Call A Rest API that is secured with spring security - spring

How do i call an api from an app secured by spring security.
I have a api provider completely secured with spring security.
Now i want to allow other clients/service to consume my rest from their apps. eg using jquery, php, etc. But my app is secured.
Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

A REST API is a set of URLs. You access these URLs secured by Spring in the same way you'd access any secured Web app.
That is, use a Web client, establish a session by using the authentication method configured, and send the HTTP method request you want.


Bypass spring security for service-to-service calls

I have multiple Spring boot micro-services deployed to kubernetes. Im also using Spring Gateway & Eureka Discovery.
Those micro-services are secured with Spring Security and require JWT token for access to the endpoints. Im using #PreAuthorize methods etc.
It all works fine when I'm accessing those endpoints from frontend application that is sending JWT token in request,
but, I can't bypass that security in service-to-service communication via FeignClient.
Ideally, my micro-services wouldn't need token at all to call other micro-service's methods via FeignClient. But I still need that security when endpoints are accessed from frontend or when requests are coming from Spring Api Gateway.
Do you know some elegant solution to this problem?
I was thinking about adding another pair of endpoints that don't have security annotations (#PreAuthorize) and somehow disable access to those endpoints on Spring Api Gateway, so they cannot be accessed from outside, but only directlly by one of the micro-services.

How to secure Spring Cloud microservices using Spring Security?

Here is the authorization service. It has endpoints to login and receive a JWT using either a custom username/password or social OAuth (Facebook, GitHub etc.).
I have a Eureka server setup and Zuul gateway service. From what I understand, there are two ways to go about implementing secure microservices. You either proxy requests through the auth service, or you send requests to the requested service (Ex. Service A) and service A authorizes using the auth service.
I would like to use the second way, however I'm having trouble implementing it. Is my understanding correct? Is there a way to setup service A somehow so that certain paths (configured using Ant matchers) will have to authorize using the auth service, which will set the SecurityContext appropriately and inject a UserPrincipal into the request. If anyone can point me to a good guide for this that would be much appreciated.

How to get principal - user information from a spring boot restApi which has security configured in to a client spring boot app?

I have two spring boot application. One is Rest and the other one is Spring boot web MVC app which consumes the Rest. The Rest has spring security configured and I want to login/logout from the client app. The client app has nothing but view and controllers to interact with the rest api.
I am using rest template to interact with the api now.
If the client app is not secured so any other anonymous app may do the same, and this is not security, it's a sieve ...
If you want to create a custom authorization/authentication, you can create own protocol and use tokens/JWT (possibly, OpenID or other global technology) and exchange information between applications.
But there is technology to do it all centrally and reliably - OAuth2, and Spring has it 'from the box' - authorization server, resource server, client. The most advantage - multiple applications (clients), one authorization - you create one user and can authenticate it on any client with the same credentials. You can customize it with JWT, and use any data in the access token and as a consequence get any information about principle/authorization.

How to secure a RESTful API in Spring Boot without mantain a jsessionid

I need to create a SpringBoot RESTful API to be consumed either by a web project or a mobile app.
My question is how to secure it without the typically basic authorization that returns you a "jsessionid" to the web browser and mantains the session with it. It's not a problem for the web project, because it could store that jsessionid. But how about to secure the mobile app request to the API?
Sorry for my english. Thanks.
One of the architectural constraints of REST is that it must be stateless.
Your REST API must not have sessions that authenticate the client. Instead, the client should pass some sort of token, commonly placed in the Authentication HTTP Header.
JWT and OAuth 2.0 are both very popular ways of doing this, and you can absolutely use HTTP Basic Authentication with OAuth 2.0 if you wish.
Here's an article called Stateless Authenticaiton with Spring Security and JWT. Hopefully that will help!
You can use basic authentication. It work sending username and password on each request but don't need save the sessionid in the client.
Here are a sample application with basic authentication:
If you don't save anything in the server session you don't need save the jsessionid in the client.

Spring Security for RESTful webservice

I am developing a RESTful web service as a back-end layer for mobile application. This service receives combination of device id (as user id) an a pin (as password), and passes to another back-end service, that validates and returns the status of successful login along the user information, in case, the user is authorized. My service is not validating the user. And mobile sends sub sequent requests to my RESTful service.
So, please suggest, how can I make all this system(especially the RESTful) secured, using Spring security.
I am using a Tomcat server, Spring and Jersey
I recently implemented a method to secure my existing RESTful APIs in Spring. I have used a token based authentication model using OAuth2. In my project, I wanted to secure my API's in a way that every request is individually authenticated and authorised based on the token present in the header. If this is something you are looking for, then I would highly recommend you to take a look at the documentation here. If there is anything you are stuck at while implementing it. Please do let me know.
Also, you can find multiple projects for Spring and OAuth here
