Visual Studio Online and Local Build Host - visual-studio

We have visual studio online professional license and MSDN, we need a local build server as we require third party controls. Can anyone tell me the licensing on this? Do we need to purchase a local TFS license as well?

No additional software needs to be purchased to setup a build environment with VSO.
If you want to setup a Xaml build controller the easiest way to get that is to download and install but not configure TFS Express which is free and does grant you a license to use the software. Once that is done you can simply launch the admin console and configure the build controller against your VSO account.
With the new build system you simply download the agent software directly from VSO in your account control panel. You can find documentation here
Each account allows you to connect 1 Xaml controller or 1 agent for free. To connect additional agents you need to purchase more Private Agents you can see details on pricing here and here

If the MSDN subscription account you have is one of the followings, you can download and deploy one instance of Team Foundation Server 2015 from MSDN subscriber download site, and you get one CAL(Client Access License) as well.
Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN
Visual Studio Professional with MSDN
Visual Studio Test Professional with MSDN
MSDN Platforms
However, for example, if you want to have 2 build servers to associate with VSO, you have to buy another one license for TFS (TFS license includes build service); similarly, if you want to allow 10 users to use the build server, you may need to buy CAL license based on the TFS license you have (for example, Team Foundation Server 2015 purchased in retail channels contains up to five CALs)
Please check the license white paper for the details:


Visual Studio Online, Github, Jira, Octopus Deploy

We are looking at using Visual Studio online in an environment with multiple development partners that support a myriad number of systems. Across these partners, each one of them uses their own source control however we are looking at a model that commits code into a repository managed by us.
As part of this, we are looking to support partners that use toolsets such as Github, Jira, Bamboo, TeamCity, Octopus Deploy, etc
Does Visual Studio Online natively integrate with all of these?
When using Visual Studio Online, do accounts need to be setup with each of these services e.g Github?
Will Visual Studio Online support all IDEs e.g. Eclipse, Xcode, etc?
What other considerations do we need to consider e.g. latency, local copies (should connectivity be lost), etc?
If upgrading from Team Foundation Server 2010 to Visual Studio Online, what other considerations do we have to take onboard?
For the purposes of continuous integration & deployment, does Visual Studio Online support this natively?
If there is no native support for Jira for example, are there similar native features available with Visual Studio Online?
If you want integration with GitHub, then the first requirement would be to use Git as your VCS. This also requires you to use Team Foundation Server 2013 (or later) if you want to host it yourself, as earlier versions don’t support Git.
Once you use Git, you can indeed access the repository from VSO with other clients, as it provides a normal Git interface which all Git tooling options can talk to. And you also get the benefits of Git as a DVCS, so you can use it completely offline.
If you want to user other online services (e.g. GitHub), then of course you do need accounts for those services. VSO is something separate on its own.
As for features of VSO, you need to know that it’s technically a Team Foundation Server, so it comes with a range of included tools. For example an issue management, a build server with continuous integration, a team chat room, etc. So you may not need other services.
Visual Studio Online (now Visual Studio Team Services) supports Eclipse, IntelliJ, your favorite Java IDE, Xcode, Visual Studio, or any editor/IDE you like.

Limitations & Features of TFS Express 2013

I want to know the features and limitations of TFS express 2013. Such as Check in and check out options, how many users can be configured and regarding sql server versions it supports and so on.
I found this:
What's missing in TFS Express?
The Express edition is essentially the same TFS as you get when you
install the TFS Basic wizard except that the install is trimmed down
and streamlined to make it incredibly fast and easy. In addition to
the normal TFS Basic install limitations (no Sharepoint integration,
no reporting), TFS Express:
Is limited to no more than 5 named users.
Only supports SQL Server Express Edition (which we’ll install for you, if you don’t have it)
Can only be installed on a single server (no multi-server configurations)
Excludes the TFS Proxy and the new Preemptive analytics add-on.
And also no backlog board or task board...
I see the Backup tab is also missing...?
Backup is included in express version
Do we know whether CodeLens works with TFS Express?
CodeLens works with TFS Express.
Team Foundation Server Express
TFS Express is a free limited version of Team Foundation Server. It is
great for small teams of up to 5 five users. TFS Express can be
downloaded from the MSDN website and it is around 500MB. Here is a
direct link to the TFS Express home page.
Data stays inside your network
Comes with version control repository
Work item tracking
Build Automation
You have more control compared to the TFS Service
Can customize Process and Workitems template
CAL’s can be purchased in case your team grows beyond 5 users
Support for express versions of Visual Studio
Must have own hardware or virtual machine
Not accessible from anywhere
Supports Basic installation only
Limited Agile Project management features and tools
No Reporting Integration
No SharePoint Integration
Supports only SQL Server Express Edition
Installed on one machine. Can’t scale out
Doesn’t support TFS Proxy
Excludes Preemptive analytics add-on
Need to manage your own database backups and downtimes in case of hardware failure
Buy license for the Operating System and CALs if required
In addition, there are some other limitations for TFS express.
Only supports SQL server Express edition.
Can only be installed on a single server.
You can get more information form Brian Harry's blog TFS Express (

