Windows Server 2012 can be remote by mstsc but failed to ping - windows

I setup a new server with windows server 2012 system to do a server migration. I can remote the server via mstsc. But failed to ping the server. The server can ping outside successfully. My computer and server are not in the same lan.
I started the echo recall ipv4-in service. But it didn't work.
I have no idea about how to enable the ping on my sever.
I would appreciate it if anyone can give some suggestion about how to make me ping the server successfully.
Thank you very much in advance.

If you are facing any issue with remote Desktop(MSTSC), first of all, you have to ensure that MSTSC is enabled in your client machine as well as server
If MSTSC is enabled in both then check in the server there is a policy on sever who can access via remote Desktop(This policy is about RDP version which version of MSTSc can access the server remotely select the lower version which is having in your client.
For getting ping first you have to ensure that both (Client machine & Server machine Should be in the same network it applicable when you are accessing the server locally )
Also once you check the firewall setting in your client machine if the firewall is enabled, then if possible then disable the firewall of the client machine if not possible then allow the ICMP Protocol in the firewall rule.
Once you have done all these steps your problem will be solved.


Browser Proxy Connection Over VPN

I have a VPN (pptpd) server configured and a client connected. In the same machine of VPN server, I have a proxy server (port 3128)(squid) running with authentication enabled. When I use the proxy in my firefox browser it works fine. However, when I conect my notebook to my VPN server I can't navigate using firefox + proxy. Just to remember Proxy server and VPN server running in same machine (a VPS). I'm using UFW firewall.
Is there some tips in configuration files (pptpd or squid) to get this problem fixed?
Best Regards!
use squid's access.log to make sure: squid doesn't receive requests from your notebook; check the routing availability between internal IP network of VPN server and proxy address, it must be accessible (pingable). you may use port address translation (PAT) as a simple fix.

Unable to connect to WCF server port

I created a WCF service and deployed it to my production environment (Windows 2008). The client (also Windows 2008) cannot connect to the server port. I have stopped the Windows Firewall service on the server, and I can see the port listening when I use netstat from command line on the server. I am fairly sure that it is a problem related to the port because I can ping the server, but when I tried to do telnet serverIP port, I got an error. The client machine can connect to other machines on the network (e.g. DB server) so it does not seem to be a problem on the client side. Any ideas on what else could cause the port to be blocked?

FTP server on VPS

I am trying to connect to FileZilla ftp server on my VPS. I have installed it. Added a user. Added exception to Windows Firewall for FileZillaServer.exe; Configured FileZilla to use Passive mode and entered my IP of VPS server. Then I have started the server on VPS.
But I still can not connect to FileZilla from outside. It sais:
Error: Connection timed out
Error: Could not connect to server
P.S. if I`m connecting to server locally, ir works.
Any ideas what is going on?
Thanks a lot.
Well, I will answer it myself :)
I could not start Filezilla server for some reason, but I was able to start IIS FTP server.
All you need to do is to go to IIS Manager and add FTP site. Add user and that`s it.

500 Invalid PORT Command

We have had a windows service running without any issues for some time but is now throwing 500, invalid port command errors when attempting to make an FTP connection.
Using Core FTP lite client from the same server I can connect to the FTP server in Active and Passive modes without any problems. The firewall rules have not changed and the application code has not changed at all.
Any ideas why only when attempting to connect from the windows app the Invalid Port Command error is thrown would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
I tried the second solution on this post and it solved my problem. I also had to upgrade to IIS 7.5 FTP and allow the passive ports on both my WIndows 2008 Server Firewall and my external Firewall

Windows 7 remote desktop connection conflict with FTP Serve?

Today I was connecting to another computer using Windows 7 remote desktop connection and I just setted up a IIS FTP server on this computer. Then I changed the inbound rule of windows 7 firewall to allow FTP service. After finishing that, I lost connection with the computer and could not connect to it using Remote Desktop Connection. Why will this happen?
I know another solution for this problem on OnlineVNC basis. OnlineVNC it is a remote desktop with
embeded FTP server inside which does not conflict each other. Very easy to set up and fast. Maybe it will be help full for you.
