How can I get signal data during simulation from a Simulink model and pass it to a GUI (born in GUIDE)? - matlab-figure

I'm trying to move a slider with the signal data change or just simply show the numbers in a text box. Can somebody hit me with some tips to achieve this goal?
Thanks in advance!


3dsmax FFD transform control point manipulation by script

Hello everyone interested in maxscript,
I would like to make a batch of rock models deformed by FFD. To achieve efficiency, I need to write a script to manipulate the control points for random deformation.
I opened the listener and move the control point manually, but no message pop up to offer reference. So it seems hard for me to solve this problem on myself.
Could you kindly give me a concise example on how to do that? Thank you very much!!!
FFD control points are animated like editable mesh vertexes.
Hopefully this will work:
b = box()
addmodifier b (FFD_2x2x2())
animateAll b.modifiers[#FFD_2x2x2]
getPropNames b.modifiers[#FFD_2x2x2] #dynamicOnly --prints properties which you can animate
with animate on
at time 50
b.modifiers[#FFD_2x2x2].Control_Point_1 = [0,-2,0]

How to slice this design part with Photoshop?

I want to switch it into code. I don't exactly know, do I have to slice it as a one picture or as a two pics, do I have to put it as a background ? I would appreciate any help or idea about this case, thank you !
Here is the image :

3D human Hand design and control via Arduino

I want to design a 3D human hand and control it via signal generated from my Arduino kit. I designed a 3D hand in Blender but how to give the signal generated from Arduino to add life into it. Which tool I should use.
For example I have designed an arbitrary frequency generator. And I want at a particular frequency the Hand will mimic Pinching, or to Fist. Which tool I can use to use the generated signal as input to a Programming interface and output of the Program as a Animated 3D hand.
Please help guys......
Thanks in Advance.
Python would seem the obvious solution to this, as it can interface directly with Blender.
I'm not sure how your controller works with frequencies, but chances are there's a library or a way to handle it in python.
I would suggest looking at this forum post to learn how to set up the animation you want via python script.
Python can then be used to render a series of images (of the hand) like this:
for i in range(last_frame):
bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = i)['Scene'].render.filepath = '/home/user/Pictures/frame%d.jpg'%i

how would i go about emulating mouse devices correctly?

I have a device simulation framework vbscript file I use to create emulated usb mouse devices but I have a problem: how can I pass x,y for a specific usb mouse device without ending the script before all mouse devices are done? I thought about it and could use a file with x,y values but that might slow down the speed at which responses are received or not be in real time in worried about.
An example would be me sending 3,3 for x,y for device 0 during first loop then second loop i send 4,4 for x,y for device1. Im stumped as to how this can be done.
Anyone have any ideas?
Code for reference is here:
I just need to organize the code properly but I will try the file idea while wating on response
I just have implementation of my mouse program with kinect now i figured out the answer to this. Please visit link above to download code and no its not a direct download link you need to select downloads from top navigation bar and go to correct download.
If you wish to help me improve the code i've started combined the kinect and vbscript file together and progress is good but need successful two person kinect test.
I used command line paramters in vbscript to pass parameters with the mouse data.
Might in future research making an emulated multi-mouse driver because i dont like using the vbscript.

Help : Realtime graphical interface in wxpython

I am new to this post as well as to python GUI programming.I want to make a realtime graphical GUI in wxpython.My requirement is that i have to catch signals from a device and i have to display the data in graphical as well as in textual form.The system should be accurate and be specific with the time constraints.Please can any one guide me in this,and if this be possible in wxpython and if yes how can i and if no what i can use for this is python.
Hoping someone will help me out soon.Thanks in advance and for your concern.
Anil ph
If you can connect to this mysterious device and receive data from it from Python, then you can display said data with wxPython or any other GUI toolkit. You don't really say what kind of data it is or what you want to display? Lines? Graphs? Or what? If it's just tabular data, use the wx.ListCtrl (or ObjectListView) widget. If you need graphs, see the Plot widget or Matplotlib.
