Using SC command for devices in the backend - windows

can somebody help me with a query I have. I have a device (windows server 2008) at the backend that when it fail we need to restart a service a service in the server.
I have read that I can send a the command to the device remotly with ( sc \server stop service)
The only concern is that the device is a the backend and a some firewall rules that don't let us remote control.
SC use any port to send the command that maybe I can open in the firewall?


Windows Server 2012 can be remote by mstsc but failed to ping

I setup a new server with windows server 2012 system to do a server migration. I can remote the server via mstsc. But failed to ping the server. The server can ping outside successfully. My computer and server are not in the same lan.
I started the echo recall ipv4-in service. But it didn't work.
I have no idea about how to enable the ping on my sever.
I would appreciate it if anyone can give some suggestion about how to make me ping the server successfully.
Thank you very much in advance.
If you are facing any issue with remote Desktop(MSTSC), first of all, you have to ensure that MSTSC is enabled in your client machine as well as server
If MSTSC is enabled in both then check in the server there is a policy on sever who can access via remote Desktop(This policy is about RDP version which version of MSTSc can access the server remotely select the lower version which is having in your client.
For getting ping first you have to ensure that both (Client machine & Server machine Should be in the same network it applicable when you are accessing the server locally )
Also once you check the firewall setting in your client machine if the firewall is enabled, then if possible then disable the firewall of the client machine if not possible then allow the ICMP Protocol in the firewall rule.
Once you have done all these steps your problem will be solved.

Windows services with network access

I have a small server app, which receives UDP data on port X. When I run this app with a local logged in user account, all is fine and my app receives commands via UDP. But when I'm installing the app as a windows service which runs under same local user account, I'm not longer receiving data, when I try to connect from a different machine. Local connections are fine. I've also opened my UDP port X in the windows firewall settings, but with no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
Only for the sake of completeness:
It has been found that it has something to do with the virtual machine in which the Windows runs. I use a network bridge to connect it to my local network. After adding a host-only network adapter, my windows service received all expected commands. No idea why!?

Lost rdp access to EC2 instance

I changed the firewall (on windows server ) of an Amazon EC2 instance to accept the Remote Desktop connections only for a specific IP address .
Once changes are done , i lost connection and i am no longer able to access the instance .
my question is :
is there a way to access this instance again or is it completely lost ?
You might be able to use Windows Remote Management (WinRM) to open a console to the machine and change the firewall setting from the command line.
WinRM uses port 5985 and it is on by default on some windows images on EC2 (not all of them). Try opening port 5985 in your security group and log in with a Powershell client.
There are some instructions on how to use powershell for WinRM here: How to programmatically/remotely execute a program in EC2 Windows instance
You can run the steps in the script manually.

How can I connect my "cfbuilder" to my server?

I'm trying to set up a connection to a Cold Fusion 11 server with cfbuilder 3.
I'm working remotly with an rds set up.
When I start to start the server from the connection, I get this error:
Cannot start or stop myserver. Remote server settings required to start and stop server have not been provided.
I really want to connect it for having access to a debugger.
Is there any suggestion for my problem?
You need need to be running the Admin server instance in the remote ColdFusion server and then add the IP address of the machine where the CF Builder is installed to the file.
Setup the admin server instance. Follow these guidelines
Update the security property of the remote ColdFusion server
Open the {CFHome}/runtime/lib/ file and update the values of jrun.subnet.restriction and jrun.trusted.hosts with the IP address of computer where ColdFusion Builder is installed. Alternatively, you can use the asterisk wildcard (*) as the IP address value, to allow the server to start and stop without any restriction.
Setting up a remote server with ColdFuison Builder 3
CF Docs - Add a remote server
CF Builder Docs
Download the from here under the ColdFusion Builder 3 Development Tools.

How to start Windows service of client system from server system?

I have developed a windows service using The purpose of this service is block an application. When ever serrvice starts the application will be blocked. Can I operate this service from server to start or stop in client system?
Try 'sc' command from the command prompt. As servers IP and services name use your own.
Starting service:
sc \\ start MySQL
Stopping service:
sc \\ start MySQL
More information here.
