phpBB: how to customize the UI really [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This will be quite a long way to ask my question, so please bear with me, I'm really interested in your opinion and need an advice.
I would like to modify or convert an existing phpBB3 setup because my users don't like it anymore. They definitely don't like the (otherwise professional) design of the templates based on proSilver or subSilver2 - they find it boring. We're talking about young girls and boys; it's quite possible that this is the first forum they've ever wanted to use (for some of them at least). Because I maintain that forum for a quite small community I must do something with this situation, so I've started thinking about how to dress up phpBB3 and make it more lovely.
Do you know any other forum software which could satisfy our needs better, perhaps a more Web 2.0 targeted solution? Do you have any ideas how should I design a forum style that 10-15 years old people can really use and enjoy? (I'm not talking about the IT specialists of the future here.)
I know it's not about programming on the surface, but we're talking about UI design here. I ready to do quite a lot of coding if we could find a nice concept - I wonder if I should create a new phpBB3 style with custom code from scratch or something.

I don't know phpBB, but to your question on other forum software...
I have used bbPress for a large project and I was very happy with it. It shares a lot of code with Wordpress and one can easily integrate the two, and even add more sophisticated social networking features using the BuddyPress plugin.
bbPress itself is lightweight and fast in my experience. It is easy to create a completely customized experience using only HTML, CSS and a few PHP template tags. There is a plugin architecture that allows you to customize the heck out of it without modifying the core.
One drawback is that it's future within the Wordpress stable has seemed a little uncertain recently.


Is Microsoft Prism alive and active? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've been doing a lot of reading these last two days on Microsoft Prism, but the thing I'm still not very sure of is what does the future look like for it? I know that version 4.1 was just released a few months ago, but besides Microsoft's own documentation, I haven't found many blog posts written in the last year on the subject, most of what I find is 2009-2010.
It definitely looks interesting but the learning curve seems to be a bit steep and I wouldn't want to embark if it's going to become obsolete in the near future. Anyone has any insight on this?
Mike, from my perspective it's not a bad thing that there isn't much blogging.
PRISM is supported and their message board monitored. There is a big community that uses PRISM. Functionality isn't being developed - thats' why not much to blog about, but it's solid and open-source. P&P team maintaining it and there might be 4.5 release later on when .NET 4.5 comes live.
This is not MVVM framework, and there is a lot of different MVVM frameworks. This is not model or business objects wrapper. This is framework to develop modular composite applications with WPF/Silverlight. And AFAIK there is nothing like this available.
We use their modules, navigations, regions, DelegageCommands, etc. We use pretty much everything available from PRISM and it works great for us. OTOH we did roll out our own MVVM functionality.
P.S. Learning curve WAS painful. Not because it's bad framework but because there is a lot of functionality (which you can use ala cart btw). At the end it is worth it. I suggest getting their book and reading it quickly just to see what it's all about. Then you will see when and how you can use their functionality.
Prism is a life saver. Now its maintained by Brian Lagunas. He is once of the best person on earth to help. He always reads our messages and replies. If you want to get a better understanding then Brian Lagunas has excellent courses on Pluralsight.

How do websites achieve the 'Web 2.0' look and feel? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm not sure that I'm using the correct language here so I will give some examples of web sites which I believe have 'Web 2.0'look and feel
They all have big text, big buttons, plus very slick and tasteful AJAX/CSS. My question is how is this look and feel assembled? Some possible ideas I have had:
. Underlying library such as jQuery/GWT
. Handled by web framework such as Rails/Django
. Coded completely from scratch
To me all the sites have sufficient similarity that there does seem to be some type of underlying common mechanism. The reason I'm asking is that as a developer I'm wondering if I can assemble a Web 2.0 looking site using some type of tool kit.
There are common frameworks and tools to help with the development, sure. You mention two of them. However, a tool alone isn't going to do it. Not unless you just entirely conform to some kind of brown-and-serve framework. (I don't know of any off-hand.)
Good look and feel comes from good UI/UX design. I'll bet that each of those example sites you gave has a talented graphic designer behind it (either on staff or contracted for making the site) who is proud of their creative work, and simply used some tools to help facilitate that work.
I have just discovered Bootstrap and this is exactly what I was looking for

