How to secure Spring Cloud microservices using Spring Security? - spring

Here is the authorization service. It has endpoints to login and receive a JWT using either a custom username/password or social OAuth (Facebook, GitHub etc.).
I have a Eureka server setup and Zuul gateway service. From what I understand, there are two ways to go about implementing secure microservices. You either proxy requests through the auth service, or you send requests to the requested service (Ex. Service A) and service A authorizes using the auth service.
I would like to use the second way, however I'm having trouble implementing it. Is my understanding correct? Is there a way to setup service A somehow so that certain paths (configured using Ant matchers) will have to authorize using the auth service, which will set the SecurityContext appropriately and inject a UserPrincipal into the request. If anyone can point me to a good guide for this that would be much appreciated.


Spring Cloud - Micoservice Authentication propagation

I am building an application using microservice architecture. I am using Eureka for service discovery with Spring Cloud Gateway for request routing. For authentication mechanism I am issuing JWT tokens (in auth service). What is the best practice when it comes to propagating Authentication so I can get logged user information in each service which is after the gateway?
So far I've came up/found couple of possible solutions:
In gateway add headers for relevant user information, and in each service create filter which would take said headers and create Authentication object and store it into SecurityContextHolder. The downside of this approach is I can't just plug and play services outside my application.
Pass the token coming from the client through the gateway to the each service, where I would have JWTFilter which would validate token and extract the user information. Downside I see with this approach is I have to have jwt secret shared between each service or stored on each service, and I would have to implement JWT logic, producing duplicate code.
Final solution is having something like oAuth token introspection endpoint in auth service which would be called from each service (filter) once the request reaches it.
I implemented the filter logic for validating the user token in the gateway service, but I would like to use role based authorization on each endpoint (service) differently (ie. user service has endpoint for creating users (ADMIN), and for fetching user information (ANY ROLE)).
I opted for something like your option 2 and use spring-boot to configure JWT decoder from an OIDC authorization-server (Keycloak).
Configuring OpenID resource-servers is super easy (more options in parent folder), and authorization-server JWT public signing key is retrieved automatically by spring JWT decoder.
All that is required is ensuring that Authorization header with JWT bearer is correctly propagated between services.

Spring Cloud Gateway Authentication and Authorization

I am new to spring microservice world. As I am in learning phase, I tried and implemented the following things.
Authentication/Authorization as a separate microservice
Routing (Able to route using Spring cloud gateway)
Load balancing (Netflix Eureka)
Rate Limit and Circuit Breaker (Resilience4j)
I just need certain clarification and suggestion on what to do in these situations:
As I already had created Authentication/Authorization as a separate microservice centralized.
Now how can I implement such that every request must contain jwt token and pass-through API gateway to call other microservice also it should check which user has permission to access API in other microservice
If some has same good source so that I can learn please do share or if someone has a basic skeleton on GitHub.
Requests from outside your cluster should be intercepted/validated by Zuul (example) will be your gatekeeper which will pass the request to the request checker in this case would be your authentication service where the acquired token will be validated (this should exists at the header of the request). One tokens are validated, the request will be routed to the authorization service to check if the user has access to particular endpoint based on your rules defined for access.

Microservices architecture - Spring boot - Gateway

I'm developing a back-end with microservices architecture. I'm new about that architecture and for now I have developed 3 microservices (RESTful web services, with Spring Boot) each in a container.
I want to implement OAuth2 and JWT Rest Protection and a gateway.
Is it correct to implement a gateway with Authorization Server and Resource Server?
Am I doing something wrong about the architecture?
Thanks for the replies
As per the standard, should not mix gateway with authorization because both the purposes are different.
Gateway can be differentiated in two ways - Internal and External. Purpose of gateway is to route the call from external or internal to the protected resource.
Authorization Server
Authorization server comes into the picture for identity access management. All the request coming from external or internal via gateway should be authenticated or authorized before routing call to the protected resource with JWT or access token etc.
Authentication and Authorization - There should be a separate service that authentication the user (like supporting OAuth0 type of protocol and providing JWT Token). Your frontend should call API Gateway.
Now question comes at what granular level you are maintaining permissions - Only small set of roles or granular level of permission set. Now API Gateway should communicate with Authorization server with JWT and get the set of roles and permission. Based on the same, API gateway should forward or block the call to Microservice.
Even if you have small set of roles and JWT can be extracted and validated by Gateway but avoid to keep the same at Gateway as there are chances that you have to extract the functionality to some other service in near future.

Keycloak authentication flow in a microservices based environment

I want to use Keycloak in a microservices based environment, where authentication is based on OpenID endpoints REST calls ("/token", no redirection to keycloak login page), a flow that I thought of would be something like this:
1. Front-end SPA retrieves the tokens from the "/token" endpoint and stores in browser's localStorage, then sends it with every request.
2. Gateway-level authentication: Acess Token is passed from the front end to the gateway, gateway consults Keycloak server to check if the token is still valid (not invalidated by a logout end-point call).
3. Micro-service based authorization: Acess Token is passed from the Gateway to the microservices, using Spring Boot adapter the microservices check the signature of the token offline (bearer-only client?) then based on the role in the token do the authorization.
My questions are: Does this flow make sense or can you suggest another flow? What type of Keycloak clients to use? What's an ideal way to pass Tokens using Spring Boot Adapter, and should it be done like that in the first place? Please keep in mind that I am not a Keycloak expert, I've done my research but I still have doubts.
Your Front-end SPA should be public-client and springboot micro service should be Bearer only Client and Gateway could be Confidential Client.
You can check the Keycloak provided oidc adapters. For springboot you use the keycloak provided adapter
Similar solution using api gateway is discussed here

Authentication & Authorization in Micro services environment

All of my Micro Services, checking client access token validation using Rest API call to against my Authorization micro service which make a coupling between all the services to the Authorization Micro Service. The problem is that the token located only on the Authorization service Database. Is there a better way to do it instead of rest api?
Usually i prefer amqp over Rest API to avoid coupling but i can't see other option. Could someone help with that?
