Using Springboot on Mac, command "spring" not found - macos

Using Homebrew to install springboot onto my personal mac, I have been running into errors, following tutorials I used:
brew install springboot
With the following error:
==> We've Moved!
Warning: Spring Boot has relocated to spring-io/tap
so i did ...
brew tap spring-io/tap
It installed but I am trying to check the confirm the version using
spring --version
Through a bit of research I still cant find an alternative command but the change is quite recent so I'm hoping someone else has come across this issue.
Spring Boot tweet Jan 15 2021 with following statement
Mac users: Please note that we've relocated the Spring Boot CLI to a new Homebrew tap. Upgrade with:
brew tap spring-io/tap
brew uninstall springboot
brew install spring-boot
Can someone confirm if I followed this incorrectly or there is a different command to use for spring version, thank you.

wrong install, need
brew install spring-boot
to be able to run the spring command


Running CLI on influxdb#1 installed via Homebrew

I have installed version 1.9 of influxdb from Homebrew on a mac. (I don’t want to use version 2.X as it would break the way another programme feeds data to influx.)
I seem to have got the db service running - but can’t start influx cli. I have tried various permutations of instructions - with various permutations of errors coming back.
install influxdb 1.x with brew install influxdb#1
then brew install influxdb-cli

How do I downgrade from Yarn2 to Yarn1?

I'm using macOS and after installing Yarn2 several important tools no longer function. I've logged issues with them but in the meantime I need to get back to Yarn Classic. brew uninstall yarn and then tried brew install yarn#1.22.5 but this failed with an unknown version error message.
Trick is to check for a ~/.yarnrc.yml file and if present remove any line for the yarnPath variable.

How to install old version (1.8.3) of docker on OS-X?

There is a nasty bug in Docker 1.9.x that is causing java
processes to hang and frankly hang up the entire container
instance, spinning 100% CPU.
I currently have docker 1.9.1 installed because that is all that
the docker install tool will install. There is no opportunity during
the install process to select any other version.
This is completely preventing me from building a cordova
build container. In my internet research I have found many
others who are encountering the same problem.
I've done some research and seen that others are reporting this
problem does not occur with Docker 1.8.3.
I've searched in vain for some hints on how to install older versions
of docker on OS-X. I tried replacing the boot2docker.iso in ~/.docker/machine/machines/default with the 1.8.3 version downloaded
from here: but that fails miserably. I am guessing that there are other things about my default machine (which had been created with 1.9.1) that are incompatible with it.
If anybody has hints as to how I could create a new machine or modify
the existing machine to work with 1.8.3 I would very much appreciate
Alternatively, let me know if there is some other installation method that would allow me to specify which version of docker to install.
I figured out that what I needed to do is to find an older version of DockerToolbox and that would install the version of docker that I wanted.
I went to the github repository for DockerToolbox:
and there I found a link to the 1.8.3 binary:
I still had to uninstall my previous installation of docker so I followed the uninstall instructions on this page:
Once I had uninstalled and reinstalled via the legacy DockerToolbox, I managed to build the cordova container:
without incident.
I've been using the following:$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/docker-.tgz
If you happen to know the build number (e.g. 14937) -- not the git commit you see when running docker --version or docker version -- you can form the URL:{{ beta | stable}}/{{ version }}.{{ build number }}/Docker.dmg
# example:

Grails Mac OSX Install via Brew Restarting terminal

I've been trying to get past step one of installing grails, which is bad i know. But the issue im having is getting grails to work via the OSX terminal. similar to node using brew I type the command
brew install grails
this retrieves grails and installs it, simple. to see if its installed correctly you type grails -version
However when i do that it's as though my terminal restarts. Its a hard thing to describe so here is a link to a youtube video that shows you what happens. I have JAVA installed and working. Anyone have an idea?
As this is the first excursion I have had into any Java related development. I made a rookie mistake and was unaware of vital piece of information. You do not need Java to run Grails you need the Java Development Kit (JDK). Which is a different thing completely apparently.
Available here
Once installed run this command in the terminal /usr/libexec/java_home -V This will show you all of the current Java Virtual Machines installed. In my case
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
1.8.0_11, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home
You then need to set your JAVA_HOME Environment variable to point to your JVM. Like so export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) use /usr/libexec/java_home rather than the true location as this will specifi the version set in Java Preferences for the current user. The source for that nice little trick is here
Once you've done that you can type the command brew install grails or gvm install grails which is what i should probably use rather than brew as "SurrealAnalysis" rightly pointed out in one of the answers.
moment of truth grails -version and i got a response Grails version: 2.4.3... sweet.
Thank you all for the replies and help.
Following previous post, GVM it is not available in Homebrew, because of this.
GDK is also now officially SDKMAN!.
So, the steps would be:
curl -s "" | bash
source "/Users/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install groovy
Hope it helps! :)

Tomcat server does not start and says "internal error occur launching ... org/eclipse/jdt/debug/core/JDIDebugModel

I am using Ubunt 12.04. My project was running fine till yesterday and today when i open the springtoolsuit and start tomcat (i am using tomcat 7.0), a pop up opens and says:
In details it says :
An internal error occurred during: "Starting tomcat_server_name**".
Can i be issue due to ubuntu updates ??
** Tomcat_server_name is the name of my tomcat server.
Kindly help me, as i searched google alot but could not found any solution.
Answering my own question as it may help some one like me facing the same problem.
sudo apt-get --reinstall install tzdata-java
solve the problem.
Got solution from
For Windows users, there is another solution. Open eclipse.ini in the Eclipse installation folder and add as the last line of that file
If you're on 16.04, there is no tzdata-java package. I guess it got rolled in to tzdata, but reinstalling it does not fix this problem. I fixed it by downgrading tzdata to the last version that was accompanied by tzdata-java, then reinstalling tzdata-java.
I have to keep using the old version for Tomcat7 to work, so did this to prevent Ubuntu from updating the file:
sudo apt-mark hold tzdata
re-installing and selecting JDK 1.8 worked for me in Xubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo update-alternatives --config java
