Which database server prisma based on? - graphql

I would like to know about Prisma more detail.
First of all, I would like to know what database Prisma based on.
Is it RDBMS or Nosql?
Also, this command create new database server:
prima deploy
I would like to now if this database is based on RDBMS, or NoSql.
And how can I access to this database without graphql, such as phpmyadmin or mongobooster?

A generally good resource to find out more about Prisma in detail is the documentation: https://www.prisma.io/docs. Specifically, this article shares a high-level overview of what Prisma is and does.
What database is Prisma based on?
Prisma is not based on a specific database. Instead, you can use Prisma Connectors to connect your database to the Prisma layer, to obtain a GraphQL API. Currently supported databases are MySQL and Postgres and connectors for MongoDB and Elastic Search are currently in development, and more will follow.
prisma deploy
prisma deploy does not create a new database server. You can use prisma deploy to deploy a Prisma API to a Prisma Server, which is connected to a database (as mentioned above).
For quick development, free development Prisma servers are available in Prisma Cloud. They can be deployed to without setting up a Prisma server or database first.
I assume that you are deploying against this free development server. In this case, you have no direct access to the database.
Accessing the Database
Depending on the underlying database, you can use tools like Sequel Pro (for MySQL), pgAdmin (for PostgreSQL) etc.
You can also use the databrowser from Prisma Cloud to explore and interact with your data, independently from the underlying data store.


liquibase example with google-cloud-datastore

I need some example where we can version control our db creation for google cloud datastore.
I can see example for the google cloud mysql https://medium.com/#ramzi.maalej/micronaut-using-google-cloud-sql-9b2fc466c01a but is there any documentation by google cloud to work with the google cloud datastore and liquibase.
Any help or example on how to setup liquibase with cloud datastore will be really appreciated
Even datastore does not offer a versioning system, maybe this could be created from the scratch using the export tool and some code in the back.
For example Visual Studio has a tool to make migrations between the structure of the database, this is aimed to Entity Framework that maps relational databases,
But the most important approach is the thing that NoSQL databases maybe doest have context in each change.

How do you get aws appsync to pick up relations when adding Aurora as graphql datasource

Using add-graphql-datasource, appsync is supposed to generate a graphql endpoint based on the existing structure of an aurora mysql serverless database. The database already has data in it.
Relational Databases Section at
However, the generated endpoint just has flat representations of the data - none of the relations that exist in database.
How can you use add-graphql-datasource to generate the relations as well?
As of writing, the add-graphql-datasource command does not support auto-generating logic for relations. You can use the add-graphql-datasource command to get started and then write your own resolver logic to implement the relations.

What is the Difference between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Database Classic?

In my Oracle cloud dashboard, I see Database and Database Classic tiles.
Database service has plan of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database.
Database Classic service has plan of Database Classic.
Oracle documentation points to same https://cloud.oracle.com/database URL when navigated from both PaaS and IaaS.
My perspective:
OCI Database is a IaaS service - where User has the responsibility of
creating and configuring VM,
creating the Database system and Database connection,
database backup, storage, patching, upgrade etc.
Database Classic is a PaaS service where User has the responsibility of
Creating Database connection.
Oracle takes cares all the background activities like patching, upgrade etc.
Is my understanding correct on which one is PaaS and which one is
IaaS database service?
Is my understanding correct on the benefits
of using OCI Database and Database Classic?
What is the difference
between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database and Oracle Database
In Oracle Cloud terminology Classic refers to the generation 1 cloud. OCI refers to the generation 2 cloud, which introduced Bare Metal and off-box virtualization for example. OCI and OCI Classic has different data centers (regions). There are some Classic PaaS services that can be deployed on OCI regions, but those are still managed with the gen1 PSM (PaaS Service Manager Tool), so they also have a different UI compared to OCI services. "Oracle strongly encourages customers to migrate their existing cloud resources from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic regions." - Source: Introduction to Migrating to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Oracle already published documentation and eBook for the OCI upgrade.
Answering your specific questions:
Both OCI Database and Database Classic are PaaS services with
different UIs and PaaS mgmt tools, but with the same database
technology behind. Both OCI Database and Database Classic provides a
wizard, as well as command line tools for deploying a database
service without installing a database and without creating &
configuring VMs.
Both will make it easier to backup, patch, upgrade,
etc your database, but won't do it in the background. Autonomous DBs
(ADWH and ATP) can do that for you, which is available on OCI.
The main difference is the management tool/UI provided, as well as OCI
Database can benefit from the advantages of the gen2 cloud a.k.a.

Hybrid database synchronization without data sync agent

I'm working on a project to create hybrid SQL database per tenant model. While we were able to replicate the on-premise databases to databases in Azure. I'm not able to find a way to continuously sync both on-prem DB and cloud DB (We cannot use data sync agent or transaction replication). We are looking for any other alternatives that we can try to achieve our purpose.
Also, how does synchronization works when the internet is down and cannot sync with cloud?
Sorry for my ignorance since I'm new to this field.
why can't you use data sync agent? It can be installed in other machine that has access to the database and internet.

CloudFoundry UAA with Oracle DB

The supported databases listed in the UAA documentation seem to be MySQL, PostgresSQL and HSQL.
I noticed this pull request from 2013 which provided Oracle DB support for UAA - https://github.com/cloudfoundry/uaa/pull/39 but am unable to find any documentation related to UAA with Oracle DB
Has anyone used UAA with an Oracle DB ?
We currently do not support Oracle. We picked three open source databases for this open source project to stick with and that way have somewhat manageable CI pipelines.
We would however consider contribution if there was a willingness to maintain it.
