Is a separate Visual Studio license required for a build machine? [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know that some companies allow you to install their products on build machines as required without requiring a separate license (DevExpress is one that comes to mind). However I was wondering if Microsoft had the same allowances on licenses.
MSBuild does not support vdproj directly and require you to run Visual Studio from the command line to build the setup project. See here
I need to produce a setup file via an automated build; do I need to purchase an additional license for the build machine?
Edit: I have spoken to our admin in charge of licensing and he was happy for me to install VS2008 on the build machine without purchasing an additional license, believing that a license should not be required. If I here more official information I will update again.
Edit 2: I have heard that Microsoft will allow VS2008 to be installed on a build machine as long as the instance is not being used by a developer for active development.

Here is the agreement (PDF link!). (There are different ones for different versions of VS). So it depends on how you read ...
General. One user may install and use copies of the software to design, develop, test and demonstrate your programs. Testing does not include staging on a server in a production environment, such as loading content prior
to production use.
To me that says you don't need an additional license because one user can install and use copies. But, I am not a lawyer. :)

According to the VS 2015 Licensing White Paper, you do not need a separate VS license for your build server:
Using Visual Studio on the Build Server: If you have one or more
licensed users of Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN, Visual Studio
Professional with MSDN, or any Visual Studio cloud subscription then
you may also install the Visual Studio software as part of Team
Foundation Server 2017 Build Services. This way, you do not need to
purchase a Visual Studio license to cover the running of Visual Studio
on the build server for each person whose actions initiate a build.
Update (May 26, 2017)
Microsoft has also now published the Visual Studio 2017 Licensing Whitepaper as well, which has the exact same requirements as noted above.

msbuild.exe comes with .NET SDK, but just with the Framework. You can grab the 2.0 SDK here for free, but it's a big honking download. 3.5 is available as well, but it's even huger.


Do we still require separate licence for TeamExplorer as Standalone client if already have vs2010 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We have Visual Studio 2010 premium edition on our systems and Can succesfully use Team Explorer build in it. But I want to use Team explorer separatly. How can I install it separatly without installing VS2010 on some user machines or can we separate vs2010 and team explorer if already installed. Also Do I still need to have separate licence for this per user. I know we have Team web access but need team explorer independently.
Please guide.
I have read the following posts but still not clear:
Standalone GUI client for TFS 2010 Source Control
Does the free Team Explorer client work without Visual Studio
If you have a TFS Client Access License (CAL) for these users, then you can use the standalone Team Explorer at no additional cost.
You should already have a CAL for those users if they're using TFS Web Access, so yes, they should be able to use the standalone Team Explorer.

Can I install VS on two machines with one license? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am an adjunct professor teaching database and programming classes. I own a desktop and laptop both running Windows. I own an Academic copy of VS 2010 and have it installed/activated at home.
Starting in the Fall I will be teaching C# .NET programming with VS 2010. However, the laptop at the college with it installed is a 5 year old POS. Can I install VS 2010 and activate with the same license on my laptop as I do with my desktop? Or does this violate the license with Microsoft? I thought about buying another copy - but the Academic reseller I deal with said I am only allowed to buy one copy a year. Both are used for Academic purpose - my day job provides me with a laptop so I am not worried they would ever think I am doing non-academic work with these - but I really need to have VS on both.
As per this pdf (Page 1)
A single license for the Software may not be shared or used concurrently by multiple end users.
It looks to me that it can be installed on multiple machines as long as it is not used concurrently by multiple end users.
Also, reviewing this pdf (Page 9) I see
Visual Studio 2010 Client Edition-Only Licensing
Visual Studio 2010 products can be purchased without an MSDN subscription in certain channels. (See the How to Buy section of this paper for more details).The user can install and use the Visual Studio client software on as many devices as they like. However, the products are licensed on a per-user basis—that is, only the licensed user can use the software.
Yes you can, according to this thread on Visual Studio Developer Center/Visual Studio Forums. (And this comes from the Microsoft licensing specialists)

Building webparts with Visual Studio 2010 Express

I'm trying to get started with building my own webparts, planning to follow this MSDN article.
I've downloaded Visual C# 2010 Express - I'm not quite at the point where I feel comfortable dropping 1000 big ones yet, and I installed Visual Web Developer 2010 Express via the WPInstaller.
Following through the tutorial, aside from the fact that I don't get the option to create a "Web Control Library", a gap I filled with this article, I can't seem to find the sn.exe tool (or the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt"!).
I know it's not quite a direct programming related question, but I can't even get the thing going yet!
Any help is appreciated.
I think I may be jumping the gun quite considerably, I wrote a simple hello world example and tried to build it but it doesn't have any references to the Microsoft.SharePoint packages and they don't appear in my lists.
Am I understanding some more research I've done (namely this) correctly, in that I have to actually have a full installation of actual SharePoint on the machine I'm developing on?
sn.exe is part of the .Net Framework SDK tools - not actually part of Visual Studio.
If you've got the SDK installed (which I think you must have if you're using VS) then it will be in a directory such as (depending on which version of .NET SDK you've got installed)
c:\program files\\SDK\v2.0\Bin
You can develop SharePoint web parts with VS express but you won't be able to use extensions like VSeWSS which can make your life a little easier.
You don't have develop on a machine with SharePoint installed upon - you can just copy the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly from a machine with it installed on and reference it in your project.
There are pros and cons to developing on a SharePoint machine.
Its easier to get started -
especially debugging locally rather
than remote debugging.
Harder to be
sure that you're code will work a
'real server' - are you sure you
don't have any dependencies that may
not be installed.
Harder to work with
multiple versions of SharePoint (2007
WSS and MOSS and 2010 foundation,
server etc).
If you do want to work with a locally installed SharePoint then
You can install windows server OS with SharePoint and Visual Studio.
there is a hack for installing SharePoint 2007 on vista (referenced in the SO article you link to)
you can install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows 7 (but I am not sure what the licensing restrictions are - is this maybe something thats given through MSDN?)
If you decide to go with the remote server installation then save yourself some grief and use virtualization such as VMWare Server, Virtual PC or Hyper-V.
If you are doing SharePoint development trying to reference the Microsoft.SharePoint namespaces you need to have SharePoint installed on the machine if you want to do things like debugging, etc. For SP 2010 you CAN install SharePoint on a Win 7 machine. For previous versions of SharePoint, you will need to setup a Server that is Server 2003 or Server 2008 (you can't install SP 2007 and earlier on client machines). Generally this is a Virtual Machine for developers.
Having said all of that, there are relatively few reasons you need SharePoint to develop a WebPart. The vast majority of the WebPart functionality is part of the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts namespace. Even if I am accessing SharePoint data, I generally use the ASP.NET web part.
If you are trying to use the new SharePoint VS 2010 functionality to create Visual Web Parts, etc, then you will need to install SP 2010, since that functionality is not supported in earlier version of SharePoint.

