Installing Spring XD on Ambari - spring

I installed the following software:
CentOS 6.7
Apache Ambari 2.1.2
I try to install Spring XD via Ambari, so I read the following tutorial:
When I try to install Spring XD via Ambari I see the following error:

As noted in that document you link to, the latest version of Ambari we support is 2.0.1. They keep changing things in Ambari so older scripts won't necessarily work in later versions. We are planning on updating the Sprig XD install script so it works with more recent versions, but we don't have a date yet. We have an issue tracking this here:


Using Springboot on Mac, command "spring" not found

Using Homebrew to install springboot onto my personal mac, I have been running into errors, following tutorials I used:
brew install springboot
With the following error:
==> We've Moved!
Warning: Spring Boot has relocated to spring-io/tap
so i did ...
brew tap spring-io/tap
It installed but I am trying to check the confirm the version using
spring --version
Through a bit of research I still cant find an alternative command but the change is quite recent so I'm hoping someone else has come across this issue.
Spring Boot tweet Jan 15 2021 with following statement
Mac users: Please note that we've relocated the Spring Boot CLI to a new Homebrew tap. Upgrade with:
brew tap spring-io/tap
brew uninstall springboot
brew install spring-boot
Can someone confirm if I followed this incorrectly or there is a different command to use for spring version, thank you.
wrong install, need
brew install spring-boot
to be able to run the spring command

Maven version error while trying to install ambari on centos

I am trying to install ambari 2.7.5 on centos 7. I am following the instructions given on this link. When I run the build command for maven I get the following error:
I have installed maven 3.6.3 . And I could not find maven 3.1.0 in apache downloads. So how to resolve this error?
#VK for Ambari-web you have to edit some files and set your versions. If you are having hard time with npm/node version make sure they match the posted versions I gave. In centos7 I am using the epel repository. Sounds like you already got current maven so good to go there.
Also this post is pretty much a duplicate of:
Building Ambari 2.7.5 on CentOS 7 from source, Worked 2 weeks ago, now fails
Its also discussed here:
Ambari 2.7.5 installation failure on CentOS 7
And a jira with another bower file sample:

Where i can take free RPM Apache Ambari?

I search for Ambari for Centos. But on Apache site there is only source code.
I found several links on public-repo.hortonworks, but can't find this repository in index, and latest version is 2.7.4. On Apache site the latest is 2.7.5.
2.7.5 repos are now behind a paywall #Cloudera. If you want 2.7.5 you need to build from source. My best recommendation is to use 2.7.4 and public repos as there is not much of a difference.

Install and Configure elasticsearch on hadoop?

I want to use elasticsearch on hadoop. Can any one suggest me step by step installation and configuration of elasticsearch on hadoop? Is there version dependency of elasticsearch and hadoop?
Hadoop 1.x (ideally the latest stable version in the 1.x line,
currently 1.2.1) or 2.x (ideally the latest stable version, currently
2.2.0). elasticsearch-hadoop is tested daily against Apache Hadoop. Any distro compatible with Apache Hadoop should work just fine.

Ambari install script location(s)

I'm setting up a HDP 2.1 cluster with Apache Ambari. All servers run SLES 11 SP3. The setup fails if I select to install Ganglia because of some dependencies:
Installing package apache2?mod_php* ('/usr/bin/zypper --quiet install --auto-agree-with-licenses --no-confirm apache2?mod_php*')
Problem: apache2-mod_php53-5.3.17-0.27.1.x86_64 conflicts with apache2-mod_php5 provided by apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14-
Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
do not install apache2-mod_php5-5.2.14-
deinstallation of php5-5.2.14-
deinstallation of php5-xmlwriter-5.2.14-
[... more PHP 5.2.x packages ...]
Solution 2: do not install apache2-mod_php53-5.3.17-0.27.1.x86_64
Apparently the Regex picks the 5.3 version, a 5.2 version would be available though.
So my question is: Where is the install script stored, that Ambari is running here? I would like to replace the regex with the correct version of the package.
Information about what packages are to be installed is stored in
Change the value and restart the Ambari Server for the changes to take effect.
