3D human Hand design and control via Arduino - animation

I want to design a 3D human hand and control it via signal generated from my Arduino kit. I designed a 3D hand in Blender but how to give the signal generated from Arduino to add life into it. Which tool I should use.
For example I have designed an arbitrary frequency generator. And I want at a particular frequency the Hand will mimic Pinching, or to Fist. Which tool I can use to use the generated signal as input to a Programming interface and output of the Program as a Animated 3D hand.
Please help guys......
Thanks in Advance.

Python would seem the obvious solution to this, as it can interface directly with Blender.
I'm not sure how your controller works with frequencies, but chances are there's a library or a way to handle it in python.
I would suggest looking at this forum post to learn how to set up the animation you want via python script.
Python can then be used to render a series of images (of the hand) like this:
for i in range(last_frame):
bpy.ops.anim.change_frame(frame = i)
bpy.data.scenes['Scene'].render.filepath = '/home/user/Pictures/frame%d.jpg'%i


How can i create a controlled stand-alone 3D viewer?

I'm trying to create a custom 3D viewer that can show up a rigged model created with blender. Particulary, the model will be a mechanical one, so in need to move them with an IK solver: i ll move/rotate a single bone (which will be the motor axes) and all other components must follow it.
I've already done the Blender part (see link below), but now i'm stuck on how to make a stand-alone viewer (ideally a single executable file) that can communicate with another application/process (maybe with TCP socket?) and move the 3d model based on the information sent by it. I'm working on Win10.
Does anyone have any ideas?
(sorry my bad english, I hope explanation was thorough)

How to display an image in real-time using Rust?

I am trying to write a ray tracer and want to render my image in real time in a GUI window. Basically, I have a buffer: Vec<u8> that is constantly updating. The question is how do I display it on the screen after completing each row. I was thinking about using iced or egui, but couldn't figure out how to output changing image without copying it each time. Solutions that are using other toolkits are also welcome.
egui asks for TextureId:
ui.image(my_texture_id, [640.0, 480.0]);
but doesn't say where to get it
For egui there's some example here and a note here if you want to go 3D (with an example too).
For iced there's a bunch of examples, and some of them are using image/image_viewer (e.g. pokedex).
A way to go would be to copy their code, make it compile/run, and then tweak it with your logic. If something goes wrong - you'd have more input for a more concrete SO question.
Also I don't think that there's anything wrong per se in copying the data for the purpose of buffering (see this).

Any Windows based colorimeters with a public API

I have access to a colour changing lightbulb system (Philips Hue). Because the light does not use RGB LEDs internally, it's hard to predict the colour you will get out of the light when you use the API. I'd like to measure the colour of the light in an attempt to improve the way they are driven by some software I am writing and to get an idea of the colour space they cover. Why nothing will be truely accurate, I wondered if a colorimeter used to colour calibrate a monitor would be useful. However, I can't tell if any of the commercially available systems actually provide an API to read values directly from the device.
Does anyone know of a colorimeter with a public API?
Note that there are also some functions that can convert RGB to values you can use for your Philips Hue lamps.
See for example:
If you need it in another language you could port the function or check out one of the other api's:
Here are a couple of ideas that should get you started; all of them are open source:
1) and educational colorimeter kit here
2) iorodeo
3) an article about colorimeter ideas
4) alternative consideration: using a camera
I hope some of this is helpful. CHEERS!

Using images in Matlab GUI

I'm working on a small image processing project in MATLAB. I have worked with MATLAB before, but never created a GUI. The GUI I want to create could be pretty advanced, so I need some hints on how to get started.
The purpose of the GUI would be to load an image and have it shown to the user. The user then has to click on two points in the image, of which the coordinates are stored (in pixels) in a variable. If possible, a colored dot is shown where the user has clicked. After the user finished with the current image, he can load a next one.
I have some experience with Java, and I think this wouldn't be too hard in Swing. But MATLAB seems like not having the purpose of creating such an advanced GUI. However, the whole project until now is in MATLAB, so it would be nice if I could manage to do it. Any help? Hints? Things I should look at?
Thanks a lot.
This is not a very complex task to be done in MATLAB.
For simple instructions about adding a picture to a GUI, take a look at this post:
For instructions on various interactions between GUI axes and the mouse pointer, check this video (keep in mind that your picture in the GUI lies within normal MATLAB axes):
In general, Doug's tutorial videos are great for MATLAB beginners, and I'd advise you to take a look at more of them.

Help : Realtime graphical interface in wxpython

I am new to this post as well as to python GUI programming.I want to make a realtime graphical GUI in wxpython.My requirement is that i have to catch signals from a device and i have to display the data in graphical as well as in textual form.The system should be accurate and be specific with the time constraints.Please can any one guide me in this,and if this be possible in wxpython and if yes how can i and if no what i can use for this is python.
Hoping someone will help me out soon.Thanks in advance and for your concern.
Anil ph
If you can connect to this mysterious device and receive data from it from Python, then you can display said data with wxPython or any other GUI toolkit. You don't really say what kind of data it is or what you want to display? Lines? Graphs? Or what? If it's just tabular data, use the wx.ListCtrl (or ObjectListView) widget. If you need graphs, see the Plot widget or Matplotlib.
