spring boot security use keycloak sessions - spring

I'm new to security and I'm trying to understand how to implement proper security without any overkill.
Below are my questions.
I don't want to allow 3rd party clients to use my API and hence I don't see any importance of OAuth 2.0. Hence I'm looking to use the sessions generated by keycloak (or Ory Kratos) in my Spring Boot Security. Any guidance on how to do that.
I have come across an application https://opstra.definedge.com/ which security is implemented using keycloak (can see the URL pattern). But in the requests, I can't see any JWT token in the chrome DevTools Network Tab while performing any network requests. I think they are implementing it the way I wanted. Any overview on how it is implemented.

I'm not architect at definedge, but I'm pretty sure they do not use Keycloak sessions in Opstra (they would have to run Opstra inside Keycloak servlet for that). It more looks like they use OAuth2 to authenticate users from a Java client and that this client has sessions of its own enabled (JSESSIONID cookie for opstra.definedge.com VS sso.definedge.com). It is quite possible that this java client uses access-tokens to authorize requests to resource-server(s), we just can't see it from the browser.
Restricting the clients allowed to consume your API has little to do with authorization method:
with basic authorization header, any client with login and password can access
with Bearer authorization header, any client with a valid token can access (which you already had anticipated)
even JSESSIONID cookie can be set for any origin (I believe), in which condition any request from the same browser would be authorized, whatever the web client.
Restricting your API clients is more about CORS configuration, which aims at just that: filtering which origins (host + port) can access which resource location (URL)
There is a notion of confidential client in Keycloak where the client must provide a password in addition to client-id to exchange authorization codes for access-tokens, but this does not apply to rich clients (clients running on devices you cannot trust): Angular, Vue, React, native mobile apps, etc. code can be reversed enginereed to read that password. But it is possible to configure a Java client of your own as "confidential" and as so, allow this client only to get access tokens to query resource-server (API).
OAuth2 comes with much more than just easing multi-client scenarios and JWTs with session-less java applications greatly ease horizontal scalability and fault tolerance. You should read this article for a refresher on
OAuth2 (and its value)
resource-server security configuration (with CORS)


Spring Cloud Gateway Token Relay: who is the OAuth2 client?

I'm exploring the TokenRelay filter of Spring Cloud Gateway in order to mediate between a SAML2 Session and OAuth2 Tokens (More on this in my previous question here).
I've tried to figure this out myself but I can't seem to sort it out: using this filter, who is the OAuth2 client?
I was expecting this to be the gateway itself, hence a confidential one.. but in my initial setup I see calls for the authorization code in the browser and I don't understand if this is the expected behavior or not.
If it's indeed how it's supposed to work and the Browser carries out the token exchange, does this mean that the client cannot be confidential? Should I switch to PKCE?
I might sound a little confused (I really am!) but I can't seem to find much about the matter.
In BFF pattern, the only OAuth2 client is the BFF itself (spring-cloud-gateway in your case), but in authorization-code flow the user authenticates with its user-agent (most frequently system browser for login forms but could be other apps for biometry or multi-factor auth). However, the authorization-code should be sent by authorization-server only to declared clients: the BFF (not the rich app in browser) which will use it to fetch OAuth2 tokens.
To be clearer (maybe):
authorization-code generation is triggered by a request from the user-agent (browser) to the authorization-server
the authorization-server sends the code to the client (spring-cloud-gateway BFF)
the client (spring-cloud-gateway BFF) uses the code to fetch tokens from the authorization-server
=> with this pattern, the browser never sees the OAuth2 tokens (nor the authorization-code).
Of course, this is not the same when the declared OAuth2 client is a public client running in the browser (code and tokens are still sent to the client but as it is running in the browser, tokens are stored in ... the browser)

Spring boot API with both Oauth 2.0/OpenID Connect and internal authentication?

