Swipe left/right on trackpad to scroll horizontally in fullpage.js? - fullpage.js

I have fullpage.js setup on a site and have the scroll horizontally extension activated, but i can only seem to scroll by swiping down on a trackpad and I need to be able to swipe left and right aswell/instead. Is this possible?


Vuetify 3 bottom v-navigation-drawer with tabs and scrollable content not closing on swipe down

I am using Vuetify 3 to create a bottom sheet for mobile using v-navigation-drawer with location="bottom" prop.
Everything works fine up to this point with swipe-down to close the bottom sheet. When I add touchstart, touchmove, touchend event listeners, all get triggered as expected.
But when I try to add a Tab component as per the documentation with some overflow content, the bottom sheet overflow scrolls on swipe up and down and tab navigation works on swipe left and right. I believe this is because of v-window is inside the drawer. Here when I add the above event listeners, touchstart does not get triggered inside the bottom sheet.
I want to implement the swipe-down to close behaviour (following the finger position) to the bottom sheet tab navigation that has overflow content. The bottom sheet will open on toggle, scrolls up and down on swipe up and down, switches tabs on swipe left and right and closes on swipe down further.
But without touchstart event it is impossible for me to go forward with this feature. (I'm planning to get the swipe direction and build the logic when to pull down the bottom sheet)
What am I missing here? Is there any other way to implement this?
CodePen link to what I tried. (Toggle device emulation)
add touchless to draver

Horizontal Scrollbar Controls Instead Of Bullet Controls For Glidejs

Does Glide allow for a horizontal scroll bar as the control UI for sliding through images? Right now I only see button controls, where each button maps to a slide.
Just to be clear I am still definitely interested in swiping behavior of course. I'd just like the button controls to behave like a scroll as well.
If Glide indeed allows for horizontal scrolling for controls can someone share how they implemented this? I cannot seem to find any guidelines in the docs.

Using infinite scrolling UICollectionView with iOS 13 pullable modals

I have a modal window, which is perfect for iOS 13's drag to dismiss gesture, because this way the user remains in the context, so I don't want to use full screen. The controller contains a UICollectionView which displays a month calendar, which is scrollable vertically.
The problem is, that when the user wants to scroll upwards in the collection view, the dismiss gesture is triggered instead. If I scroll down first, then can I only scroll up.
I've tried to disable the internal UIPanGestureRecognizer (it seems somehow there is no presentedView, so it didn't work), tried to set the UICollectionView's pan gesture recognizer delegate to prevent the system recognizer to fire (it turned out you can't do that), and tried to scroll the collection view on appearing a bit (ugly).
How can I elegantly convince the the modal presentation, that my scrollview isn't scrolled to the top?

How to scroll storyboard preview?

Storyboard has a horizontal scrollbar for you to scroll to view other scenes, but the scrollbar is not present when previewing the storyboard scene. How do you scroll storyboard preview? (Assuming I am not using magic mouse)
What about Shift + Mouse Scroll? Or if you have Macbook, slide two fingers left or right on trackpad to scroll.
Just press and hold on the edge of the preview.

Horizontal Scrolling in Firefox on Touch (magic mouse/macbook) with no Scroll bar

This only happens in firefox with a touch gesture device like the magic mouse or a macbook/macbook pro, but on some websites (some I've done and some I haven't) you can scroll horizontally even though there is no horizontal scrollbar, and there shouldn't be a scroll bar, so it's scrolling to stuff not supposed to be on the page.
http://starryeyedmusic.com/events - scroll to the right (that sidebar is positioned off the viewable page so as to not be seen)
I've also had this happen on some other websites, they work fine with normal mice or on chrome or opera with a trackpad or magic mouse.
I did that using middle click and drag to see the example. On my laptop, I just use my horizontal scroll bar.
I expect that this is happening because the page is rendering larger than the space available. However, the CSS involved is specifically disallowing scroll bars, though scrolling still works.
I'm not precisely sure if I call that a bug or a feature.. I've found it nice to be able to scroll sideways on random things that are too large (overfilled iframes without scrollbars, for example).
Also, what is your 'question'?
