Joystick.js on Unity project - airconsole

I just downloaded the UnityPackage to try AirConsole in my project, and I want to use the joystick controller example that is provided on GitHub. The problem here is that said joystick controller needs Joystick.js, and Unity tries to parse the file as Unity code...or at least that's what I think it's trying to do!
Any clue how to get rid of these unnecesary compilation errors?

JavaScript files that you want to use for the controller need to be in Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole, together with your controller file.

I haven't tested it, but you could put the Joystick.js into a script tag on your controller.html, then Unity won't compile it.


Is there a way to create code snippets in Xcode programmatically?

Is it possible to add code snippets in Xcode for autocomplete purposes without using the UI? I auto generate some data models with scripts, and wish to enable auto complete for those.
I can see the code snippets created through Xcode under ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/, but it seems like just adding a new xml file there doesn't register it with Xcode.
Oh, it seems like after I add code snippets in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/, I have to kill/quit xcode explicitly for it to load the changes. If I just close and reopen xcode, the changes don't load.

Duplicated Xcode project issue

I've duplicated my Xcode project - basically I'm creating an app with similar functionality but with different content. I duplicated the main folder and updated the names in the new project for the new app following a guide on Youtube that was on another thread, but when I updated the background of the storyboard for the new app, I've now seen it has changed the storyboard of the original app, so it must be using the same story file, or be linked somehow.
Please can someone suggest what I might have done wrong, or what I need to do when duplicating the project to avoid the same story file being used.
Please check the "Full path" of your file like shown below. Make also sure, that all your other files are linked correctly.

How to add new UI to cocos2d-x library

I have a question about adding new UI widget (in my case its an EditBox but with UIEditView instead of UIEditBox). I make some changes to UIEditBox, named it UIEditView and put into UI folder. Add all the files to the new created group
Included it in CocosGUI.h, but still can not use it.
Here the default list
Both Classes in my UIEditView have unique names
Names of classes
So what wong? ;(
Thanks in advice
I can't see the entire class, but from what I can see if you just try to access ui::UIEditBox without cocos2d in front of it, it might work. If that's not the case make sure you have NS_CC_BEGIN or using namepace cocos2d in your header and cpp file.
Also you don't have to add your custom ui into the cocos ui folders, unless you want to push it back to to project. Otherwise I have a folder for CustomUI that I host on GitHub as a opensource project so others can use it. Just makes it easier to manage.
If this did not help can you please post more of your files, if you don't mind sharing, will make it easier to help you.

Accessing resources XML from another library project in Xamarin.Android

I am trying to create a Xamarin.Android Component to send to the Xamarin Component Store, and I need to bundle my Colors.xml with it, so it is accessible to everyone using my component. I am setting the build action for the Colors.xml tp "AndroidResource".
So I created an Android sample application, when I add a reference to my library project's dll, I am able to use the colors defined, my project compiles and it runs, but I get no intellisense on Xamarin Studio. So that would be a bad thing for anyone using my library, as they would not be able to even see that the colors are available to use. You can see in this picture the colors defined are not available in the suggestions box.
If I add the Colors.xml directly into my project, I get Intellisense support, like this:
Is there a way to achieve the same result above when adding just the dll reference? Did I do something wrong or Xamarin.Android/Xamarin Studio doesn't support this kind of scenario?
EDIT: To be clear, I know this is a problem with Intellisense not being able to pick up the values, but is there anything I can do to make it work?

Console app template missing

I want to test out XMLReader but I just want the output to be simple like the console app template, but this seems to be missing from Visual Studio express for windows mobile.
Is there a way to test things simply just to see if my code is working.
Can you create class libraries? If so, use NUnit and write your test code in a unit test method body.
Im a little late to the party but in VS you need create as Console App when first creating website. You cant create a console app after you've created the website
