Accessing resources XML from another library project in Xamarin.Android - xamarin

I am trying to create a Xamarin.Android Component to send to the Xamarin Component Store, and I need to bundle my Colors.xml with it, so it is accessible to everyone using my component. I am setting the build action for the Colors.xml tp "AndroidResource".
So I created an Android sample application, when I add a reference to my library project's dll, I am able to use the colors defined, my project compiles and it runs, but I get no intellisense on Xamarin Studio. So that would be a bad thing for anyone using my library, as they would not be able to even see that the colors are available to use. You can see in this picture the colors defined are not available in the suggestions box.
If I add the Colors.xml directly into my project, I get Intellisense support, like this:
Is there a way to achieve the same result above when adding just the dll reference? Did I do something wrong or Xamarin.Android/Xamarin Studio doesn't support this kind of scenario?
EDIT: To be clear, I know this is a problem with Intellisense not being able to pick up the values, but is there anything I can do to make it work?


Issue with interacting with iPad accessory via Binding - Xamarin.iOS

I have a Barcode scanner accessory to which the iPad docks on to, hence i need to interface with the accessory to scan for barcode and use it in my application. To accomplish this, i followed the steps as enlisted here
Xamarin Hep - Link
So I went on to create a "Binding" project, added the native library i.e. ".a" file , created the APIDefinition and Structs using Sharpie and finally added the Binding project reference to my application.
In the next step, when I tried to deploy the app to iPad, encountered the error with regards to Native Linking.
In order to fix this, i mentioned the "Framework" in the LinkWith file like:
[assembly: LinkWith ("libBarCodeScannerSDK.a", SmartLink = true, ForceLoad = false, Frameworks="ExternalAccessory")]
Having done all the things stated above, I was able to deploy the app.But I am unable to make my application work with the Barcode scanner accessory. When I check the status of the scanner, its always returned as "NotConnected".
I am clueless as to how to go about debugging this issue and getting it resolved. Do appreciate, if someone can give me pointers on this.
most (if not all) of external accessories must set UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols key inside the info.plist file, see the info.plist file that the native Xcode example that came with your scanner SDK has and copy the UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols section to your Xamarin's app info.plist file.
Hope this helps!

Monodroid Layout Folder support

I'd like to use qualifiers on my layout folders as per the android documentation, but the designer in VS doesn't seem to support them. For example layout-w600dp doesn't get sent to the emulator; the default axml file from the layout folder is used.
Does anyone know if these settings are supported in Monodroid? If so, how do you make them take effect?
I think w600dp requires a certain api level to work - maybe 3.2 - see

How to deploy aspdotnetstorefront source code changes?

I'm implementing an AspDotNetStorefront (ASPDNSF) site for a client, they've purchased the source code and I'm just trying to do something simple like add an ID for CSS styling to the product images.
I've gone into the source and made the AspDotNetStorefrontCore.XSLTExtensionBase.LookupProductImage() method just return the string "TEST" expecting any product image to be replaced with "TEST", compiled the solution using Visual Studio's build. It builds successfully and the DLLs in the /web/bin directory now reflect modified dates the same as my build time, but the rendered page does not reflect my changes. I've reset the cache through the ASPDNSF admin page, but still no change.
Any idea what step I'm missing?
So this turned out to be me being an idiot. Many of the methods in XSLTExtensionBase have several overloads, I was just making the change in the wrong overload. Simply compiling the project is all you need to do to deploy, but you have to change the right code for it to render what you want!

Use ApplicationBar Icons from other assemblies?

I have a Page in a Windows Phone class library. This page has an appbar. I would prefer everything this page needs to be included within the class library so the setup list for consumers of this page / assembly is minimal.
However, When I set ApplicationBar icons, they get added to the class library project under the folder 'icons' just like normal, they show up fine in Blend, but at runtime they are no where to be found!
When I put the icons in the Windows Phone Application project all is well. However this is not my desired scenario as it is additional configuration / setup by the application author to use my pages.
I tried using the resource pathing using /{AssemblyName};component/icons/{IconName} but of course the AppBar needs them to be of type "Content" not "Resource". So I am thinking this is impossible but I wanted to know if anybody out there figured out how to do this.
Sorry guys. I just figured it out. I changed the newly added icons from "Resource" to "Content" but I forgot to set "Copy if newer" so they weren't getting outputted to the Bin\Debug\icons folder of the windows Phone Application. something to keep an eye on I guess.

Embed image in code with Visual Studio

I remember reading once that there was a way to embed an image into a code file (e.g. a screenshot or diagram) in Visual Studio, but now I can't find any reference to that feature.
Is this possible to do, or am I imagining things?
EDIT: I don't mean embed the image in the executable, for use at runtime. I mean link or embed it literally in the code, for use by developers.
There is a plug-in for VS 2010 that can do this:
There is also a plugin for VS2012 and VS2013. At this moment installing for VS2013 does not seem to work for me though.
ImageComments extension on GitHub
You can embed images in your binary through the use of the ImageList control, which is typically used to store small icons for list controls, gridviews, etc., but could also be used for storing really any image for any purpose. A better solution would be to include a resource file and store your images there.
