Recommended way to secure ASP.NET 5 Web API application -

In previous versions of ASP.NET you got authorization and authentication out of the box from the default template.
I have a Web API application and three or four well defined clients that will consume it and I need to secure it.
I read about OpenID and OAuth but they seem like an overkill for my problem.
What's the simplest way to achieve that?

These would be the 3 best solutions if you require security:
WEB API browser client: Implicit OAuth 2 flow
WEB API Application client: OAuth2 code flow
(With OpenId)
OR: Cookie Authentication with Cross-site request forgery protection. (Default template MVC 6 website template)
If your application is public, I would use at least one of these, otherwise it depends on how secure your data must be.

Well, it depends on your scenario. If you don't need authentication (because it's a server-to-server scenario), use a security token as described below. If you need authentication of the user, you may use Basic or Digest security combined with HTTPS.
In a security token scenario, the client simply has to add the token to the request headers and the server needs to validate the token. Make sure the requests transit as HTTPS to make sure the token is encrypted. Remember, this method is only valid if you know the applications that will access your API will be in a secure environment (another server, for example). Otherwise, I would go for another solution.


How can delegate Access Token acquisition to a BFF?

There is a several options on how to secure access to resource APIs from clients(web/mobile...), And in recent years, it was common to implement OIDC for SPAs in JS / TS, and this is no longer recommended.
The recommendation for SPA is to avoid storing tokens in the browser Or using service worker, And use a BFF insted of direct connect to Identity Server.
In this approach the BFF works as proxy of Identity Server and handle all oauth requests.
What is the best practice to implement this pattern with spring BFF, Or if there is another better approach.
Perhaps you're aware of this doc which explains the options. Assuming you are using an SPA and don't want the website option, there are 2 options, identical from a security viewpoint, and which you use is a matter of preference.
The SPA sends OAuth and API requests to a web backend first, which forwards them and implements the OAuth client. The web backend uses a runtime that issues cookies.
Pros are an easier initial developer setup and fewer components to deploy. Cons are that all developers have to run the backend, and web deployment options are limited to those that can host the runtime.
The SPA sends OAuth and API requests via a reverse proxy such as NGINX. OAuth requests are forwarded to a utility API. The web backend remains static content only.
Pros are that you can get rid of the cookie issuing runtime from a developer PC, and it is easier to do things like deploy web resources to a content delivery network. Cons are that the initial developer setup is harder and that there are more moving parts.
In both cases the SPA uses URLs like this, for static content, oauth client and API routing responsibilities.
Within the oauth-client path, the SPA calls endpoints like this. The SPA OAuth code is very light:
POST /login/start
POST /login/end
There are quite a few out there, including components you can plug in. Search for a term like BFF OAuth and do some reading. It is a journey though - cookies are complicated little things.
I have just added a tutorial on one of my repos for configuring spring-cloud-gateway as BFF between a browser application secured with sessions (Secure HttpOnly cookie) and an OAuth2 resource-server.
This sample uses Angular as UI framework, a thin wrapper of mine around spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server, and Keycloak as authorization-server, but this are implementations details are all the work is done by the BFF.

