How to scroll storyboard preview? - xcode

Storyboard has a horizontal scrollbar for you to scroll to view other scenes, but the scrollbar is not present when previewing the storyboard scene. How do you scroll storyboard preview? (Assuming I am not using magic mouse)

What about Shift + Mouse Scroll? Or if you have Macbook, slide two fingers left or right on trackpad to scroll.

Just press and hold on the edge of the preview.


Swipe left/right on trackpad to scroll horizontally in fullpage.js?

I have fullpage.js setup on a site and have the scroll horizontally extension activated, but i can only seem to scroll by swiping down on a trackpad and I need to be able to swipe left and right aswell/instead. Is this possible?

Reverse mouse zooming direction Xcode

How can I reverse the zooming of the storyboard when I press option + mouse wheel?
I know how to change it on my laptop in settings but I don't see an option for Xcode.
Thank you
For zooming you can set double touch mouse in:
Click the Apple icon in left corner of your screen
Go to System Preferences>Mouse> set your zooming in More gestures tab

Shouldn't an NSTableview autoresize when its superview resizes?

I have an NSTableview on the contentview of an NSWindow. When I resize the window, I would like the height of the NSTableview to resize. This isn't working.
To make sure I haven't set something incorrectly, I created a new mac project, view-based, storyboard. In IB, I added an NSTableView to the view. It looks like the default is to have autoresizing on, so I made no changes. Run this sample project, resize the window and the tableview does not resize. I guess I am missing something. What is it??
BTW, I am using xCode 6.3
• While viewing the xib, select the Bordered Scroll View that contains your table.
• In the lower-right of the xib canvas, you'll see 4 icons. The 2nd icon is called "Pin" if you hover your mouse over it. Click that.
• In the view that pops up, click the 4 red constraint connectors, then click "Add 4 Constraints".

Bring ScrollView to front

I have a View, inside this view I have on the right side some buttons and a ScrollView.
When you press one of the buttons, the scrollview comes up and more buttons are shown.
Now when you press one of the buttons of the scrollview in the main view is placed a image and the scrollview animated thru the right side.
When I push the next button, the scrollview is under the image and not over the image :(
I'ved tried to place some code at the scrollview to bring it in front
[waende bringSubviewToFront:waende];
[waende bringSubviewToFront:button];
but still doesn't work
In the IB the ScrollView is in Foreground.
The solution code is:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:waende];

How to autoscroll when mouse is near the edge of window

I have an (big) NSImageView embedded in an (smaller) NSScrollView. I want to automatically scroll if the mouse goes near the edge of the window, how do I do this?
You could create an NSTrackingArea to be notified when the mouse enters a particular area of a view and then use one of NSResponder's scroll.. routines to scroll the view.
Cocoa has a built in method called NSView.autoscroll(with:) which will automatically scroll the enclosing scroll view when tracking mouse events and the cursor is outside of the scroll view's clip view.
