Object not found in xampp (running apache service) - xampp

Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Apache/2.4.17 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2d PHP/5.6.14
i did run apache service and mysql and i have htdocs in xampp, also having index.php...
also, while i'm trying to make sure i installed everything (i followed wikihow tutorial) i clicked on the mysql admin section and it leads me to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ but when i click on the apache admin it just leads me to http://localhost/dashboard/...
i created new folder named try inside xampp and tried again my code was
echo "<h1>hey, buddy!</h1>";
i called this hi.php
then tried to access it but... nothing


error 60 SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate-paypal-laravel

my problem is when i clicked to a shopping cart button and after fulling information for checkout process. i got this error before display paypal page.
error 60 SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate-paypal-laravel
after some research i figure out that maybe is related to cURL so i download file and add path in php.ini file like below:
curl.cainfo = "C:\wamp\cacert.pem"
openssl.cafile= "C:\wamp\cacert.pem"
i verified php_curl is activated.
but it is not working. i restart apache serve and re-run php command serve but nothing changed.
Any help !!
PS: i'm working on localhost
Thank you

Untrusted Host in symfony call

I installed a symfony application in a centos server that it is behind a proxy and when I try to reach it from an external pc I receive this error: Untrusted Host "" and below that in public/index.php (line 37) $response = $kernel->handle($request);
I tried to follow this guide but nothing happens...Also my index.php is different than the one in the example. How can I solve this?
Solved, I had to insert in framework.yaml the trusted_hosts: ['', ''] command (the ip of the server)

Winginx 504 Gateway Time-out

I have downloaded and installed winginx server on my windows platform and everything is working fine accept when I try to import a database dump using phpadmin I get this error message:
"504 Gateway Time-out"
Does somebody know how to fix this when using winginx?
This is a wrong configured nginx server. Try to replace localhost:xxxx with in all configuration files.
Some of them are located in Winginx\conf such as:
The other configuration is accessible through the workbench.
Having just experienced this I guess you didn't select to install PHP 5.3 (who needs that now).
The line that you need to update in each of these files is
The 9054 is the port userd for PHP 5.4

Remote connections with Zend Studio

I was looking for an IDE that will allow me to import all the necessary files to develop and debug Magento modules and found Zend Studio came recommended. I am having trouble connecting to my ftp to download the files. I created a remote connection using all of the credentials I had on Filezilla and when I test the connection it will succeed. Now when I go to the next step it tells me:
The project directory you have entered does not exist on the server.
Please enter a valid project directory
The host name matches my ftp server, username and password are valid, the directory I'm connecting to exists on the server, and I'm on port 21 which is not interrupted by my firewall. I don't know if I should stick with Zend or not and I haven't been able to properly test it. Any advice on fixing this issue or any other IDE recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
the directory I'm connecting to exists on the server
Double-check that. Note, that the path you enter is relative:
there's a "Initial Directory" in "Remote Connection Profile", and "Project Directory" in project properties->"Remote Server Support"

XAMPP "module 'mysqli' already loaded" error?

Had XAMPP configured and running properly, was able to access phpmyadmin and execute php code on the local server. This morning after starting XAMPP and starting Apache, I get a message saying: "module 'mysqli' already loaded."
I can't log into phpmyadmin- I see the login page, but when I click "go" I simply get a blank page. I was practicing submitting forms into a DB, everything was working fine, now after submitting the form a message comes back: "connect failed with: (2002) A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. "
The XAMPP status page shows everything as being activated. I don't remember making any config changes or doing anything else that could have caused this.
Appreciate any input.
I fixed this by editing my php.ini and commenting these lines back out:
and typing in this line in their place:
Worked perfectly.
disable or comment duplicate extension=mysqli in your php.ini
Open your php.ini file and comment out the duplicate line below
