Web Access in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio

I try to upgrade a plug-in that was on webaccess 2008. Whe were using WebAccessSession to get the user name of the current user logged (WebAccessSession.Current.Connection.UserName ). I Imagine now that it is in tfsConnection but I'm not sure.
Is there any documentation that tells what really changes between Team Foundation Server 2008 and Team Foundation Server 2010?

No documentaion that details things at the level that you are looking for I'm afraid. As far as I know, plugging in to Web Access is not supported via any specified API so any integration you have done yourself would be classed as unsupported so you'd be on your own when it comes to figuring those sorts of changes out. Sorry.

As far as your question about Web Access, this blog post from Hajan Eskci details what's happening with Web Access:
Team System Web Access in TFS 2010 Beta1
Until now, Team System Web Access was published as an out of band power tool. In this release and beyond, Web Access is now an integrated part of TFS, and it is installed by default when you install TFS.


Cannot connect TFS

I want to connect to TFS through the Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2015.
So, my problem is that I cannot connect because of a wrong authentication (valid username and password, valid privileges).
I think the reason for that is the Domain but I never joined one because I use a normal version of Windows 10 Enterprise. Could it depend on installed features like WCF? I did really intensive research but I'm not able to find any information to solve my problem.
Here is a screenshot of the Login-Dialog:
On premise TFS only supports Windows auth (either local or domain).
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the same machine, you could use your local account with enough permission to connect TFS server directly.
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the different machine, and since you haven't joined domain. Suggest you to join domain : This is the easiest to setup, user-wise. All you have to do is be a member of the domain and a member in a team project. Another option is using Visual Studio Team Service (TFS in the cloud) for this. It's currently free and uses Microsoft live accounts instead. Which you can access it everywhere on the internet.
First I want to thank you for your support.
I'm sorry that this comes late but I already solved my problem.
I obviously just forgot to put a Backslash in front of my username so that I don't use the domain of my local computer.

Limitations & Features of TFS Express 2013

I want to know the features and limitations of TFS express 2013. Such as Check in and check out options, how many users can be configured and regarding sql server versions it supports and so on.
I found this:
What's missing in TFS Express?
The Express edition is essentially the same TFS as you get when you
install the TFS Basic wizard except that the install is trimmed down
and streamlined to make it incredibly fast and easy. In addition to
the normal TFS Basic install limitations (no Sharepoint integration,
no reporting), TFS Express:
Is limited to no more than 5 named users.
Only supports SQL Server Express Edition (which we’ll install for you, if you don’t have it)
Can only be installed on a single server (no multi-server configurations)
Excludes the TFS Proxy and the new Preemptive analytics add-on.
And also no backlog board or task board...
I see the Backup tab is also missing...?
Backup is included in express version
Do we know whether CodeLens works with TFS Express?
CodeLens works with TFS Express.
Team Foundation Server Express
TFS Express is a free limited version of Team Foundation Server. It is
great for small teams of up to 5 five users. TFS Express can be
downloaded from the MSDN website and it is around 500MB. Here is a
direct link to the TFS Express home page.
Data stays inside your network
Comes with version control repository
Work item tracking
Build Automation
You have more control compared to the TFS Service
Can customize Process and Workitems template
CAL’s can be purchased in case your team grows beyond 5 users
Support for express versions of Visual Studio
Must have own hardware or virtual machine
Not accessible from anywhere
Supports Basic installation only
Limited Agile Project management features and tools
No Reporting Integration
No SharePoint Integration
Supports only SQL Server Express Edition
Installed on one machine. Can’t scale out
Doesn’t support TFS Proxy
Excludes Preemptive analytics add-on
Need to manage your own database backups and downtimes in case of hardware failure
Buy license for the Operating System and CALs if required
In addition, there are some other limitations for TFS express.
Only supports SQL server Express edition.
Can only be installed on a single server.
You can get more information form Brian Harry's blog TFS Express (blogs.msdn.com/b/bharry/archive/2012/02/23/coming-soon-tfs-express.aspx)

