Parse migration tool stuck after canceling - parse-platform

So I have started the migration process from parse db to a mongolab db. The migration needed to be canceled at the verify stage. After pressing cancel, the migration tool is now stuck on the verify phase with no way to restart.
Has anyone else ran into this issue or have any ideas on how to restart the migration tool? Thanks ahead of time.
What I have attempted:
Removing and creating a new MongoLab DB
Multiple browsers
Parse Migration Tool Image

This issue seems to have been fixed on the parse side. But if it still happens, you have contact parse directly using the job id.
We discussed this here and basically in order to deal with migration
issues, we need you to individually report a bug through This allows each of you to get individual support,
from a team who can escalate issues, and for us to be able to ask up
front for specific information which will help us handle your issue.
We're exposing the 'job id' for the migration in the UI, and that is
something you should provide if you're having a problem.
Going to close this issue. For problems involving migration, or any
issues not specific to parse-server, please visit and find the bug icon / "Something wrong?"
section to start the bug reporting flow.


How do I solve Heroku application error (heroku logs --tail)

first of all sorry for my English, as it's not my mother tongue I am not used to it and it might be hard to understand.
I am trying to connect my spike application to heroku in order to get long-term glucose data.
I success all the step without "deploy the branch" step.
(deploy the github branch)
I checked all the API secret (no blanck, qualified with letter length), mongo uri.. I even delete all account (github, heroku) and re-register.. but I could not solve the problem.
I do not know anything about logs and any other server lanugage (do not know even how to call javascript things..)
Can you tell me how to solve this problem?
I will attach the picture in case of you guys do not understand my words..
Thank you!! :)
Try logging into your Heroku account and then select your application and finally click on view logs.
and check the logs that will help you to figure your mistake

Heroku Connect: Extend Error Log Duration, and UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error

I'm not too familiar with Heroku Connect so excuse me if these are newbie questions.
Is there a way to view Salesforce Error logs beyond a day old? I get the email notification for errors writing to Salesforce but if I don't check on them within a day, I can't access them anymore.
If the problem is "UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW", should we configure for the Retry stated here: ?
In case of writes toward Salesforce, all the changes are kept into Postgres: on the _trigger_log table once occurred and then moved to _trigger_log_archive once processed. On demo plan these records are preserved up to 7 days, on paid plan up to 30 days. You can then look at the archive table to have more insights of the failure and manually resubmit the change, as explained in the link you have mentioned.

Oracle APEX 5.1.2: Feedback Region

I have a client who use the built in feedback system to get his notes, but suddenly when I tries to go to the feedback I got the error as described in the image below.
I tried to delete cookies in the system and nothing happens, is there any solutions.

Dynamics CRM 2013: Audit logs not showing details

I have come across an odd error I have never encountered before in the audit logs:
As you can see there are no details displayed but rather just an image
When I click on a specific line I only get this:
I haven't the faintest idea of where to start looking
I am a system administrator in the system so I don't think it's a permissions issue.
I can also confirm that there are real values in the system where the audit logs display that image instead of a value.
It seems to be a widespread issue across almost every entity in the system too.
I have looked in the audit management logs and found this:
I guess this indicates that no logs have been deleted?
This occurs when auditing was switched off and on again. From that moment the system cannot guarantee that the audit trail shown is complete and therefore it displays a torn page symbol.

Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/#sql_2f6_0.MYI

For the past three to four months, we have our application live and running, we haven't deployed any new fixes / changes on Live. However ever unfortunately, we noticed that application has stopped running.
Following is the issue we observed from our logs :
"Can't create/write to file '/var/tmp/#sql_2f6_0.MYI" .
It would be really appreciable if anyone of you can extend your help.
Check the services and the User for which your Mysql is giving you this error. It is very much possible that any of the services might be down, or the User by which you are using the DB is not getting authenticated.
You or the user that handles your SQL service doesn't have permission to /var/tmp/. You can fix this by using chmod or Security permissions, depending on which platform you're on.
