How do you add an HTTP API as a data source to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)? - business-intelligence

Am I able to add an HTTP API endpoint (e.g. Elasticsearch HTTP query) directly as a data source in OBIEE? I can't find any documentation online regarding this.
If this is not a supported feature, what other solutions exist e.g. export API endpoints regularly as flat files and add them as datasources?

OBIEE doesn't support HTTP API endpoints as a datasource. BI Publisher supports SOAP web service calls, but not RESTful ones such as Elasticsearch.
If you want to query Elasticsearch one option to consider is somewhat convoluted but possible - use ES-Hadoop to expose your Elasticsearch to Hive, and then connect OBIEE to Hive.


how can i export data out of oracle to salesforce LOV automatically everyday?

I would like to export the data from oracle to salesforce . Is there a way to do this?
can't find a way to connect directly.
Thank you.
Salesforce exposes only REST & SOAP API access, there's no ODBC/JDBC/... direct connector to underlying database.
In SQL Server world there's a package that pretends SF is a remote server or whatever is the term (, bunch of stored procedures etc that hide the API access. For Oracle world... look into ? (I'm not affiliated with any of these)
ETL and ESB tools (Informatica, Azure Data Factory, Talend, MuleSoft) have SF connectors too and there's paid extra OData-compatible API if that's something you'd prefer.
If you want to roll something out yourself - Salesforce Data Loader and SFDX (tools your SF Admin / Developer probably already use) can import/export CSV files, can be scripted from commandline.
Or write a program in Java / .Net / PHP / Python. Either craft the REST / SOAP messages (there are WSDLs to speed you up) or there are ready libraries & examples.
Whatever you're comfortable with really.
You can use 3rd party ODBC and JDBC connectors, such as the ones we offer at DataDirect.
We also offer a data gateway which can provide access to Salesforce as a relational source, while also providing a way to OData-enable existing sources (think MSSQL, Oracle, Rest, etc) for use with Salesforce Connect - their external data feature to access data where it lives.
Full disclosure - I am an SE with DataDirect.

Apache Kafka for an existing get request with Oracle DB

I’m trying to learn about streaming services and reading kafka doc’s :
To take a simple example I’m attempting to refactor a Spring web services GET request which accepts an ID parameter and returns a list of attributes associated with that ID. The DB backend is Oracle.
What is the approach for loading a single Oracle DB table which can be served by Kafka ? The above docs don't contain information for this. Do I need to replicate the Oracle DB to a NoSql DB such as MongoDB ? (Why we require Apache Kafka with NoSQL databases?)
Kafka is an event streaming platform. It is not a database. Instead of thinking about "loading a single Oracle DB table which can be served by Kafka", you need to think in terms of what events are you looking for that will trigger processing?
Change Data Capture (CDC) products like Oracle Golden Gate (there are other products too) will detect changes to rows and send messages into Kafka each time a row changes.
Alternatively you could configure a Kafka JDBC Source Connector to execute a query and pull data into Kafka.

Connecting Power BI to ORacle? Filling out TNSNames.ORa

We are using Oracle cloud CRM. Our organization has been using it since quite few years and the people who set it up have already left. I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI. I intalled the ODAC drivers and everything. However, I do not know what to enter in my tnsnames.ora file. That file has asked for service name, server name and hostID/name. No one in the organization has this information. I reached out to Oracle support and here is the response they gave:
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided. You'll need to reach out to Power BI support to see if there are alternate ways to create this integration without these details.”
Does anyone know why Oracle would not share these details with us? If there is any other way to find out the server and service name? How should I proceed in such scenarios.
As of now, we use a link to login to the service and we do not have much documentation
Let me attempt to translate.
We are using Oracle cloud CRM
Oracle is hosting our application.
I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI
We want to query the database being used to store our application data.
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided..."
This is where it gets fun, they are saying - we do not give clients direct access to the database where their data is hosted. So in other words, you CANNOT connect your tool directly to the database.
So, I think you're best bet, is to look into REST APIs that have been published for you as a subscriber to the service. This is often provided in lieu of providing direct access to your hosted environment.
Your other bet is to contact someone in your organisation that has the oracle connections in a file which you could load SQL Developer by Oracle, and explore the connections there. Most likely this will be a data engineer or IT contact in your organisation who will have this information. Once you have the connection info visible, you can then enter this directly in Power BI after creating an Oracle connection.

Which database server prisma based on?

I would like to know about Prisma more detail.
First of all, I would like to know what database Prisma based on.
Is it RDBMS or Nosql?
Also, this command create new database server:
prima deploy
I would like to now if this database is based on RDBMS, or NoSql.
And how can I access to this database without graphql, such as phpmyadmin or mongobooster?
A generally good resource to find out more about Prisma in detail is the documentation: Specifically, this article shares a high-level overview of what Prisma is and does.
What database is Prisma based on?
Prisma is not based on a specific database. Instead, you can use Prisma Connectors to connect your database to the Prisma layer, to obtain a GraphQL API. Currently supported databases are MySQL and Postgres and connectors for MongoDB and Elastic Search are currently in development, and more will follow.
prisma deploy
prisma deploy does not create a new database server. You can use prisma deploy to deploy a Prisma API to a Prisma Server, which is connected to a database (as mentioned above).
For quick development, free development Prisma servers are available in Prisma Cloud. They can be deployed to without setting up a Prisma server or database first.
I assume that you are deploying against this free development server. In this case, you have no direct access to the database.
Accessing the Database
Depending on the underlying database, you can use tools like Sequel Pro (for MySQL), pgAdmin (for PostgreSQL) etc.
You can also use the databrowser from Prisma Cloud to explore and interact with your data, independently from the underlying data store.

CloudFoundry UAA with Oracle DB

The supported databases listed in the UAA documentation seem to be MySQL, PostgresSQL and HSQL.
I noticed this pull request from 2013 which provided Oracle DB support for UAA - but am unable to find any documentation related to UAA with Oracle DB
Has anyone used UAA with an Oracle DB ?
We currently do not support Oracle. We picked three open source databases for this open source project to stick with and that way have somewhat manageable CI pipelines.
We would however consider contribution if there was a willingness to maintain it.