Sharepoint 2013 Farm Visual Studio cannot connect

I have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and SharePoint Designer installed on my local machine. I have a SharePoint installed on a server farm that i have full read and write permissions on. My problem is when i try to create the project the wizard to connect to the SharePoint will not show up and it says i need it installed on my local machine. I have read many forums posts such as
along with others these are just the ones still open in my browser. I would love some help or a proper tutorial because the ones i am finding are no help and im not seeing anything besides a error message saying i cannot create a project until i install foundation or server for sharepoint
This is a case where the error message means exactly what it says. You must install SharePoint on your development machine in order to use Visual Studio for local SharePoint development. You can develop on Windows Server 2008/2013 (most common solution I've seen), install SharePoint on your Windows 7/8 machine (which is painful to do but possible), or set up a remote environment for development after signing up for an Office 365 Developer Site.
After hours of searching I found a work around for anyone who is running into this problem... You need to make a web reference to the SharePoint site then you can access the XML and do it that way. Microsoft hides the option its under service reference then you click web reference add the URL and a easily called name add it and your good to go.

Develop Sharepoint 2013 365 Workflow in Visual Studio

My clients have bought an Office 365 SharePoint 2013 site and I'm in the process of configuring it.
Their business rules require a very complicated Workflow which can just about be developed in SharePoint Designer. However, as I'm an experienced Visual Studio .NET developer I'd rather do it programmatically and hopefully save some time.
At present I can't figure out how to connect my desktop version of Visual Studio to the Cloud-based SharePoint site. I've downloaded the Workflow Manager tool but I'm struggling to figure out how to configure the Farm Databases etc. Available documentation seems patchy.
Has anyone out there found a way of doing this? This link suggests that it might not be possible.
According to this article it's possible, though probably not really nice.
You will have to deploy your Workflow as a SharePoint App. Which means you will only be able to call the webservices.
Another option which might be worth looking at is Nintex, which has a module for office 365 as well.
Nintex has alot of useful functions, though I don't know how good the office 365 version is.
You would have to check whether it suits your requirements.

Does Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) Require IIS? (Rather than Development Server)

I need to know if developing a Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) solution requires IIS installed. I would like to be able do develop a WIF solution using the built-in Visual Studio Development Server (I heard it is called Cassini) if possible.
All of the samples I've downloaded assume that IIS is up and running on the local system.
This blog, Securing WCF Services with Custom WIF STS: A Step-By-Step guide, lists requirements for a WIF example and has IIS as one of the requirements.
I've added the images to allow you to follow easily with the steps.
Visual studio 2010
The development machine has IIS installed (I use Windows 2008 R2)
Windows Identity Foundation (WIF): download it from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17331
Windows Identity Foundation SDK: download it from : http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=4451
I also have noted another StackOverflow posting indicating that IIS Express can be used. I have not yet fully investigated IIS Express, however this doesn't answer my basic question.
I can't seem to find any other references anywhere else about this topic. I'd appreciate knowing if anyone has been able to develop a WIF solution implementing a Security Token Service using the standard Visual Studio Development Server alone. Otherwise, I will look into using IIS Express. I am unable to install and use IIS (non-Express) on my system as I don't have local admin access.
Thank you.
Before .NET 4.5 WIF was a separate package and an additional installation step.
.NET 4.5 makes several important changes and moves WIF into the .NET base class libraries. The move enables WIF to be used by any application regardless of host. There's enough changes that if you are starting new, I recommend upgrading to .NET 4.5 to avoid porting in the future and because the integration does make things easier.
I'm currently running Visual Studio 2012 and testing WIF code in IIS Express and ServiceHost without issues.
I don't have local admin access
This is a big problem. Not having local admin for WIF development may not work. You will need elevated privileges to install tools and test applications.
Regardless of version, you shouldn't have any issues running apps with WIF outside IIS. The limitations are more around running SSL. Have you tried? Did you get any errors?
As #Eugenio states, one of the issues is around SSL. The other problem is that Cassini uses localhost which means that you need to have a valid localhost certificate if you are thinking of adding this application to something like ADFS. (as opposed to having a certificate for the actual machine name).
Also, to do WIF development, you have to run VS in Admin mode.
