Firefox 6 background image repeat issue - firefox

I realize that the title is a long one, but allow me to explain. If you look at:
in Firefox 6 (Windows 7 64bit), the white background will repeat until around halfway through the letter 'D' of the full directory, and then disappear after one small move of the mouse wheel, and then resume displaying just a little further down the page. The background just snaps back to displaying. Personally I am baffled as to what is causing it, and in the back-end admin section of this page, the same thing occurs with another repeated background image.
So to duplicate the bug, at the time of this postings, search for the term, "Starbuck" on the page, and then scroll until that listing is at top of your browser, then scroll down slowly, and the white background should just disappear.
Any help would be extremely helpful, though I am going to have to paginate the results of this page for a quick fix, I would rather know what it is that is causing it, and maybe even a potential fix.

If you check, that happens when you scroll the page down by slightly more than 32000 pixels (yep, signed 16-bit integer limit). Things are even worse in Firefox 9, there the background doesn't come back below that boundary. Which sounds pretty close to bug 215055 - except that it cannot be that bug, it has been resolved two years ago. There doesn't seem to be an existing report for the bug you found, it is probably best if you file a new bug, component is "Layout".


How to optimize Raster (Rasterizer Thread) as seen in the Chrome Dev Tools Performance tab?

I'm trying to understand why these Raster processes have such a long duration, but I'm finding the documentation to be sparse.
From other people's questions, I thought it might be related to the images being painted, or javascript listeners, or elements being repainted due to suboptimal CSS transitions but removing the images, javascript, and CSS transitions didn't do the trick.
Would someone be able to point me in the right direction? How do I narrow down which elements or scripts are causing this long process? It's been two days and I'm making no headway.
The "Raster" section represents all activities related to painting. Any HTML page, after all, is an "image". The browser converts your DOM and CSS to the image to display it on a screen. You can read about it here. So even if you don't have any image on the page you still would see as a minimum one rasterizer thread in "Raster" which represents converting your HTML page to the "image".
By the way, Chrome(79.0.3945.79) provides some information if an image was initiated this thread.
Also, you can enable "Advanced paint instrumentation" in "Performance" settings to see in more details what is going on when the browser renders an image
After spending some hours with the same, I believe that the 4 ugly green rectangles called "Rasterize paint" are a bug in the profiler DISPLAY. My suspicion based on:
1) The rectangles start some senconds after the profiler started. NOT after the page loaded, so it seems it is bound to the profiler, not to the page.
2) The starting point of the rectangles depends on the size of the profiling timeframe. If I capture 3 seconds it starts after ~2 secs, if I capture 30 seconds it starts after ~20 secs. So the "cpu load increase" depends on the time you press the stop button.
3) If I enable "Advanced paint instrumentation" as maksimr suggested, I can click on the rectangle to see the details, and the details show ~0.4 ms events in the "Paint profiler", just like before the death rectangles started. (see screenshot, bottom right part)
3b) I even can click on different parts of the same rectangle, resulting different ~0.4 ms long events in the Paint profiler...

Blurred text in the TStatusBar control

I have for a very long time experienced a hugely annoying problem with the TStatusBar VCL control, a thin wrapper around the Win32 status bar control.
Since this appears to me as a very common and frustrating issue, I am very surprised Google (and StackOverflow) doesn't seem to know much about it.
The problem is that the status bar text becomes very blurred when it hasn't changed for a while; the precise conditions are still unknown to me. But I see this every day:
If one of the panels has its text updated, the new text is rendered correctly (see last panel):
Is this something that only happens when I am in the vicinity of running Delphi processes, or is it indeed a known issue? More importantly, is there a known cure? (And, academically, why does this happen? It wouldn't surprise me if it is related to transparent drawing of anti-aliased text by code originally designed for unthemed Win9x.)
I have tried to enable double-buffering, but I am not sure if that completely resolves the issue. (I have seen even worse behaviour in non-double-buffered list view controls, which is resolved by making them double-buffered.)
I made all status bars in my applications double-buffered a week ago, and I haven't seen any blurred text in any of them since then. Previously, I saw severely blurred text daily. Hence, it seems like this issue - whatever is causing it - can be fixed by making the status bars double buffered.

2 Flash overlapping no interaction on Firefox Macintosh

I've got a web page with two different floating divs (position: absolute) and both contains a flash movie. The two are overlapping and the one below is a lot bigger.
The problem is: on the LAST VERSION of FIREFOX for MACINTOSH (snow leopard) the flash movie on top is impossible to interact with!
Watch yourself (wait for the fullscreen video to close):
How can I fix this?
Thank you in advance
I know this is an old questions but I thought I'd throw a possible solution that I've come across.
I had a very similar issue as described above. Two SWF movies loaded into a page sitting on top of one another. The top most contents mouse position was always off by a decent margin making the buttons almost unusable.
One of my movies was 1000x650 the other 1200x650. The larger of the two had a left positioning equivalent to around -100px which appeared to be the same offset being seen in the top most movie.
By giving both movies the same left positioning, the issue was resolved. Most annoyingly this only occurred on Firefox on Mac / OSX.
Some other discussions around this subject can be found in the comments here:
It appears to be a consistent bug, I'm surprised it hasn't been addressed.

Explaining the need to avoid horizontal scroll

I need help explaining to my boss why her design is poor on a client's website. She has no knowledge of the web, and it can be difficult as a web developer working with a woman who is a graphic designer (not even a web designer really). On a current site she has designed, an image bar "needs" to be ~1200px according to her, though it isn't necessary with the content. A quick sketch to illustrate what's going on:
As you see, the banner spills out past the 960px of the content and as wide as 1200px. This creates a horizontal scroll when all the content is viewable within the 960px wide viewport. I need to make this an <img> and not a CSS background because it's a jQuery slideshow that fades from image to image.
I think this is a big problem because a lot of people are going to get a horizontal scroll bar imposed in their browser when they're still able to see all the relevant content. She thinks no one will notice and it'll be fine; I think it's very bad practice and confusing to the end user.
How do I explain the problem to her?
Ask her if she would want to open a brochure to only see that one of the folds was unnecessary as it merely has some header image spilling over into it (but no content).
Some | (but
content| this
here | is
| blank)
Point her to Nielsen - on of the most famous and top level web usability experts.
"Horizontal Scrolling" is error #3 in "Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002" article
Also, point out (not sure if Nielsen does) that vast majority of mice don't have horizontal scroll wheels (that was a point made in comments of an article discussing Nielsen's article).
Also, do the usual UI thing - TEST!
Pick 5 random people who ideally match the desired user profile. Ask them to use the mock-up with and without warning and observe which one's easier/faster (and ask, but also obseve without asking)
Hmm. It sounds like you guys need a requirements analyst to step in the middle here. Deciding on a broswer specification & resolution that you'll conform to is a fair thing to ask, I think. Just assuming that 'most' users will have wide screen is not enough for most apps. Seems like she'd be hard pressed to explain why she can't redesign her banner to be smaller & fit the desired size.
I think that user will absolutely notice the horizontal scroll bar and be annoyed by it. Because it's not something most users are used to seeing (can't think of any major sites that have one), they'd have (in effect) learn something new to use your site, which is not good. They should be able to look at a site and be able to use it right away, not spend a few seconds figuring out that the scroll bar doesn't show you any new content, just the additional graphics from the header - those few seconds are where you lose people.
I wonder also, if there's any section 508 guidance on horizontal scroll bars. That may not matter to you guys, but I'm developing gov't sites, so 508 is a big deal for us day to day. If you've got a user using just a keyboard or a screen reader, that scroll bar is more than just annoying.
Two points I would make:
NO major website uses horizontal scroll. Not one. This means, regardless of what she considers "good" design, 100% of users will be confused and will probably never see the content off the right side of the screen.
Horizontal scroll is the print equivalent of a fold-out or "centerfold" style-page. Would you make every page in a magazine like this?
People read left to right, top to bottom (or right to left in some countries). Because of this they can read a lot more content before they need to start scrolling as they only have to scroll vertically.
If you introduce horizontal scrolling then the user has to potentially scroll at the end of each line rather than at the end of each page.
Almost everybody has a wheel mouse now, but only a very few people have wheel mice that side scroll. And even fewer people even know wheels can side scroll!
Let her chew on that.
Try these two points to convince her :
Show her some data about most used browsers resolutions (still 20% internet users have 1024x768 screen resolution)
Having some part of the website not visible when the page is loaded is not "user-friendly" (user can miss some critical information)
Can the entire banner and all the component images within it be scaled down to be narrower? (admittedly it woudl also be shorter, may be more difficult to read etc). Then if the face on the right is really important it woudl still be visible... Horizontal scroll is just really really bad. But I guess you (and everyone else) already knew that :)
You should give her examples and show her what she is trying to do. Do you really want to scroll horizontally to get to information on the other side of the page.

Where are people getting that rotating loading image?

I keep running across this loading image
which seems to have entered into existence in the last 18 months. All of a sudden it is in every application and is on every web site. Not wanting to be left out is there somewhere I can get this logo, perhaps with a transparent background? Also where did it come from?
You can get many different AJAX loading animations in any colour you want here:
I believe the animation came from the Mac OS X loading screen. Here's a similar one with a transparent background:
alt text
I think it's just a general extension to the normal clock-face style loading icon. The Firefox throbber is the first example of that style that I remember coming across; the only real difference between that and the current trend of straight lines is that the constituent symbols have been stretched to give a crisper look, moving back to more of a many-handed clock emblem.
