Connecting Power BI to ORacle? Filling out TNSNames.ORa - oracle

We are using Oracle cloud CRM. Our organization has been using it since quite few years and the people who set it up have already left. I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI. I intalled the ODAC drivers and everything. However, I do not know what to enter in my tnsnames.ora file. That file has asked for service name, server name and hostID/name. No one in the organization has this information. I reached out to Oracle support and here is the response they gave:
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided. You'll need to reach out to Power BI support to see if there are alternate ways to create this integration without these details.”
Does anyone know why Oracle would not share these details with us? If there is any other way to find out the server and service name? How should I proceed in such scenarios.
As of now, we use a link to login to the service and we do not have much documentation

Let me attempt to translate.
We are using Oracle cloud CRM
Oracle is hosting our application.
I am new here and am trying to connect the CRM data to Power BI
We want to query the database being used to store our application data.
Oracle’s response to the service request: “These details are not found in Documentation because they cannot be provided..."
This is where it gets fun, they are saying - we do not give clients direct access to the database where their data is hosted. So in other words, you CANNOT connect your tool directly to the database.
So, I think you're best bet, is to look into REST APIs that have been published for you as a subscriber to the service. This is often provided in lieu of providing direct access to your hosted environment.

Your other bet is to contact someone in your organisation that has the oracle connections in a file which you could load SQL Developer by Oracle, and explore the connections there. Most likely this will be a data engineer or IT contact in your organisation who will have this information. Once you have the connection info visible, you can then enter this directly in Power BI after creating an Oracle connection.


find who is connecting to database using db link

currently, we are using oracle 8i and we are working to decommisson it.
I need to find out which all other databases are connecting to our database using db link.
Please note, I am not looking for the connection from our database to others database. I already got that information using all_Db_links.
If you audit connections to the database or look at the listener log, that will tell you the machines that are connecting to the database and the application that is connecting (that information is coming from the client so it could be spoofed but I'm assuming no one is actively trying to hide information from you). That should allow you to determine which connections are coming via database links. That may not tell you which database on the particular server is connecting if there are multiple databases on the same server using the same Oracle Home. But it should narrow it down to a relatively small number of databases that you can manually check.

Oracle Cloud ATP database missing from cloud account

when i tried accessing one of my APEX applications I developed on oracle cloud.
I get this error
The database service named: |ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaacwex5sqkhi7kwsb5s664n6brmhrjvhhsxduw35l2rzahhsa7pyaa-tmohammedb|re| does not exist
And When I logged into my Oracle Cloud account, to my dismay, My oracle ATP database is not more available. I didn't get notification either from Oracle support.
Under My resources the database is listed as stopped.
But when i Click on it it shows "Error retrieving values"
Can anyone help me with recovering the database.
Looking into this, I came across a thread you created via Cloud Customer Connect where your question was answered. I'd recommend reviewing and following up there -
TLDR - your database environment is up and running .. but it will go away for sure since you are not using the free tier database. You should get your data out of that system, it will go away. Please give this the appropriate priority

'Use Credential File' in oracle data integrator in data server what is it used for?

I want to explore Oracle data integrator , i am not able to understand what does 'Use credential File' option in Data server does in Oracle data integrator. If anyone can explain it would be helpful and i want to improve performance of my oracle data integrator script as well, any ideas on that as well.
Ok, now I think that I understood. You run ODI in Cloud.
You will need a credential File in order to connect to your database.
The way you obtain that credential file, is:
Credential files are downloaded from the ADW console to the ODI host in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
Note: When ODI is deployed from the Marketplace, client credential folders are downloaded from autonomous databases that exist in the OCI compartment containing ODI.
If ADW is in a different compartment than ODI follow the steps below.
Download the Credentials
Connect to the ODI host using VNC. Refer to the Deployment blog above
for details.
Launch Firefox from the Applications>Favorites list.
Follow the steps in Downloading Autonomous Data Warehouse Credentials
to obtain the client credentials compressed folder containing the
wallet and network configuration files used by ODI to make the
The entire way of connecting is described here.

Unable to connect to Oracle on Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to connect to my on-premise Oracle database in order to migrate and copy some tables over to Azure SQL, but am not able to do so despite making sure all the connection parameters match the provided values in tnsnames.
Am I missing something? The error says the socket is closed but haven't gotten any useful information other than this prior issue, but doesn't contain any solution. I currently use Oracle so the ADF connector should support this version.
Not sure what else I need to check. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Your screenprint shows you are using the AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime but as you say your Oracle db is on-premises you would need a Self-hosted Integration runtime (SHIR) as per this article. You would still need an SHIR for an IaaS Oracle db. Ideally the SHIR should be 'close' to the datasource so probably on-premises in the same network.
Do you have any proxy or firewall configured?
Have you tried creating the linked service and then testing the connection? Sometimes it occurred to me that I failed to test the connection of a new linked service but when creating it and retesting the connection is successful ...

CloudFoundry UAA with Oracle DB

The supported databases listed in the UAA documentation seem to be MySQL, PostgresSQL and HSQL.
I noticed this pull request from 2013 which provided Oracle DB support for UAA - but am unable to find any documentation related to UAA with Oracle DB
Has anyone used UAA with an Oracle DB ?
We currently do not support Oracle. We picked three open source databases for this open source project to stick with and that way have somewhat manageable CI pipelines.
We would however consider contribution if there was a willingness to maintain it.