spring boot security use keycloak sessions

I'm new to security and I'm trying to understand how to implement proper security without any overkill.
Below are my questions.
I don't want to allow 3rd party clients to use my API and hence I don't see any importance of OAuth 2.0. Hence I'm looking to use the sessions generated by keycloak (or Ory Kratos) in my Spring Boot Security. Any guidance on how to do that.
I have come across an application which security is implemented using keycloak (can see the URL pattern). But in the requests, I can't see any JWT token in the chrome DevTools Network Tab while performing any network requests. I think they are implementing it the way I wanted. Any overview on how it is implemented.
I'm not architect at definedge, but I'm pretty sure they do not use Keycloak sessions in Opstra (they would have to run Opstra inside Keycloak servlet for that). It more looks like they use OAuth2 to authenticate users from a Java client and that this client has sessions of its own enabled (JSESSIONID cookie for VS It is quite possible that this java client uses access-tokens to authorize requests to resource-server(s), we just can't see it from the browser.
Restricting the clients allowed to consume your API has little to do with authorization method:
with basic authorization header, any client with login and password can access
with Bearer authorization header, any client with a valid token can access (which you already had anticipated)
even JSESSIONID cookie can be set for any origin (I believe), in which condition any request from the same browser would be authorized, whatever the web client.
Restricting your API clients is more about CORS configuration, which aims at just that: filtering which origins (host + port) can access which resource location (URL)
There is a notion of confidential client in Keycloak where the client must provide a password in addition to client-id to exchange authorization codes for access-tokens, but this does not apply to rich clients (clients running on devices you cannot trust): Angular, Vue, React, native mobile apps, etc. code can be reversed enginereed to read that password. But it is possible to configure a Java client of your own as "confidential" and as so, allow this client only to get access tokens to query resource-server (API).
OAuth2 comes with much more than just easing multi-client scenarios and JWTs with session-less java applications greatly ease horizontal scalability and fault tolerance. You should read this article for a refresher on
OAuth2 (and its value)
resource-server security configuration (with CORS)

How to protect REST API when using AJAX?

There are SNS application with 2 servers. Web backend server and REST API server.
The web server allows user login/logout with username/password, and show user information
The REST API server provides APIs like /topics, /comments, it should be stateless without session
The REST API will serve other web applications
There are some potential solutions, but neither is security.
Base Auth, the browser hold the username/password
Token with expiry timestamp, the problem is user could stay on the page until token expires
So, is there a way to protect the REST API when calling it from AJAX?
If I have understood your problem correctly I may suggest you use the Token solution. In order to maintain security you may generate new token on every request (& send it to client in response), which should be used to make next request, and disable token if it is once used or has expired.
Sorry, I meant to mention it as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation.

Transformation of token received from OpenID server

I currently have a distributed system containing an OpenID Connect server (IdentityServer3) acting as SSO server. The clients using the SSO server are AngularJS SPA:s with WebAPI v2 backends.
I got the basic login flow working, but I need some help with configuring the WebAPI/OWIN pipeline to allow transformation of the received token claims, ie. removing unnessecary claims and adding local claims. I'm assuming I need to create a local JWT instead of using the JWT received from the SSO server.
The question is, what is the best way of doing this? Are there OWIN middlewares that can help with this, or do I need to "manually" generate a new locally signed JWT from the claims received from the SSO server?
Current implementation details:
The AngularJS SPA authenticates against the SSO server using
authorization code flow and receives the authorization code.
The SPA posts the authorization code to the WebAPI.
WebAPI receives the authorization code and requests an AccessToken/JWT from the SSO server using the OAuth2Client class (part of Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Clients). This AccessToken is returned to the SPA to use in any further requests done to the WebAPI.
So my question mostly relates to step 3. How do I best change my current flow to generate a token also containing the local claims?
Also, what kind of authentication middleware should be used with your proposed solution (JwtBearerAuthentication, OpenIdConnectAuthentication or OAuthBearerAuthentication)?
Apoligizes for my probably confused terminology usage, I'm a beginner regarding OAuth and especially the OWIN pipeline. :)
Your WebApi should use BearerTokenAuthentication.
To get access token (access_token) and claims (id_token) in single call you need to set response type as ResponseType="token id_token"
You can checkout various ready to run sample at IdentityServer3 Samples. Specifically checkout implicit flow sample.

