Node.js equivalent of Play! Framework [closed] - model-view-controller

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been looking into using Node.js + CoffeeScript for my project instead of the Play! framework. I like the idea of being able to write both my client-side and server-side code in CoffeeScript, which is a great language.
I've taken a quick look through the list of frameworks here and there seem to be quite a few choices in the web framework market. Can anyone recommend one that has a strong MVC architecture, and would afford the smoothest transition to Node.js?
Some of my nice-to-have features:
Built-in security functionality
ORM/some other kind of MySQL querying API
View templates

Express (Django-like web) + Mongoose (ORM)
EDIT: Sorry, forgot the part about MySQL. Mongoose is for MongoDB only. In that case, try Sequelize:

try Batman.js
extremely fast app server based on node.js uses all your same app code (models, controllers) so you don't duplicate code*
include specific server side code, like security or proprietary code or extra validations*
can do extra things like compile and minimize your code

You may want to take a look at the:

compound.js, formerly RailwayJS, (express-on-railway) adds rails-style structure and MVC to Express


Vaadin front-end for social network? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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From the information I've gathered, Vaadin seems best suited for business related applications.
I'm just wondering if anyone with experience could tell me if it would be possible to create Facebook 2.0 with Vaadin? It seems like a really good front-end for such a thing and I see many possibilities for amazing user experiences.
(That's not what I'm aiming to do, just trying to make the question more concrete)
Note that I'm a beginner and currently developing using Thymeleaf as my template engine.
I would not recommend Vaadin as a technology for realizing a social network. Vaadin is a server-side UI framework that stores the UI state in the session. With thousands of concurrently active users you have a massive memory consumption on the server. I would rather use a fat-client approach with client-side technologies such as angularJS.

Best web app programming platform/ language for someone used to Xcode [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have learnt to program apps in Xcode and like the environment, especially the interface builder. I want to learn how to code web apps but don't seem to be able to find any similar platform, everything seems to be pretty much purely code based. Any help on where to start?
You DO NOT want to work with any web app framework that includes an Interface builder. You will get a WYSIWYG mess of code that will be impossible to work with.
You DO want to adopt a web app framework, which makes deploying a web app fast and intuitive. Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular.
Then integrate that that framework with Bootstrap which makes CSS styling a breeze.
This would be my recommendation;
1. Pick any framework like Rails(ruby), flask(Python), play!(Java), etc.
2. Learn how to integrate that framework with Bootstrap. If you choose Rails I recommend this tutorial, which teaches you how to integrate bootstrap:

How do websites achieve the 'Web 2.0' look and feel? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm not sure that I'm using the correct language here so I will give some examples of web sites which I believe have 'Web 2.0'look and feel
They all have big text, big buttons, plus very slick and tasteful AJAX/CSS. My question is how is this look and feel assembled? Some possible ideas I have had:
. Underlying library such as jQuery/GWT
. Handled by web framework such as Rails/Django
. Coded completely from scratch
To me all the sites have sufficient similarity that there does seem to be some type of underlying common mechanism. The reason I'm asking is that as a developer I'm wondering if I can assemble a Web 2.0 looking site using some type of tool kit.
There are common frameworks and tools to help with the development, sure. You mention two of them. However, a tool alone isn't going to do it. Not unless you just entirely conform to some kind of brown-and-serve framework. (I don't know of any off-hand.)
Good look and feel comes from good UI/UX design. I'll bet that each of those example sites you gave has a talented graphic designer behind it (either on staff or contracted for making the site) who is proud of their creative work, and simply used some tools to help facilitate that work.
I have just discovered Bootstrap and this is exactly what I was looking for

Ruby and Rhodes [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We need to develop a cross-platform mobile web app for iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows7.
It will read users' Geo location and suggest places nearby they might be interested in visiting. The database will be proprietary, not drawing from third parties. Server side changes to filter through to the interface without needing to rebuild the app.
Ruby is the preferred language. I have read some of the threads here on Rhodes. My sense is to go with Ruby and the Rhodes framework, but would like to know if there is a better option I am overlooking?
If we choose Ruby with Rhodes, is it better to use Redis instead of mySQL for the database?
Rhodes is a good framework for building mobile applications, if you want Ruby as language, it is the only choice.
As for the database, I'd go with Redis, it is better supported, it is used by Rhosync, and it performs better than mysql.
You can also consider PhoneGap
But I'm not sure that it already supports WP7..
Redis is the server-side database used by RhoConnect (formerly RhoSync). There will be work on your part if you really want to modify the RhoConnect source code to interact with mySQL instead of Redis.
Mobile applications built with Rhodes will use either SQLite (iOS, Android, Windows) or hsqldb (BB) on the devices themselves, not Redis or mySQL.

Besides Rails, what are other popular web dev tools, frameworks, libs for Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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ORMs, HTML Templates, URL mappers? I'm new to Ruby and I'm wondering what other options are there for web development other than Rails.
Maybe sinatra?
You can get some information on these and many other topics at Ruby Toolbox:
Web App Frameworks
Template Languages
I'm not sure what "URL mappers" in your question refers to, however.
I would like to recommend Padrino. It's an easy framework to get started with, and the documentation is great.
Cut from the Padrino webpage:
Padrino is a ruby framework built upon the excellent Sinatra Microframework. Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating simple web applications in Ruby. Padrino was created to make it fun and easy to code more advanced web applications while still adhering to the spirit that makes Sinatra great!
Would Watir count? 10 Alternative Ruby Web Frameworks has a list of other possibilities to explore.
