Application based cms or package for laravel [closed] - laravel

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am writing a Laravel application. this application needs to a CMS.
my application have something like user membership,newsletter emails, authentication,advanced searches etc, depend on posts.
a CMS can not handle my application alone.
I need to an extendable CMS that resolves my requests.
I saw October CMS gallery and I think it is for blog or simple sites not an extendable application.
What extendable CMS or package (in Laravel) can resolve my requests?

I think all you can do it with OctoberCMS, it is not pure CMS, it is developer first CMS, you can extends this as you want, there is no restriction in extending this, as per my opinion, all things you can do with laravel is possible with OctoberCMS.
Please double check its features
what you can do is you can keep Laravel and OctoberCMS in one project, for CMS part use OctoberCMS.

October is pretty much amazing. I think you can do anything with it. When I saw their website the first time on a recommendation of a friend I also saw it as a simple CMS - but look at the documentation- and resources-page: You can create your own plugins, it has a very intricate and easy to understand databse-handling that also manages complicated relationships like "many to many polymorphic" and there is an easy way to create backend-pages that contain forms with those relations. In my opinion its really amazingly thought through and it can serve as CMS-part for almost anything.

i heard talking about Platform by cartalyst but i never try it.
take look if you want and i think it responds to your needs.


Node.js equivalent of Play! Framework [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been looking into using Node.js + CoffeeScript for my project instead of the Play! framework. I like the idea of being able to write both my client-side and server-side code in CoffeeScript, which is a great language.
I've taken a quick look through the list of frameworks here and there seem to be quite a few choices in the web framework market. Can anyone recommend one that has a strong MVC architecture, and would afford the smoothest transition to Node.js?
Some of my nice-to-have features:
Built-in security functionality
ORM/some other kind of MySQL querying API
View templates
Express (Django-like web) + Mongoose (ORM)
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the part about MySQL. Mongoose is for MongoDB only. In that case, try Sequelize:
try Batman.js
extremely fast app server based on node.js uses all your same app code (models, controllers) so you don't duplicate code*
include specific server side code, like security or proprietary code or extra validations*
can do extra things like compile and minimize your code
You may want to take a look at the:
compound.js, formerly RailwayJS, (express-on-railway) adds rails-style structure and MVC to Express

Is there any forum in codeigniter php? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any forum software based on codeigniter ? free or commercial ?
I haven't tried either of these myself but i've heard very good things and you should take the time to investigate them both:
Dove Forums
Dove Forum is fairly new, but growing and seems to have fairly strong support from the Code Igniter community at the moment.
Pyro CMS
Pyro CMS is made by some of the top contributors to the Code Igniter community and gets alot of plaudits.
It's a fully fledged CMS rather than a forum script, but it has a forum add on which you can download to add that functionality.
You could check out MyForum ( - it is reasonably simple and I have had very good experiences with it in the past! It's free as well :)
Yep is nice and you can get all the necessary information about the coding and other practices using codeigniter over here.
not sure how helpful this is to you now, but Elite Bulletin Board( is switching to CodeIgniter for their next version.
while its still in development, the code is in SVN if you wanted to look at it.

phpBB: how to customize the UI really [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This will be quite a long way to ask my question, so please bear with me, I'm really interested in your opinion and need an advice.
I would like to modify or convert an existing phpBB3 setup because my users don't like it anymore. They definitely don't like the (otherwise professional) design of the templates based on proSilver or subSilver2 - they find it boring. We're talking about young girls and boys; it's quite possible that this is the first forum they've ever wanted to use (for some of them at least). Because I maintain that forum for a quite small community I must do something with this situation, so I've started thinking about how to dress up phpBB3 and make it more lovely.
Do you know any other forum software which could satisfy our needs better, perhaps a more Web 2.0 targeted solution? Do you have any ideas how should I design a forum style that 10-15 years old people can really use and enjoy? (I'm not talking about the IT specialists of the future here.)
I know it's not about programming on the surface, but we're talking about UI design here. I ready to do quite a lot of coding if we could find a nice concept - I wonder if I should create a new phpBB3 style with custom code from scratch or something.
I don't know phpBB, but to your question on other forum software...
I have used bbPress for a large project and I was very happy with it. It shares a lot of code with Wordpress and one can easily integrate the two, and even add more sophisticated social networking features using the BuddyPress plugin.
bbPress itself is lightweight and fast in my experience. It is easy to create a completely customized experience using only HTML, CSS and a few PHP template tags. There is a plugin architecture that allows you to customize the heck out of it without modifying the core.
One drawback is that it's future within the Wordpress stable has seemed a little uncertain recently.

Wordpress multilanguage plugin [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a blog on Wordpress in which I need to serve contents in several different languages. I don't want to translate the articles, I just want to have some in each of the languages and just have a way of switching between them. I was looking for a wordpress plugin that allows such functionality but so far I found only xLanguage but it's not what I intend to use if for, although it's pretty close.
What this plugin allows is to have a contents in the post that is localized for one specific language and it's not displayed in other languages. However it's main flaws are
you cannot translate post titles
if I define the post in just some of the languages my site supports the post will appear blank (I would like that it won't appear at all in this language)
Does anyone knows if there is a plugin that I could use or I should start thinking of developing one myself. As I mentioned I don't really need a translation functionality, just the ability to mark the post to appear in only one selected language.
I guess I could also set up several instances of wordpress, each for every language but then I will need to replicate every configuration change in all the instances and that's something I would really like to avoid.
Actually I just noticed that I can hide untranslated messages by specifying a parameter in options but there is still one problem.
The rest of the page (links, other text generated by Wordpress) doesn't get translated while switching the page. So I have my contents translated by still see default language in navigation etc.
Gengo looked interesting, but development seems to have stopped.
But the qtranslate plugin (author's page, plugin page) offers the things you need. It not only manages article translations but also switches the complete site (“user interface”) language.
Articles (including titles) can be stored in several languages. If you need a translation elsewhere (i.e. a widget title), you can use special markup (language tags): <!--:en-->english<!--:--><!--:de-->Deutsch<!--:-->
I'm still testing it myself, but it mostly works alright. There may be surprised (e.g. date fields), so better test it on a offline copy of your site.
Also, check this older stackoverflow question
I have built several multilingual sites and I use the WPML plugin and have found it to be best option out there.

Php LiveDocx library or another template based pdf creation lib [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to generate gift vouchers from PHP code and was looking at PDF libraries to accomplish this. Stumbled upon LiveDocx which looks like an excellent service and then found which looks like the natural choice for PHP. Problem is I'm using Zend Framework 1.6 still. Is there a way to get phplivedocx to work with Zend 1.6 or is there another template based php generation library that I can use?
Any other suggestions on accomplishing my original goal of generating vouchers is welcome although I must say that I've gone the programmatic approach before using TCPDF. It works well but is just too much work to get nice pdf design.
I ended up generating an HTML file and converting it with the wkhtmltopdf (Webkit HTML to Pdf) tool:
If using a WYSIWYG editor to generate the HTML then I guess one is almost at the kind of functionality that livedocx brings i.e. to allow templates to be created with an editor.
The zend framework is loosely coupled. You should try downloaded the latest copy and placing the Zend_Service_LiveDocX folder in your Zend library in the Zend_Services folder and if you have autoloading enabled, your application should be able to find it and use it... it's worth a try and certainly a better idea than sourcing another third party application. I too have used all the various pdf libraries out there for php and you know what, I hated every one of them.
