Untrusted Host in symfony call - proxy

I installed a symfony application in a centos server that it is behind a proxy and when I try to reach it from an external pc I receive this error: Untrusted Host "" and below that in public/index.php (line 37) $response = $kernel->handle($request);
I tried to follow this guide but nothing happens...Also my index.php is different than the one in the example. How can I solve this?

Solved, I had to insert in framework.yaml the trusted_hosts: ['', ''] command (the ip of the server)


Can't force phpMailer to send mail from nginx server

I use actual version of phpMailer (downloaded yesterday from github). It sends mails from my local computer (Win10, xampp 7.4.3) and can't send it from server (centOs7, nginx, php7). Both computers in one LAN behind the same firewall.
I suspect php.ini configuration, but what should be configured exactly?
Thanks for any help.
The solution:
# sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail 1
The tracking of my search:
Switch on the DebugMode in phpMailer (for each new PHPMailer object):
$mail = new PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer();
$mail->SMTPDebug = 4;
Checking out 'Console' tab output in Chrome DevTools:
SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Permission denied (13)
Googling for the error text - https://stackoverflow.com/a/50302148/9751142
Hope this helps anybody else.

Laravel Valet Share Error: "dial tcp [...] no such host"

I just installed Laravel Valet. Everything works perfectly, except for the site sharing function.
After typing
valet share
Terminal returns the following output, right before Ngrok opens:
grep: /Users/myname/.config/valet/Nginx/myurl*: No such file or directory
Ngrok gives me a public URL, but my browser returns a page with title Failed to complete tunnel connection and error message dial tcp: lookup myurl.test on no such host.
How do I solve this?
Solution for laragon
If you are using any VPN, then turn it off and then reload laragon.

Laravel Dusk Testing has an error on the server Curl error thrown for http POST to /session with params

I would like to ask me to try the following instructions on Plesk Server:
php artisan dusk
The following error will occur:
1) Tests\Browser\ExampleTest::testBasicExample
Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\WebDriverCurlException: Curl error thrown for http POST to /session with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome","platform":"ANY","chromeOptions":{"binary" :".\/vendor\/laravel\/dusk\/bin\/chromedriver-linux","args":["--disable-gpu","--headless","--no-sandbox"," --verbose","--window-size=1024,768"]}}}
Failed connect to localhost:9515; Connection refused
/var/www/vhosts/fanswoo.com/fanswoo-framework/vendor/laravel/dusk/src/Concerns/ProvidesBrowser.php: 193
I suspected that the Chrome Driver could not be executed, so I used the following command to detect:
The return is as follows:
Starting ChromeDriver 2.43.600233 (523efee95e3d68b8719b3a1c83051aa63aa6b10d) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
Indicates that ChromeDriver can be opened normally.
The code can also be detected on the local computer. Only when the dusk command is executed in Plesk Server will the error occur. May I ask what God should I continue to do or what to modify? Thank you!
The server specifications are as follows:
CentOS 7.5
PHP 7.1
DB SQLite3
Laravel Version 5.7
ChromeDriver Version 69
If you able to start chromedriver successfully, now try to access the below url with respective port.
For e.g., in above message, the server started on port 9515. Access the url in browser, http://localhost:9515/status
You should get above message indicating server is accessible with hostname as localhost
If your are not able access, then fix the specific issue

Object not found in xampp (running apache service)

Object not found!
The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
Apache/2.4.17 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2d PHP/5.6.14
i did run apache service and mysql and i have htdocs in xampp, also having index.php...
also, while i'm trying to make sure i installed everything (i followed wikihow tutorial) i clicked on the mysql admin section and it leads me to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ but when i click on the apache admin it just leads me to http://localhost/dashboard/...
i created new folder named try inside xampp and tried again my code was
echo "<h1>hey, buddy!</h1>";
i called this hi.php
then tried to access it but... nothing

Winginx 504 Gateway Time-out

I have downloaded and installed winginx server on my windows platform and everything is working fine accept when I try to import a database dump using phpadmin I get this error message:
"504 Gateway Time-out"
Does somebody know how to fix this when using winginx?
This is a wrong configured nginx server. Try to replace localhost:xxxx with in all configuration files.
Some of them are located in Winginx\conf such as:
The other configuration is accessible through the workbench.
Having just experienced this I guess you didn't select to install PHP 5.3 (who needs that now).
The line that you need to update in each of these files is
The 9054 is the port userd for PHP 5.4