I'm having a hard time figuring a good way to implement Oauth 2.0 and OpenID Connect authentication alongside an existing internal email+password authentication for a B2B Web app's API using Spring security.
We have a backend REST API that is a Spring Boot servlet application which currently authenticates users with OAuth 1.0 and the password grant. The front-end is an Angular single-page app through which users must log in with their username and password. The API's /oauth/token endpoint then delivers an opaque access token to be used for fetching secured resources that are then displayed within the app.
We'd like to add the possibility to log in using external authentication with OpenID connect, which is a perfect opportunity for switching to OAuth 2.0 and JWT tokens. Our API would then accept JWT tokens it delivered as well as external JWT tokens emitted by accepted issuers.
Reading and validating JWT tokens won't be a problem using Spring security's OAuth Resource Server. However things get complicated with how to make the classic username+password login flow work with JWT tokens.
We thought about delivering JWT access tokens the same way we used to with our old OAuth 1.0 tokens. The thing is, newer OAuth specifications advise against using the password grant, plus it simply isn't supported in the Spring authorization server project we're planning to use. The authorization-code flow w/ PKCE seems like too much for this case as we do not want the back-end API to render a login form but use credentials entered in the existing login form that is part of the single-page app.
I've read a lot about not using OAuth for 1st party login since its primary use is for external authentication, but again, that doesn't apply since we also want 3rd party authentication.
What would be a secure way to implement a Spring boot authorization server that can deliver JWT access tokens to a 1st party client in exchange for a user's credentials, all this using the existing log in page, and given the password grant type no longer being supported?
I thought about implementing a preliminary step that would be a POST request with Basic authentication to a /login endpoint that just returns a 200 HTTP status, then proceeding to the /oauth2/authorize request that would deliver the authorization code immediately without redirecting since my session is authenticated.
I'll be happy to provide more details if needed. Here are the resources I'm using for this project.
What about setting up an authorization-server capable of identity federation?
In such configuration, the authorization-server is responsible for providing with identities, proxying one or more sources (your existing user database for instance, plus maybe Google, Facebook, Github, etc.)
Keycloak does it for instance.
From the client point of view (your Angular app), the authorization-server is used to get:
access-token: put in Authorization header of requests to secured resource-server(s) (can be a JWT or an opaque string, doesn't matter, clients should not try to extract data from access-tokens)
refresh-token: send to authorization-server to renew access-token before it expires
id-token: get user-profile data (email, username, profile picture, etc.)
You should have a look at https://github.com/damienbod/angular-auth-oidc-client for connecting an Angular app to an OIDC authorization-server.
From resource-server point of view, access-tokens are the source ofr setting-up security-context, either by decoding and validating a JWT locally or with token introspection on authorization-server.
Have a look at those tutorials for such resource-servers configuration.

How implement a basic IAM oauth2 flow with spring security?

I am currently developing using spring security oauth2.
Currently, the frontend is SPA, and it is developed as react that operates with client side redering.
My rest api has the spring security starters libraries. But I don't know how to use oauth2 flow provided by spring.
So my question is: Can I use spring security as IAM to protect my web and api?
Does spring security have the known oauth2 grants and how use them ?
Implicit grant
Client Credentials Grant
Password grant
Don't use implicit grant
It is not recommended to use the implicit flow (and some servers prohibit this flow entirely) due to the inherent risks of returning access tokens in an HTTP redirect without any confirmation that it has been received by the client.
source: https://oauth.net/2/grant-types/implicit/
With implicit grant, access token is returned immediately without an extra authorization code exchange step. This extra step is usually performed in your backend.
Web > token > Api
SPA frontend and its Rest Api is a very common approach, used since simple startups until big companies. The flow summarized is:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by the authorization server).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
For this flow to work, you will need:
web spa with a hint of backend. Backend is required because you cannot have a proper user session in static solutions like apache or nginx.
authentication and authorization server: Known as identity and access management (IAM) or some third app which provide you the basic oauth2 endpoints to manage a proper security for your apps.
your apis: foo-api , bar-api, baz-api, etc
spring security
In the minimal scenario in which:
you will have only one web + one rest api, and nothing more in the future (mobiles, iot, etc)
you don't have an authentication/authorization server
you have a mix of functional apis (employee, products, etc) and its security (spring-security) in just one artifact
you don't need user session in your web
you don't need a logout feature
Flow could be reduced to:
Your users will start the web application.
As they were not signed in before, you web app will show them a login screen (a page provided by spring-security).
After authenticating, a consent form is showed to the user.
After user consent, the authorization server will send you an authorization code.
The web app will exchange this code for a token. Since your api is using Spring security, the token generation is covered.
After getting back this token, the web app store it in the client(browser) and send it as a header when apis needs to be consumed.
Your private rest apis must validate if token of the web app (header) is valid by sending it to one endpoint of the authorization server I think the spring security chain filters handle this.
If token is valid, your api rest is allowed to respond to the web client. For instance a json with products, employes, some update of customer order details, etc
Here some samples of token generation and protected endpoints with spring security. I will try to upload a ready to use sample:
If you will have more applications and complex scenarios in the future, I advice you to choose some open-source iam like:
Glewlwyd,Keycloak,OAuth.io,ORY Hydra,SimpleLogin,SSQ signon,
Commercial services like:
Auth0,Curity Identity Server,FusionAuth,Okta,Red Hat Single Sign-On,cidaas.
Or try to develop a new one using pure spring-security
Some recommended answers with more oauth2 details:

