Bypass spring security for service-to-service calls - spring

I have multiple Spring boot micro-services deployed to kubernetes. Im also using Spring Gateway & Eureka Discovery.
Those micro-services are secured with Spring Security and require JWT token for access to the endpoints. Im using #PreAuthorize methods etc.
It all works fine when I'm accessing those endpoints from frontend application that is sending JWT token in request,
but, I can't bypass that security in service-to-service communication via FeignClient.
Ideally, my micro-services wouldn't need token at all to call other micro-service's methods via FeignClient. But I still need that security when endpoints are accessed from frontend or when requests are coming from Spring Api Gateway.
Do you know some elegant solution to this problem?
I was thinking about adding another pair of endpoints that don't have security annotations (#PreAuthorize) and somehow disable access to those endpoints on Spring Api Gateway, so they cannot be accessed from outside, but only directlly by one of the micro-services.


Implement security only at ZUUL Gateway

I have the below microservice architecture(spring boot ,java). I want to implement OAUTH2 JWT security at ZUUL gateway only and not replicate the security code in microservices .
let say Microservice 1 has rest end point http://localhost:8080/microservice-1/get/person then i should not have any security code in Microservice 1 but still at the same time no one should be able to access the Microservice 1 rest end point directly without passing JWT tokens but it should only be accessible via ZUUL.
You can use WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class in your Zuul gateway and configure the security for each route.
This is an excellent example for you

How to secure Spring Cloud microservices using Spring Security?

Here is the authorization service. It has endpoints to login and receive a JWT using either a custom username/password or social OAuth (Facebook, GitHub etc.).
I have a Eureka server setup and Zuul gateway service. From what I understand, there are two ways to go about implementing secure microservices. You either proxy requests through the auth service, or you send requests to the requested service (Ex. Service A) and service A authorizes using the auth service.
I would like to use the second way, however I'm having trouble implementing it. Is my understanding correct? Is there a way to setup service A somehow so that certain paths (configured using Ant matchers) will have to authorize using the auth service, which will set the SecurityContext appropriately and inject a UserPrincipal into the request. If anyone can point me to a good guide for this that would be much appreciated.

In microservice archticture, i have microservice which have user detail but in zuul API gateway i want to authenticate my requests

microservices architecture
I have a micro service(userservice:user related microservice) but in Zuul API gateway application i want to authenticate requests for all microservices and use spring security. I have to create signin and signup requests(AuthController) in Zuul application which require datasources,userRepository all things in zuul application.
If i use userservice(microservice user related)for other user related requests then i have use same datasource and create duplicate beans and repository for same data source which i already created in zuul api gateway application ?
I don't feel it would be a good design to authenticate usenames and passwords at gateway level. Instead what you can do is, you can add JWT tokens which can validate the request itself in zuul filters. This can be one level of verification at gateway level.
Second, you can implement caching at api level which would significantly increase the throughput of your backend security api.

How to implement role based method level authorization in springboot on an architecture with 4 micro-services, eureka server and API gateway?

I have a springboot application with 4 microservices, eureka server and a centralised API gateway. I have performed authentication using jwt token at api gateway and now i want to implement role based security on methods which are present in microservices other than gateway. I have tried to use #PreAuthorize but its not working out of the gateway. Is there any solution to achieve this type of security ?

Access sensitive Spring boot actuator endpoints via tokens in browser

We are using Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints with our services.
We want to secure certain endpoints which are to be accessed only by the admin/support team for troubleshooting issues.
For example, /logfile,/env,/shutdown,/restart.
As per Spring Boot Actuator documentation, sensitive endpoints are secured by ACTUATOR role. We can also enable basic authentication and provide username and password in application.yml by adding Spring Security as a dependency.
My query is this works fine for basic authentication, but we want to use Token Based authentication.
We want the Admin Support team to first obtain a Token from a custom Token Service and then pass the token while the sensitive endpoints like /logfile and so on.
I am not sure how I can securely access these endpoint because they will be accessed via browser and not using a REST client. With REST client I see there are options supported for securing the same.
If someone has secured these endpoints with tokens and accessed them via browser can you please help me on the same.