Software Design Implementation - Issue/Module/Bug/Feature Tracking Solution [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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The company is growing and we're starting to implement more and more complex software designs. I feel a need for some tracking software... I just don't know if it exists.
I currently maintain a Google Doc Folder (shared by our 3 developers) with a well-organized doc for each module. A doc is also created per major upgrade to a module or modules. For all other "tracking"... we have interal forums.
I want the following:
I want get an immediate printout of all Project_01 features or bug fixes on a particular project with the option to hide or show developer comments that have been implemented in the last X number of days.
This clearly suggests a web-based system where developers enter issues, bugs, and features with appropriate tagging. Entries should be commentable, taggable, dated, editable and reporting should be based upon tags, dates, developers, projects, etc.
I figure I'm going to be perceived as naive by the grizzled veterans floating around here, though I've been running this business for 4 years (so I've been around). I don't think we have the resources to absorb the overhead of implementing something like CMMI... but then again, I don't really know what's best.
My personal evolution to using Google Docs per Application Module + internal phpbb forums for everything else has been pretty nice compared to the way we started out (marker boards, Microsoft Word docs). I just feel like I can go a long ways towards exceeding client expectations if I had the ability to track features/bugs/issues better with superior on-demand reporting.
Update: Went with MediaWiki integrated with Mantis
Take a look at fogbugz. It looks like it meets all your requirements.
Also, take a look at this other SO question: Free/Cheap Task/Bug Management software
I've good experiences with mantis.
Yes, FogBugz and Trac are recommended.
I hope it helps.
I find this comparison of issue tracking systems either interesting or overwhelming.
I think with 3 developers, in the same building, you probably can get by without software tools. But, adopting something now, before you're so big/complex that you can't survive without it may save a lot of future pain.

Suggest tool for website structure prototyping [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am looking for some tool that would help me prototype basic website structure and logistics (or simply user interface).
It should be extremely efficient in the matter of time needed to do simple changes like changing position of objects on the page. It should provide features for creating multiple pages and linking them together.
I don't need visual aspect of the thing, just the basic structure, placement of objects and logistics.
I prefer offline, free or open source solution.
Try Mockingbird, it's mainly used for user interface prototypes, but you can easily use it for flowcharts / structure diagrams etc.
Best of all it's free!
Try Balsamiq Mockups, it's excellent and quite inexpensive. Or, Microsoft's Sketchflow is great for building interactive prototypes.
In no particular order:
Sketchflow, part of Expression Blend 3
"I prefer offline, free or open source solution."
Then Pencil is what you need!
I've tried iPlotz recently which is an online wireframing tool and I've been impressed.
I highly recommend Mockplus Cloud.
Mockplus is a desktop-based tool for prototyping mobile, web, and apps. You are able to create interactions with simple drag-and-drop. Besides,your teamwork will be time-efficient with the collaboration feature.
The admins are always online and can solve your problems in minutes if you have any. You can learn about design and get design inspirations and resources in this group.
What’s more, this group offers many benefits to its members only.
If you join the Mockplus and the admin will offer you 40% off coupons and free UI Kits & Fonts Package. Besides, you will get life-time free tech support on Mockplus even if you are not a paid user now.
If you are looking for a place to communicate with others about product and UX/UI design, and also get a great rapid prototyping tool with saving a big budget.

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion:
Must work (well!) on Windows (Vista/7)
Must not be web based (I don't care about webapps allowing me to create sites off of crappy templates)
Template-based (and possibly with many templates available)
Pretty flexible (nothing like Dreamweaver, but I wouldn't like being stuck with just entering text into some prebuilt templates)
Intuitive (and possibly good looking) UI
Producing standards-compliant markup (office-like HTML is not an option)
Here is what I don't care about:
Price/License (if it's commercial it's probably even better for my purpose, as if the tool is good I will want fast, quality support)
Good code editing features (when I'll get my hands dirty with the markup I want things to be looking already pretty good so I'll just have to improve certain areas based on my requirements...)
Server-side scripting (I'm handling that otherwise, for this tool I just care about the design part)
Here's a list of commonly recommended tools I consider unfit for my needs:
Microsoft Expression Web
Microsoft Visual Web Designer
Adobe Dreamweaver (good, but too good for my needs. At this stage, I'd prefer something quicker, even if it means having lower quality html)
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Probably too late, and not sure if this helps you anyway:
