Role of the browser vs. the role of an advertiser? - ios8

I am trying to understand the explicit roles between a browser object and an advertiser object regarding who controls the session. I can not find an adequate analogy regarding how connections are established with MPC. For example, does an advertiser object advertise the service and if so, why does the browser object invite the advertiser to a session? Or does the advertiser advertise its ability to connect to a valid session? The Apple docs state the following:
You should also set up an advertiser or advertiser assistant to allow
other devices to ask your app to join a session that they create.
Is "they" the browser or the advertiser?
Are the session objects required to use MPC exchanged upon connection, meaning once connection utilizes two sessions to communicate? For example, the browser object finds a peer and invites it to the session owned by the device browsing:
[browser invitePeer:peerID toSession:self.session withContext:nil timeout:kTimeout];
Then the advertiser receives the invitation passing its own separate session object through a callback:
invitationHandler(YES, self.session);
Are these sessions shared between the devices or is one used exclusively?
I am trying to build a mental model of how MPC works under the hood, but I cannot find a satisfactory analogy.


Should I manually set user session when receiving messages?

I have resources that are protected per user. The user themselves are able to edit it, and then some super users are also able to edit it, but other users are not able to.
When it comes to endpoints, I have a user sessions and I can check their permissions to see if they are able to edit the resource or not.
However, when it comes to events/messages the service receives, there is no user sessions involved. So it is not able to edit those resources.
I know that the messages that we receive are safe (Only originate from our own systems), so I'm planning on manually setting the user session myself for all events/messages with a system user account.
I could also split the method to be something like updateResource and updateResourceNoPermissionCheck, but I'd rather not give the ability for anyone (including other developers) the ability to call the wrong method when they weren't supposed to.
Was wondering people's thoughts. Thanks in advance!
Yes, it's quite normal. I've seen cases when developers pass along the token via message headers, but I don't find it necessary. Providing enough user context information in the message contract establishes solid guarantees for the message receiver about who the user is. It is abnormal when your internal messaging system is exposed externally, which, of course, would create security risks as you cannot trust the sender.

How to get user device type accessing skype for business bot built in MS Bot Framework

Does anyone know how to get the information about user device that access the bot deployed in S4B channel and built using MS Bot Framework (C#).
I need to know about the options to detect the user device (Device type and OS) accessing the Skype For Business Bot. If there's a way to know whether user device is desktop or mobile. In bot framework the User-Agent header formatted similar to the string below:
SFBUserAgent (Microsoft-BotFramework/3.1+
(The user agent from Connector returns the following:
fxversion/4.7.2563.0 osname/windowsserver2016datacenter osversion/6.3.14393
I want to know if UCWA can be used to detect the device type accessing Skype For Business bot.
UCWA is not able to do so, actually no client or client-facing api can provide such information. It's because User-Agent information is not part of the presence so the client doesn't publish it to other clients. The main purpose of this User-Agent information is for monitoring reporting purpose.
However there is still some space from server side to allow us to do something. If you have access to the Skype for Business server, you have several workarounds.
Get-CsConnections.ps1 is a well-known script to pull current logged in user from Lync server side. It was written in 2011 while we only had Lync 2010, but good news is it works fine with new version of Lync like Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business server 2015. This script needs to be run in Lync/Skype management shell or a Powershell session with Lync/Skype modules imported. It needs to run by using an Lync/Skype admin account.
To retrieve user agent for a particular user by using sip uri.
$UserHomePool = (Get-CsUser -Identity [sip address]).RegistrarPool
Get-CsConnections.ps1 -SipAddress [sip address] -Pool $UserHomePool
Connections.ps1 is the prototype script of the above Get-CsConnections.ps1, it's simpler but doesn't provide advanced features. You can look at it and decide which one you need.
Do it yourself. If you don't want to use 3rd party script or just want to do it in a simplest and pure way, it's possible to do it by querying it from server database. Lync/Skype server stores this user agent information in the dynamic database in Front End server. It's in the table dbo.RegistrarEndpoint of the database rtcdyn of the instance rtclocal.
Please notice that there is no public document about the database schema so you need to do a little guess and hacking yourself. Good news is all data in the database is strored in readable format so it shouldn't be a big issue.
In a very rare chance that you are not wanting this information in real-time, the monitoring report and database can be the best approach. It's not real-time data, the data is generated within 10 mins after a conversation is ended.
If you want to get it from monitoring database, you should look at SessionDetails view for P2P conversation and ConferenceSessionDetails for conference conversation. There are straighforward fields in the views called something like UserClientType to point out the user agent information for the certain session.
At last one thing I would like to remind is Skype allows user to logged in multiple clients simultaneously, so no matter how you make it work you still need to face the question which logged in client really matters to you if the user has multiple clients logged in.

Trusting an application (not a user) to post to any user's activity stream

I'm trying to use the Social Business Toolkit in Java code on a Connections server to post to users' Connections activity streams.
By default, Connections doesn't allow any user to post to another user's stream, and this restriction applies to my code.
I already know how to configure the WidgetContainer application in WAS to trust individual users to post to other users' streams, but that requires either that all users are trusted or our code is somehow made to run as a special trusted user. The former is undesirable due to the potential for spam, and the latter is undesirable because we have to configure login details for the special user in the application.
Instead of trusting users, is there any way (either through the SBT or with WAS/Connections features) to make Connections trust our application to post to users' streams, even when it authenticates as a user who is not otherwise trusted to do so?
No. Generally, you need an Application Specific User as you noted in your WidgetContainer reference. What I do is create a new Connections User, MyApplication, I grant that user the trustedThirdParty Applicaiton role.
Today, this method is the only one promoted.

User Sessions across devices on Google Analytics Universal

I have a quick question...may sound a little straightforward but still want to throw it out there.
I am aware that typically a session is limited to a single browser and client instance.
With that said though say a user signs up on your mobile device and starts to do some shopping...maybe adds something to their cart and then decides that they want to complete the purchase on their desktop.
I have some people that want to call this a single session while technically its a new session.
Does this make any sense?
In theory this should work with Universal Analytics, at least for logged in users ( I assume that your users are logged in if they want to buy).
You can pass a client id as a parameter when you create the tracker. The client id is supposed to be formatted as UUID, so you'd have to store that along with your real client id in you backend system and pass it in to the tracker as a part of the confuguration json object (optional third parameter in ga create). Apparently this get retroactively applied to the running session (no written source for that but I recently attented a conference where a google employee said as much, so I assume this is legit).
So as far as it concerns data collection UA is ready for multidevice. I frankly do not know to what extent this already works in the Analytics Interface.
I recently had a glimpse at a Analytics Premium Account which already had some new multdevice reports. I don't know if the fact that those reports are, at least for the moment, absent from the free version means that multidevice tracking does not work yet on the free version (those reports are along the line of Venn diagramms for "How many users used more than one device" and the like).

where to store state on server

I am developing a feature in my app where I need to store the state of a particular series of actions between 2 users, just like an ajax based chat service.
The scenario is as follows:
A user can is able to see which other users are online and then challenge one of them. The other user receives the challenge and accepts it. Now both the users are given 5 questions each and the match starts simultaneously for them (almost simultaneously) Then as a user navigates thru the question or solves it, the state is updated on the other user screen as well.
Essentially this is very similar to a chat system like say facebook chat. I am able to see who all are online. I send a chat msg to my friend who can then respond to that and that response is seen on my chat window.
I believe all this can be achieved by using ajax. I can easily make ajax calls to .asmx webservices and retrieve objects for a particular user as Session can be accessed there. However, I am wondering where to maintain state because session is for a particular user and I want my particular object to be accessible for two particular users.
Where do I store the state? Or taking the example of Ajax based chat, where should I store what message User1 entered and when Uer1 entered how is it shown to user2?
I was thinking application object but read it is not recmmended.
What do you recommend for such a thing?
If you're trying to do "near real-time" message passing you might want to take a look at HTTP polling (a.k.a. long polling). I won't use SQL for temporal message passing and short-term state transitions like I've seen in the past. If running on a single web server just keep the state in session or in the ASP.NET Cache. If running on multiple web servers take a look at distributed caches like memcached, Velocity (Win 2008), or NCache. Then serve the cached data to the AJAX requests which are sitting and waiting (because of long-polling). The key design issue is the design of the cache keys (no pun intended), which would need to include the user's ID for user-specific event data.
P.S. There are frameworks for large-scale, near real-time message distribution that solve scaling issues which are hit when hundreds of clients are participating in long-polling at the same time. The broad name for those frameworks are 'Comet', and they are most useful when broadcasting the same messages to many clients.
