VS2015 Unable to Create New Windows 10 UWP Project or Build Existing Windows UWP Samples - visual-studio

When I try to create a new Windows 10 UWP, or open or build existing samples or projects, I get the following error:
The imported project "C:\Program Files
was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct,
and that the file exists on disk
I am running VS2015 Enterprise on Windows 10 Pro. Windows 10 SDK (10240) and Emulators installed. Have re-installed VS2015 several times without luck. There is no v14.0\8.2 folder on my machine. Tried to copy the v14.0\8.1 folder to create v14.0\8.2 folder but this only allows you to load the project or create new ones, but build fails. This is driving me crazy.
Note: An earlier install of same VS2015 ISO and SDK on Windows 10 Enterprise Evaluation was running successfully until I had to re-format a few days ago when I upgraded my Windows 7 to Windows 10 Pro. I have now also tried to install a clean copy of Windows 10 Enterprise, re-install VS2015 with SDK and emulators, and yet no luck. Same error keeps repeating.
Any suggestions on where/how to create the v14.0\8.2 folder would be appreciated.

The solution is to navigate to Control Panel | Uninstall a program and to select Visual Studio 2015. This allows you modify you existing Visual Studio 2015 installation. When you install, it is recommended to select the "install all" features which added the templates.
This blog should be helpful for you.
Besides, what's the exact version of VS2015 and Win10 you installed?


Windows Runtime metadata is invalid in SDK - ITIL00005

I can compile my UWP app built with Xamarin in Debug-mode, but when I try to compile it using Release->ARM mode, these errors occurs
ILT0005: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\.NetNative\ARM\ilc\tools\Gatekeeper.exe #"C:\Users\Source\app\project.UWP\obj\ARM\Release\ilc\intermediate\gkargs.rsp"' returned exit code 1
Error: Windows Runtime metadata is invalid in Windows SDK, follow the steps in http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733341 to repair your installation.
I tried to reinstall using the Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.10586.212 and Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.26624.
Shall I have both Development Kits?
Or which one do I have to remove?
Or what can cause the problem?
And how shall I fix it?
I am running Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Update 2 and Windows 10 Pro version 1511.
I have tried this, but without success, as I am running Visual Studio in English.
My target and min. version is set to Windows 10 (10.0; Build 10240)
If you remove all Windows SDK's, you can let Visual Studio download them, which worked for me.
Otherwise you can download the Windows SDK's and install it.

Visual Studio Cordova App, can't run debugger - Could not locate the appxrecipe file

If I create a brand new Cordova project (JavaScript or TypeScript) and try to debug on Ripple or on the local machine I get an error during build that says "Could not locate the appxrecipe file."
I googled it and nothing comes up. What is this file and how does it get generated? Shouldn't it be generated when I create the project?
I've already lost an entire day to this, running repairs on visual studio and trying things that had no effect. Frustrating!
This took a while to figure out but it seems that the version of node.js that would get installed with Visual Studio was too old (0.10.x). When I installed the x64 version of node.js from the node website, it installed a 64 bit version which also wouldn't work with Cordova in Visual Studio.
The answer was to install the 32bit version of node.js (node-v5.1.0-x86.msi) available from their website. Now everything compiles correctly!
I was also stucked with the issue but my problem was little bit different. I wanted to build a project for Windows 10 Mobile platform.
It was really weird because everytime when I tried to build a project from CLI with ionic build windows, the build was successul. But it had been throwing the error about appxrecipe file while building with Visual Studio again and again.
Then I noticed that everytime I open a project in Visual Studio (2015, Community Edition) there is one change when you open your confix.xml file in Visual Studio editor - the change was that Windows Target Version was set to 8.1 again. I tried to change it to Windows 10 again, save it and build but the error was still there.
I have solved it with installation of Microsoft Emulator for Windows 10 Mobile and it works like a charm now. Maybe this information could be helpful for somebody...

Migrating driver project from VS2013 to VS2015 community

Long time reader first time poster here.
I'm a Linux developer trying to get started on Windows development in my new job. I knew it would not be trivial but the first thing I'm trying to do is complete and integrate a netvmini port driver (started by a co-op student) into one of their C++ apps. I am struggling to get the build environment going...
The project was started in Visual Studio 2013 with a Windows 7 target. When I now open it in Visual Studio 2015 and try to build the solution I get:
"Unknown or unsupported property value Win7 for TargetVersion"
for each project. This also happens if I set the configuration to Win8 (both release and debug). If I set it to Win 8.1 I get:
"An SDK corresponding to WDK version '8.1' was not found. Please install the SDK before building"
I have installed every WDK and SDK I can lay my hands on from Windows 7 to Windows 10 using both the web and the VS2015 installer. I have even installed Visual Studio 2013 again but I can't even seem to get the WDK to integrate with that.
The end goal here is to be able to build this (and hopefully debug remotely in kernel mode) from my Windows 10/VS2015 workstation for targets from Windows 7-10. Any advice or documentation that details how to integrate new build platforms into VS would be helpful (all the MS documentation just tells me what I can do if I install this or that, but not HOW to do it)
I also had the same problem after running the Project Upgrade tool.
I discovered when making new configurations that "Win7" and "Win8" TargetVersion are now "Windows7" and "Windows8".
The upgrade tool does not make that change for you but I was able to manually edit my upgraded project with those changes and got it to build for all targets.
I discovered that the installer doesn't install the windows 10 SDK by default. So all the installing of other SDK's was useless. I Also found out that by installing the Win 10 SDK through the VS 2015 installer it integrates and allows me to build for targets back to windows 7 in VS 2015.

Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App from Visual Studio 2013?

So, I have a Windows 8.1 machine with Visual Studio 2013 installed. Whenever I go to create a new Windows Store project I do not see any options to create a new Windows 8 Store app, rather than Windows 8.1 Store App. However, I have no problem opening existing Windows 8 Store App Projects.
Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App project from Visual Studio 2013 when running on Windows 8.1?
It's easy - create a new 8.1 project and remove the following lines from the .csproj file:
Reopen the file and voila - it's a Windows 8 project!
Additionally, you might want to change the following as well:
In MainPage.xaml:
- <Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
+ <Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
In Package.appxmanifest:
- <m2:VisualElements
+ <VisualElements
- Square150x150Logo="Assets\Logo.png"
- Square30x30Logo="Assets\SmallLogo.png"
+ Logo="Assets\Logo.png"
+ SmallLogo="Assets\SmallLogo.png"
- <m2:SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
+ <SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
- </m2:VisualElements>
+ </VisualElements>
If this doesn't work - it might mean that the project files have further changed in current versions of VS and you might need to install VS 2012 (Express should do) and create a project in that. You can then work on it in the new version of VS.
Is it possible to create a Windows 8 Store App project from Visual Studio 2013 when running on Windows 8.1?
No. You need to use Visual Studio 2012 to create the Windows 8 project, then open it in VS 2013. This can be done in Windows 8.1, but requires installing VS 2012 side by side with VS 2013.
I did the following:
It's easy - create a new 8.1 project and remove the following lines from the .csproj file:
Reopen the file and voila - it's a Windows 8 project!
But it's not Voila. Reloading the project after this edit puts up a dialog saying VS2013 needs an update, and directs you to the MS Download site (assumedly to download the Phone 8.0 SDK.
I made completely sure I had the Phone 8.0 SDK installed with VS2013 installer. I even went so far as to remove (with 2013 installer) and re-add. Still this behavior persists. I'm now downloading the 8.0 SDK, which is installing 2012 Express of course. We'll see if that helps, but it seems like this shouldn't be necessary. What am I missing?
It didn't resolve the behavior. Now, I load up the solution and it won't load the project. The project has the notation (update required). When you select download update from the context menu, it just takes you to MS Downloads--no idea what needs to be downloaded.
Can someone please explain the highly voted answer above? I'm running Win 8.1 Pro with VS2013 Premium (Phone 8 SDK installed)...and I now have the VS2012 Express install that came with the regular Phone 8.0 SDK download. Thanks.
As Reed said, you cannot create Windows 8 App store project in Visual Studio 2013 and you need to have VS2012 installed too. But as a trick you can make a copy from an existing Win 8 app project and modify it. It is not very neat solution but works if you do not want to install VS2012 as well.
You need to use Visual Studio 2012 to create the Windows 8 projects.
Based on my own experience if you don't have do developer a Windows 8 version, just focus on 8.1. For me only 3% of the sales are generated by the Windows 8 version. I only backported my 8.1 app for experience sake.
You cannot developer Windows 8.0 application using VS 2013. You have to install VS 2012 for Windows 8.0.

Windows Phone Application Project Type Unavailable in VS2010

I recently had to reinstall the OS on my dev box and I am now in the process of reinstalling various applications. I had previously installed the WP7 SDK without any problems but unfortunately I'm having problems this time around. The only project type I have available in the Silverlight for Windows Phone category is one that I downloaded from the online templates section.
When I try to open it or any of the WP7 projects I created previously I get a "The project type is not supported by this installation." error. I am not sure what I am missing. I have followed the three steps listed here so I've installed the SDK, the Dev Tools and the Dev Tools fix. The installation of VS2010 itself seems to be fine as I can create ASP.NET and Silverlight applications and run them without any problems.
Has anyone encountered something like this before?
Edit: I have installed Service Pack 1 for VS 2010 but that hasn't helped unfortunately.
Edit: I have also re-installed the Windows Phone Dev Tools and that installation reported no errors but I still get no projects under the Silverlight for Windows Phone category.
Try opening a visual studio command prompt and typing:
devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
I have thankfully resolved this. Last night I uninstalled everything and reinstalled again but this time I made sure to right-click on each executable and select "Run as administrator". That seems to have done the trick as my existing WP7 projects are compiling and running successfully and I can create new ones too. I did run into two error messages however -
"Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched". I got around this initially by setting the target to Windows Phone 7 Emulator instead of Windows Phone 7 Device in the target dropdown on the main toolbar.
"Error: Connection failed because of invalid command-line arguments." I got around this by rebooting as mentioned here.