How to design authentication and authorization system for REST backend / Ajax front End Application

I am starting a new project where we are planing to build a restful back end and an AJAX font end. I am approaching the problem by focusing on Identifying all the resources that I have and what the various HTTP verbs will do them, their URI and the JSON representations of those resources.
I am looking for the best design for securing the backend. Here is the list of designs I have considered. I am looking for alternative designs not listed below, and pros, cons recommendations. The system will be implemented with Spring 3.0 and possibly Spring Security 3.0, SSL will be used for many parts of the system but not for all of them, so some requests may come on SSL and some might not.
Option 1: Use the HTTP session
Show a standard login screen, create a server side session and let tomcat send back a jsessionid cookie and have the ajax client include the JSESSIONID cookie on every XHR request. This options just feels like it's the wrong approach for the following reasons.
The connection becomes statefull which is against the rules of REST
I want to be able to split the bakcend into multiple seperate WAR files which means i could have multiple HTTP sessions on the backend, if that is the case then this approach does not work. While I don't need the ability to split the backend into multiple apps today, I would prefer a design that allows for that possibility.
Option 2: Find an open source Java based security library that does this
Other than Spring security I have not found any other Java libraries, any recommendations are highly appreciated.
Option 3: Try to use an existing protocol like OAuth
In my very brief look at OAuth it seems that it is designed for authentication across sites where each site has it's own user database. In this system i want a global user database shared across all the backend ajax services.
Option 4: Use SAML and Shiboleth
This options seems over kill and hugely complex to setup and maintain.
Option 5: Send the username and password with every request
This requires that user sends their username and password with every request, which means that the front end AJAX app must store the username and password as a JavaScript object and if the user navigates away from the page then back the username/password combo will be gone and the user might be forced to log in again. I don't want the front end to try and put the username and password into cookie as that would comprise security.
Option 6: Implement my own authentication / Authorization protocol
Create a REST service that users can present their username/password combination to and then get back and security token, which they must send back to the service with every request. The security token would be digitally signed by the service and would have an expiry time. The token would be only good for most operations high security operations would require a new login screen as port of confirming the operation.
Problem with this approach is I have to invent yet another security protocol which seems like a total waste of time.
I am sure I am not the only person up against this problem, I hope the stack overflow community can point to some options and tools that I have not found yet.
Take a look at Apache Shiro. It is an authentication system that has a session management feature that can be used to share sessions across applications. This may be the easiest thing to do.
Or you could use Spring Security (or Shiro) with a Remember Me cookie that is shared across the webapps (as long as they are in the same HTTP domain). The remember me cookie would be analogous to your token in option 6. You can set the expiration on the cookie that so it is short lived like a session cookie or long lived like a regular remember me.
You might also want to take a look at Jasig CAS - Single Sign-On for the Web. It has a REST API and a protocol (Proxy Tickets) that allows services to proxy user AuthN to backend services like you described in option 6.
Briefly...the application that serves up the AJAX client is protected with Spring Security (supports CAS out of the box) and gets a Proxy Granting Ticket that you embed in the AJAX client. The AJAX client uses the PGT to get Proxy Tickets for your REST services...protected with Spring Security too. The REST services get an authenticated userId without every touching primary credentials.
Alternative, you could keep the PGT on the server and use AJAX calls to retrieve Proxy Tickets that are then used by the AJAX client to call you REST services.
As I understood you are going to secure a rest application, to preface you must know that a security provider consisd of three concepts (3A):
to implement these three together you must provide bunch of tools such as :
-SSO provider
-Session Store
-Open Id pattern
-user credentials integration
I have used ACL(Spring ACL) to provide authorization services and oauth2 for authentication.
there is one channel to connect these two together and its scopes(oauth2 scopes) but the problem is scopes are not flexible(pure strings) enough to implement authorization modules such as role_voter, cache_strategy, black_list or,Role_base strategy, exceptional permissions, white_list... (but you can use #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity)
In my case I used authorization server as a resource for oauth2 authentication server(take a look at, then I considered two spots to check authorization, the first I issued ACL to front-end and forced programmer to design her page dynamically up to ACL concept, the second is in back-end on service layer(BLL) using Aspect when one rest is going to be called. I sent the service key as an actee to check if current user has enough access control to do that. and for auditing you must monitor all requests I mean you must use an listener in your gateway or broker...
