I can't get how to configure the OkHttpClient.
I've got a timeout on execute()
I was trying to use retrofit and found that #Streaming can't be used with RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL
That was the issue!
I am trying to code a gRPC golang server, using buf. I don't believe buf is the problem. The project is at: https://github.com/vinceyoumans/wc6
line 70 in server01/main.go
crawlerpb.RegisterCrawlerServiceServer(grpcServer, &crawlServer{})
is giving an error
Cannot use '&crawlServer{}' (type *crawlServer) as the type CrawlerServiceServer Type does not implement 'CrawlerServiceServer' need the method: MonitorCrawl(CrawlerService_MonitorCrawlServer) error have the method: MonitorCrawl(in *crawlerpb.MonitorCrawlRequest, stream crawlerpb.CrawlerService_MonitorCrawlServer) error
All of these methods I believe are implemented.
There are a lot of moving parts, so cannot add all of the code, but will document with specifics when I resolve problem.
any suggestions?
I think I resolved the question. The solution was to remove the Stream from the rpc MonitorCrawl( stream MonitorCrawlRequest)... this is a fix, as in it compiles and runs... and listens. But I still have to see if it works with a client
The Send method works with Mediator, but not the Publish method. Nothing is received by consumers.
Is that on purpose? Is it expected in a later version?
Publish should work, but I just realized that it throws a NullReferenceException if there isn't a pipe specified. That's a bug, I've found and fixed it. Issue
I want to cast HLS Live stream to Cast Device using Cast Companion Library Android. I try the url but failed to play on Cast Device. When using VOD HLS URL, the video can play on Cast Device.
I already change the streamType: MediaInfo.Builder(url).setStreamType(MediaInfo.STREAM_TYPE_LIVE)
Or anything else I must change ?
This is the Live stream URL I want to cast: http://live.streamingfast.net/livech1.m3u8
How to cast HLS Live stream using Cast Companion Library Android? Please help...???
When you run into such issues, you need to turn on debugging in the console to see what the issue might be. If you do so, you'll notice that your streams lack the required CORS headers:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://live.streamingfast.net/hls-live/livepkgr/_definst_/liveevent/live-ch1-3.m3u8. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
I am creating a Chromecast app that streams video and uses out of stream VTT captions. I have successfully managed to load TTML but I require to load VTT also for this I have the following code
this.player.enableCaptions(true, 'vtt', 'http://some_file.vtt');
this fails within the MediaPlayer.js with tyhe following error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'parse' of null
This looks to be in the code to load the individual cues has anyone come across this problem?
You need to add the (text/audio) track(s) information to your MediaInfo and then set the active track. Take a look at this guide. Also be aware that having tracks, even when your media is mp4, would require CORS.
this.player.enableCaptions(true, 'vtt', 'http://some_file.vtt');
should be
this.player.enableCaptions(true, 'webvtt', 'http://some_file.vtt');
Could anybody please tell me how to set connection timeout using volley library for about 15 seconds.??
Thanks in Advance!!
Try setting the retry policy DefaultRetryPolicy, something like this:
volleyRequest.setRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy(YOUR_TIME_HERE, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DefaultRetryPolicy.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_MULT));