Where i can take free RPM Apache Ambari? - hadoop

I search for Ambari for Centos. But on Apache site there is only source code.
I found several links on public-repo.hortonworks, but can't find this repository in index, and latest version is 2.7.4. On Apache site the latest is 2.7.5.

2.7.5 repos are now behind a paywall #Cloudera. If you want 2.7.5 you need to build from source. My best recommendation is to use 2.7.4 and public repos as there is not much of a difference.


Maven version error while trying to install ambari on centos

I am trying to install ambari 2.7.5 on centos 7. I am following the instructions given on this link. When I run the build command for maven I get the following error:
I have installed maven 3.6.3 . And I could not find maven 3.1.0 in apache downloads. So how to resolve this error?
#VK for Ambari-web you have to edit some files and set your versions. If you are having hard time with npm/node version make sure they match the posted versions I gave. In centos7 I am using the epel repository. Sounds like you already got current maven so good to go there.
Also this post is pretty much a duplicate of:
Building Ambari 2.7.5 on CentOS 7 from source, Worked 2 weeks ago, now fails
Its also discussed here:
Ambari 2.7.5 installation failure on CentOS 7
And a jira with another bower file sample:

How to install logstash-input-jmx in RHEL?

Has anyone installed logstash-input-jmx (or any other "community" plugin for Logstash) in RHEL?
How did you manage the Ruby/gem dependencies?
After installing a recent version of Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails, the development/runtime gem dependencies have to be resolved, but attempting to install any of the gems mentioned in here, would lead to endless missing dependencies ...
Are there any packaged versions of Logstash JMX plugin around?
Welcome to the house of fun. What I did was, which may be out of your scope but it might help....
$logstash_location/bin/logstash-plugin list
(as you might expect this shows what can be installed to your instance)
$logstash_location/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jmx
The plugin itself should resolve its own dependencies. I was having all sort of problems in Docker, but I had to build my Logstash tarball external to the machine. Make sure connectivity is ok too. It's a service, not local to your machine.
This post clearly describes the steps required to install a "community" logstash plugin, and can be used to install jmx plugin on RHEL. I've tried it on RHEL 7.3.
The main thing to consider is that in RHEL 7.3 the logstash can be found under /usr/share/logstash/ rather than /opt/logstash

Installing Spring XD on Ambari

I installed the following software:
CentOS 6.7
Apache Ambari 2.1.2
I try to install Spring XD via Ambari, so I read the following tutorial:
When I try to install Spring XD via Ambari I see the following error:
As noted in that document you link to, the latest version of Ambari we support is 2.0.1. They keep changing things in Ambari so older scripts won't necessarily work in later versions. We are planning on updating the Sprig XD install script so it works with more recent versions, but we don't have a date yet. We have an issue tracking this here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-xd-ambari/issues/5

Install and Configure elasticsearch on hadoop?

I want to use elasticsearch on hadoop. Can any one suggest me step by step installation and configuration of elasticsearch on hadoop? Is there version dependency of elasticsearch and hadoop?
Hadoop 1.x (ideally the latest stable version in the 1.x line,
currently 1.2.1) or 2.x (ideally the latest stable version, currently
2.2.0). elasticsearch-hadoop is tested daily against Apache Hadoop. Any distro compatible with Apache Hadoop should work just fine.

how to determine the cloudera minor release in the one click install debian package ? (i.e., 5.1 ? 5.2 ?)

I've managed to get cloudera single node hadoop cluster up and running from this package: http://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/one-click-install/precise/amd64/cdh5-repository_1.0_all.deb
my colleagues asked me what minor release of cloudera this is installing.. and i am stumped as to which. Is there some info, readme, config or license file that gives this information for cloudera hadoop distros once they are installed ?
Or maybe someone just knows which minor release the above URL will install (if you could provide that info along with a link to a documentation source that would be fantastic.)
thanks in advance
The one-click install repo currently points to the latest Cloudera version, which is 5.3.0 as of earlier this week.
To check the version you installed, just list the package name. There should be some version number like '5.2.x' appended to the package name. An example command:
dpkg -l | grep 'cloudera'