Automatic Updates without FLEXnet Connect

I have the Limited Edition of InstallShield that comes with the Professional Edition of Visual Studio.
I want to host my updates on my own server, like you can in the ClickOnce Publication settings.
I would like to have the application autoupdate if a newer version is available on the server.
Is this possible? In the Update Notifications I only see 'Yes - Enable FlexNet Connect with Software Manager 12.01' or 'Yes - Enable FlexNet Connect Without Software Manager'. I don't see any way to have it check a personal FTP site for updates as was available in the ClickOnce settings.
It's not possible with IS LE. It is possible by writing your own infrastructure to poll for updates, download and invoke them.

Web Access in Visual Studio 2010

I try to upgrade a plug-in that was on webaccess 2008. Whe were using WebAccessSession to get the user name of the current user logged (WebAccessSession.Current.Connection.UserName ). I Imagine now that it is in tfsConnection but I'm not sure.
Is there any documentation that tells what really changes between Team Foundation Server 2008 and Team Foundation Server 2010?
No documentaion that details things at the level that you are looking for I'm afraid. As far as I know, plugging in to Web Access is not supported via any specified API so any integration you have done yourself would be classed as unsupported so you'd be on your own when it comes to figuring those sorts of changes out. Sorry.
As far as your question about Web Access, this blog post from Hajan Eskci details what's happening with Web Access:
Team System Web Access in TFS 2010 Beta1
Until now, Team System Web Access was published as an out of band power tool. In this release and beyond, Web Access is now an integrated part of TFS, and it is installed by default when you install TFS.

Is a separate Visual Studio license required for a build machine? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know that some companies allow you to install their products on build machines as required without requiring a separate license (DevExpress is one that comes to mind). However I was wondering if Microsoft had the same allowances on licenses.
MSBuild does not support vdproj directly and require you to run Visual Studio from the command line to build the setup project. See here
I need to produce a setup file via an automated build; do I need to purchase an additional license for the build machine?
Edit: I have spoken to our admin in charge of licensing and he was happy for me to install VS2008 on the build machine without purchasing an additional license, believing that a license should not be required. If I here more official information I will update again.
Edit 2: I have heard that Microsoft will allow VS2008 to be installed on a build machine as long as the instance is not being used by a developer for active development.
Here is the agreement (PDF link!). (There are different ones for different versions of VS). So it depends on how you read ...
General. One user may install and use copies of the software to design, develop, test and demonstrate your programs. Testing does not include staging on a server in a production environment, such as loading content prior
to production use.
To me that says you don't need an additional license because one user can install and use copies. But, I am not a lawyer. :)
According to the VS 2015 Licensing White Paper, you do not need a separate VS license for your build server:
Using Visual Studio on the Build Server: If you have one or more
licensed users of Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN, Visual Studio
Professional with MSDN, or any Visual Studio cloud subscription then
you may also install the Visual Studio software as part of Team
Foundation Server 2017 Build Services. This way, you do not need to
purchase a Visual Studio license to cover the running of Visual Studio
on the build server for each person whose actions initiate a build.
Update (May 26, 2017)
Microsoft has also now published the Visual Studio 2017 Licensing Whitepaper as well, which has the exact same requirements as noted above.
msbuild.exe comes with .NET SDK, but just with the Framework. You can grab the 2.0 SDK here for free, but it's a big honking download. 3.5 is available as well, but it's even huger.
