in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
opcode: in std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
result: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
carryout: out std_logic
end entity;
architecture foo of alu_16_bit is
component alu_1_bit is
port (
a: in std_logic;
b: in std_logic;
ainvert: in std_logic;
binvert: in std_logic;
carryin: in std_logic;
operation: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
result: out std_logic;
carryout: out std_logic
end component;
component controlcircuit is
port (
opcode: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
ainvert: out std_logic;
binvert: out std_logic;
operation: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
carryin: out std_logic -- invert a or b, add + 1 for subtract
end component;
signal ainvert: std_logic;
signal binvert: std_logic;
signal operation: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
signal carry: std_logic_vector (16 downto 0);
port map (
opcode => opcode,
ainvert => ainvert,
binvert => binvert,
operation => operation,
carryin => carry(0) -- for + 1 durring subtract
for i in 0 to 15 generate
port map (
a => a(i),
b => b(i),
ainvert => ainvert,
binvert => binvert,
carryin => carry(i),
operation => operation,
result => result(i),
carryout => carry(i + 1)
end generate;
carryout <= carry(16) when operation = "10" else '0';
end architecture;
This represents moving ControlCircuit out of structural - only one copy is needed, renaming structural alu_1_bit and making the ports match.
There's a new top level alu_16_bit containing a single instance of ControlCircuit along with sixteen instances of alu_1_bit elaborated from the generate statement using the generate parameter i to index into arrays values for connections.
This design has been behaviorally implemented independently using the Opcode table you provided the link to:
as well as an independent fulladder used in alu_1_bit and appears functional.
This implies your design units haven't been validated.

Component instantiation error

For the following VHDL code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dff is
d, clk: in std_logic;
q: out std_logic);
end dff;
architecture behave of dff is
if(clk = '1') then
q<= d;
end if;
end process;
end behave;
and and a testbench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dff is
end dff;
architecture behave of dff is
component dff is
port(d, clk: in std_logic;
q: out std_logic);
end component;
signal d_in: std_logic;
signal clk_in: std_logic;
signal q_out: std_logic;
d_ff : dff port map( d_in, clk_in, q_out);
if(clk_in = '1') then
q_out<= d_in;
end if;
end process;
end behave;
When trying to simulate Modelsim is showing the following error:
#Error loading design
The following component ports are not on the entity:
The entity name of your testbench is also dff. You need to give it a different name (eg dff_tb). So, when you compile your testbench, it is overwriting the other dff entity.

How to add std_logic using numeric_std

Using numeric_std and vhdl93, I cant seems to figure out how to add a std_logic signal to a std_logic_vector.
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
signal in_a, out1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal s1 : std_logic;
out1 <= std_logic_vector(signed(in_a) + s1);
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity add_std_logic is
end entity;
architecture foo of add_std_logic is
signal in_a, out1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal s1 : std_logic;
signal s1v: std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
s1v <= (others => s1);
out1 <= std_logic_vector(signed(in_a) + signed(s1v));
end architecture;
architecture fum of add_std_logic is
signal in_a, out1: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal s1 : std_logic;
subtype s1v is std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
out1 <= std_logic_vector(signed(in_a) + ( s1 & ""));
end architecture;
And of course you could move in_a, s1 and out1 to the port.
