ORACLE REPORTS - Frame printed in the middle of another frame, does not respect the order on the layout editor - oracle

My problem is that I have a frame that should be showed on the end of my report.. But when it's printed, the frame goes to the middle of it, right in the center of another block.
For example, on the layout editor:
when I print:
m_5 ← Note the difference

As I told you in a previous question you asked, you'll have to fix it within the layout editor.
pay attention to frames' positions,
what belongs to what
if necessary, move them forward or backward; sometimes several steps are required
it is easier to spot what goes where if you paint frames into different colors. Once everything is OK, remove colors
maybe you'll have to anchor one frame to another


How to measure margin between font-elements in XD?

It seems not possible to view the exact margin between font-elements in XD (dev-view). Below you'll find a screenshot of a situation where we need to measure the exact distance between two Font-elements (XD developer-view).
It needs to bypass the line-height, but it doesn't. To be able to do this, we need the line-height to be zero. But when we edit the line-height in XD for a word or sentence on a single row, XD does not change that line-height.
Anybody encountered the same situation?
In this example the line-height is 32. We go to XD. Change it to zero, save it and SHARE FOR DEVELOPMENT. But the line-height remains 32. Also changing it to 1 instead of zero won't make any difference.
To fix this issue, you have to select the Text within Adobe XD. Right Click and select Path > Convert to Path. The margins around the Text will disappear and when in DEVELOPMENT view it becomes possible to see the right margin. A small problem remains. When you want to edit the text when it's a shape, you have to delete it and place a new text and turn it into a shape again. the text when converted to a shape
The default selector in Adobe XD will not give you the exact margin between two text. You have to convert the text layer into paths (Convert to Outlines) to get the exact margin.
But remember after converting text layer into path the text cannot be edited because now the letter are separate vector shapes.
To convert text layer into Path, select the layer and goto Object>Path>Click Convert to Path
You can use the Guides to drag one below your text and another one on top of the second text, and then you can see the distance between the 2 guides.
Check this youtube video for a quick tutorial on it. This is going to be a manual action. I don't think there's a key to press to check the distance automatically.

How "stream" a part of my screen to another part

So I have two big monitors. So I want to "stream" a small important part of the right monitor to the left. I have a specific part like 100x200pixels to the right of my screen I want to show at the very left.
I can do this but in a very ineffektive way by getting the bitmap from the right and displaying it in a gui to the left, then putting it in a loop where I create and destroy the gui showing an updated bitmap every 5 seconds. But this causes flickering and seems like a bad solution.
What is a better way to do this?
One thing that may help and reduce flicker is to use GuiControl. In your loop, instead of recreating the GUI each time, just update the picture control's contents.
GuiControl ,, picture_control_name , %A_Desktop%\updated_pic.bmp

How to Properly Align Objects inside Frame in Oracle Reports

Im editing some oracle reports.But I cant properly align the objects inside the frame.
See this image:
I copied the F_REF1 object, so they are in the same frame.I want to align the F_REF2 same as F_REF1.But when I did that, F_REF2 is moved to another frame!
See this.
How to align F_REF2 same as F_REF1?
Here's how:
Switch "confine ON" - it ensures that objects can't be moved out of their frames
switch "flex OFF", so that moving fields within their frames wouldn't stretch/collapse frames (if possible; if not, you won't even be able to move the field)
then do the alignment
Also, see whether "snap to grid" is enabled (it should be in the "View" menu). If so, and if fields are placed to "non-matching pixel lines" (I don't know how to express myself), you won't be able to align them nicely. In that case, switch the "snap to grid" OFF. That setting will also let you use "Align" action so that all fields are really nicely aligned (whether horizontally or vertically).

Multiple swiffy sequence matters how it will be played

In our project we found strange swiffy behavior and we can`t find why it happenes.
Banner A (goes first in first case, second in case two), must have on 3rd slide border around photo that appears in slide.
And it works as expected if he goes last like in case2. But dose not if he goes first like in case1.
Why could it be and how it could be fixed?

Photoshop CS6: Small Image Floating At Top-Left of Primary Image Window

I don't remember how it started, although I believe it began after using 3D tools at one point. I was looking for TWO answers, if possible:
For some reason, I find this hard to describe in words, so following the description is a link to a screenshot.
When I open, or create a new image followed by pasting an image from the Clipboard, in Photoshop, there is this zone at the top-left of the image window containing a smaller image, which is surrounded by an area that appears to be transparent - but when clicked on, or the window itself is moved, this "picture-in-picture" feature disappears - then comes back after the dragging is finished.
1) What is this "feature" named?
2) How do I turn it off?
Thank you!
I don't think I can tell what you hit, or where this is located from the image you shared... can you upload a more comprehensive interface snapshot? It feels like you simply have a duplicate layer on top of your main layer...
Perhaps take a look at your workspace settings and try going to essential and see if that preview panel goes away.