how can i build a driver using visual studio? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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does anyone have an article how to do this ?
Since you gave no exact version of Visual Studio, let me give you the options I am aware of.
Visual Studio 2012, 2013 and 2015
Respective contemporary DDK/WDK versions: WDKs 8, 8.1 and 10 (as of this writing).
With the WDK for Windows 8, the WDK team at Microsoft finally offers full integration with Visual Studio again directly from Microsoft.
However, while Visual Studio 2017 exists in minor version 15.4 already by the time of this update, the WDK still requires Visual Studio 2015.
Visual Studio 2002 through 2010
Respective contemporary DDK/WDK versions: DDKs for Windows XP/2003 Server, WDKs for Windows Vista and Windows 7 with their respective service pack levels and the respective server versions.
Those versions were not officially supported by Microsoft to build drivers. The only worse choice to compile a driver would be a complete third-party toolchain (other than Intel's C compiler which was sanctioned by MS, IIRC).
It was considered very bad form to use the Visual Studio compilers during that period, and Microsoft explicitly recommended against it. However, C++ in kernel mode was also once frowned upon and now MS provides C++ frameworks for kernel mode. The times they are changin' ... ;)
Anyway, workarounds exist in the form of ddkbuild.bat and ddkbuild.cmd which use the DDK toolchain, but effectively allow you to integrate the resulting invocation from your "make" project inside Visual Studio. DDKWizard is a project creation wizard for both of those scripts. DDKWizard does not support Visual Studio 2010! The links to the two scripts provide a good documentation and DDKWizard also comes with a decent documentation.
To my knowledge ddkbuild.cmd is originally based on ddkbuild.bat and the HollisTech version can also trace its heritage back to that version from OSR.
VisualDDK combined with VirtualKD emerged later than the aforementioned, but is to be considered a far superior, more sophisticated solution. But your mileage may vary. In either case the integration into Visual Studio is far more complete in the latter solution.
Visual Studio 6
Respective contemporary DDK/WDK versions: DDKs for Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000.
Prior to the Windows XP DDK (now DDK is called WDK) the compiler was not included in the DDK, so you had to have the compiler toolchain installed. This would be the case for NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.
Download and install VisualDDK and you'll be able to create driver projects and debug drivers directly from Visual Studio.
The ddkbuild from OSR-Online is a nice alternative ddkbuild download link.
To build my driver i used VisualDDK in visual studio 2008. In the beginning i start debugging using my computer and virtualBox machine but when i launch the debugging process in visual studio, my virtual machine did not show me the external ip address(normally should show me and in DDKLauncherMonitor but it show me only ).
I stopped using virtual machine and i decide to use real computer. In the second computer i launched DDKLauncherMonitor. And i start debugging from my first computer. I received Udp package in my second machine and also the driver.sys. But when i tried to load the driver from visual studio(First computer) nothing work. Plus this, in the second machine tell me "Windows required digitally signed driver".
There is same one meet this kind of problem and he/she can help.
create a makefile project and use the following as the build command:
pushd .
call C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\bin\setenv.bat C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\ chk x86 WXP no_oacr
build -cgwiz
(obviously tweak the arguments to setenv to suit)
If you want to use DDK build and WDK use ddkbuild.bat, it is pretty good (I think most of it works still) that should have you going. Alternatively check out ddkbuild.cmd from OSR.
In VS create a makefile project. Add your sources, headers, makefile and sourcefile. Open project properties->Configuration properties->NMake->Build Command Line and write:
call $(WINDDK)\bin\setenv.bat $(WINDDK) fre wnet
cd /d $(ProjectDir)
build.exe -I
Now you can build from VS. The advantage of the makefile project: it provides you with as many configurations as you need (w2k, wxp, wnet, wlh and etc) and you can build from the DDK command line.
fre wnet - is a sample configuration, use what is required for your project. It is good to have both fre and chk configurations.
WINDDK - environment variable with a path to the DDK root.

Installing multiple versions of Visual Studio Team Editions on the same machine

Does anyone have any experience with installing multiple versions of Team edition on the same machine? For example Team Developer and Team Architect at the same time? Is this possible? Do you have to open one version vs the other? Or do you end up with one installation with all the versions installed on top of each other.
You can happily install multiple versions. When you install the second one it simply add the features into the same Visual Studio 2008 instance meaning you get the features of both in the same instance of the IDE.
That said, the way licensing works it is usually cheaper to purchase Visual Studio Team Suite (which includes all the features) then purchasing 2 seperate SKU's.
My guess will be that each new installation will overwrite the previous in your instance. See this:
With Team system being on one level, my guess is only one can be installed.
