Multiple swiffy sequence matters how it will be played - google-swiffy

In our project we found strange swiffy behavior and we can`t find why it happenes.
Banner A (goes first in first case, second in case two), must have on 3rd slide border around photo that appears in slide.
And it works as expected if he goes last like in case2. But dose not if he goes first like in case1.
Why could it be and how it could be fixed?


with fast scroll, twentmax animations shot with scrollmagic do not work correctly

I have a problem, I am making a page with fullpage.js, I am launching animations with tweenLite every time I reach a section with Scrollmagic.
The problem is the following:
If I move in the normal order of the sections, one by one, the animations come out correctly, but when I jump, from the first section to the last one for example, the animations do not complement each other correctly everything gets decontrolled, I leave the sample of the page, so you can better understand what is happening.
Is there any optimal way to do this process, thanks in advance for the help.

ORACLE REPORTS - Frame printed in the middle of another frame, does not respect the order on the layout editor

My problem is that I have a frame that should be showed on the end of my report.. But when it's printed, the frame goes to the middle of it, right in the center of another block.
For example, on the layout editor:
when I print:
m_5 ← Note the difference
As I told you in a previous question you asked, you'll have to fix it within the layout editor.
pay attention to frames' positions,
what belongs to what
if necessary, move them forward or backward; sometimes several steps are required
it is easier to spot what goes where if you paint frames into different colors. Once everything is OK, remove colors
maybe you'll have to anchor one frame to another

How "stream" a part of my screen to another part

So I have two big monitors. So I want to "stream" a small important part of the right monitor to the left. I have a specific part like 100x200pixels to the right of my screen I want to show at the very left.
I can do this but in a very ineffektive way by getting the bitmap from the right and displaying it in a gui to the left, then putting it in a loop where I create and destroy the gui showing an updated bitmap every 5 seconds. But this causes flickering and seems like a bad solution.
What is a better way to do this?
One thing that may help and reduce flicker is to use GuiControl. In your loop, instead of recreating the GUI each time, just update the picture control's contents.
GuiControl ,, picture_control_name , %A_Desktop%\updated_pic.bmp

d3 Line graph animation not consistent cross-browser

I am working on animating a line graph using d3.js, and have been closely following this example. The code I have written works just like the example...but the bug I am trying to fix is one that is also unfixed in this example. (So going forward, just follow that link to see the bug for yourself)
In Chrome and IE10, the chart works just as it is supposed to. However, in Firefox, the line does not just draw itself from left to right. Instead, the page loads with the line already displayed, then the line erases itself from left to right, and then finally draws itself (again) from left to right like it should have done in the first place.
Also notice that the line drawing is twice as fast on firefox as the other browsers - this means that the issue is with the transition itself: the transition of the stroke-dashoffset property is handled differently by firefox and the other browsers. Specifically, if we remove the transition from the equation, the main difference becomes evident: With stroke-dashoffset set to totalLength, Firefox displays the entire path, as opposed to none of it, like the other browsers do.
So my question is: is this a bug, or is this bad form on my (and duopixel's) part? If the former is the case, does anybody know a workaround or a fix? If the latter, I would be very grateful if you could show me the correct way to do this!

Firefox 6 background image repeat issue

I realize that the title is a long one, but allow me to explain. If you look at:
in Firefox 6 (Windows 7 64bit), the white background will repeat until around halfway through the letter 'D' of the full directory, and then disappear after one small move of the mouse wheel, and then resume displaying just a little further down the page. The background just snaps back to displaying. Personally I am baffled as to what is causing it, and in the back-end admin section of this page, the same thing occurs with another repeated background image.
So to duplicate the bug, at the time of this postings, search for the term, "Starbuck" on the page, and then scroll until that listing is at top of your browser, then scroll down slowly, and the white background should just disappear.
Any help would be extremely helpful, though I am going to have to paginate the results of this page for a quick fix, I would rather know what it is that is causing it, and maybe even a potential fix.
If you check, that happens when you scroll the page down by slightly more than 32000 pixels (yep, signed 16-bit integer limit). Things are even worse in Firefox 9, there the background doesn't come back below that boundary. Which sounds pretty close to bug 215055 - except that it cannot be that bug, it has been resolved two years ago. There doesn't seem to be an existing report for the bug you found, it is probably best if you file a new bug, component is "Layout".