Securing SpringBoot API for desktop application client

I have a SpringBoot Micro-Service based backend API that uses Zuul as a gateway proxy between a JavaFX Desktop Application. Right now there is no security in place, but I am looking to secure the backend with Spring Security, however, every tutorial I seem to run across seems to be based on web-apps and I haven't seen anything for my particular use case. I don't know much about spring security but would like to know if I can accomplish my goals with it, and if so, what modules or examples should I be looking for.
Provide a way for my API to know that requests are coming from the desktop app itself, I think the technical term for this is assigning the desktop app a client id and then having the Zuul Server validate that the client id is that off the desktop app before accepting the request. This should be the case for all requests
Only allow API traffic through the Zuul Proxy, all of the downstream requests to the micro-services behind the Zuul gateway should only be accepted if they are coming from the Zuul Server itself.
Allow requests for logging in and registering as a new user without any type of security other than the desktop client id discussed in 1.
When a user provides a successful username/password on login, they are returned a JWT which is then stored in the JavaFX application and used for all of the other requests to the backend.
Configure the token to expire after a specific time frame, say like 90 minutes and provide a method for automatically refreshing an expired token as long as the users account is still valid. For this, I don't want the user to have to re-login, I just want it to check behind the scenes to make sure their account is still valid and then issue a new token if needed.
Have user based roles so certain features, methods, endpoints, etc. are only accessible to users with the valid role. Within the GUI these features will be hidden or disabled, but I would still like a layer of security on the server side to protect against unwanted access in case someone was able to modify the app.
I am just writing down answers to each of your goals :
Passing the client Id in every request from desktop application doesnt make sense, instead you client Id and secret can be passed during authenticaiton call, Like we have in Oauth 2.0 framework. Rest https calls should be made from client, So to avoid tampering of request, You can also go for mutual SSL between your client application and Zuul API gateway, It assures that call is coming from Desktop client only.
Yes, Zuul api gateway should be single entry point to your application, Your internal microservices should not be exposed to public.
For user registeration, Client authentication can be achieved using client Id and secret
Correct, You can also create http only cookie at backend, which will include your jwt token only.
Token refresh can be achieved at zuul api gateway, if session is active, make call to refresh token endpoint to get new access token.
On server side, At zuul proxy you can validate the incoming bearer token expiry along with signature validation, with generic claims too. Now at microservices level spring security can be used for role based access control for particular methods.

Recommended way to secure ASP.NET 5 Web API application

In previous versions of ASP.NET you got authorization and authentication out of the box from the default template.
I have a Web API application and three or four well defined clients that will consume it and I need to secure it.
I read about OpenID and OAuth but they seem like an overkill for my problem.
What's the simplest way to achieve that?
These would be the 3 best solutions if you require security:
WEB API browser client: Implicit OAuth 2 flow
WEB API Application client: OAuth2 code flow
(With OpenId)
OR: Cookie Authentication with Cross-site request forgery protection. (Default template MVC 6 website template)
If your application is public, I would use at least one of these, otherwise it depends on how secure your data must be.
Well, it depends on your scenario. If you don't need authentication (because it's a server-to-server scenario), use a security token as described below. If you need authentication of the user, you may use Basic or Digest security combined with HTTPS.
In a security token scenario, the client simply has to add the token to the request headers and the server needs to validate the token. Make sure the requests transit as HTTPS to make sure the token is encrypted. Remember, this method is only valid if you know the applications that will access your API will be in a secure environment (another server, for example). Otherwise, I would go for another solution.
