Flash Debug not displaying properly in Firefox Linux - firefox

I installed the debug version of flash using the script given in this link. Alternatively, I also tried downloading the debug version of flash from here and moved libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but still it gives me problems viewing flash contained.
P.S. - In about:plugins page on firefox it says that Flash is installed and enabled.
While trying to view flash content, the following is being displayed:
(On Adobe's website)
(On this website.)
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?


Windows 8.1 Flash Debugging on Google Chrome

I have a Flash game (written in Haxe with Sublime Text 3) that I am trying to debug in the browser. It doesn't matter which browser - I just need to be able to see the trace statements and exceptions thrown.
I've tried a tool like vizzy and it just keeps telling me that I don't have a Flash debugger. I've tried to disable the default one and install one from the Adobe but it never appears on the plugins page of chrome.
I installed the 8.1 Flash update but it does nothing for me in terms of viewing trace statements. The flashlog.txt file is empty and I've set the variables in the mm.cfg file.
I'm at my wits end. Anyone have a workaround for this or maybe some open source tool to view the trace statements?

Flash CS6 not displaying AS3 projects (OS X)

Flash CS6 won't display any AS3 projects while debugging anymore. When compiling for debugging it turns up white in the default "debug window" inside of Flash. If I right-click in the debugger window it says "Movie not loaded". No compiler errors are shown. The resulting swf file only runs if opened with the Flash Player from Finder.
This applies for all projects that I know have been working fine up until now. I've also tested to create a new, blank FLA on which I only draw a rectangle with the same result.
If, however, I select a Flash Player version prior to 10 (falling back to AS2) as the target for the test file containing only a rectangle, it does compile and show up fine.
I've uninstalled Flash and Flash Builder (and deleting any trace of the applications in the Library folders) and then reinstalled it multiple times without any result. I've also tried to uninstall Flash Player and Flash Player Debugger to no avail. For this I'm following the advice on Adobe's site and are using their Flash Player uninstaller applications, but it doesn't seem to uninstall all instances of the Players...
I believe the problem lies in the version of Flash Player Debugger that Flash uses internally to display the swf when debugging and it seems to somehow persist between re-installations. Is there a sure-shot way to reset this entirely?
Has anybody encountered this problem before?
I finally found the problem myself. It seems like the Chrome extension called FlashFirebug randomly causes these issues. When I deactivated the extension Flash started working properly again.

Flash Builder cannot locate the required version of Adobe Flash Player

Im using flex 4
While running a application i got this error
Flash Builder cannot locate the required version of Adobe Flash
Player. You might need to install the Flash Player or reinstall Flash
Which version flash player required for flex 4.0?
Problem solved...I have clicked Link 'flash player downloads' on the error message then downloaded and installed Flash Player 10.3
It works for me.
Have a look at this thread at Adobe Forums - http://forums.adobe.com/thread/606832
The above thread is about the exact error message.
In all there are following things suggested in the thread.
Associate the Flash Debug player as the standalone player with SWF
To use HTML wrapper, just right click on your project and select
'properties'. Select 'Actionscript Compiler' on the left column, and
in the resulting properties pane on the right, check the option for
'Generate HTML Wrapper File'. That should force FB to launch the web
browser for debug. This will require the ActiveX or Mozilla flash
debug player, depending on which browser you're using for debugging.
I did a search in the registry and found two instances where Flex was referrenced rather that Flash builder changing this to flash builder seemed to eliminate the problem.

Google chrome frame - how does it work?

I'm looking into chrome frame and I'm wondering how it works.... http://scriptsrc.net shows that it's a javascript that can be embedded on the page....
http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/ shows it as an install file... does the JS prompt for an installation or something?
Google chrome frame is a plugin (think Adobe Flash) for Internet Explorer, that replaces core modules of IE (unlike Flash), like layout/rendering and javascript. But the UI remains. Then there is some javascript that can detect if this is real IE or IE+Chrome, and also offer an install option to the user. Also there is a HTTP-header and a meta-tag that are required to switch IE to chrome mode, when available.
The JavaScript is to detect it and enable it if it's there. (scriptsrc is just giving you the link to the file, which is on the Google CDN.) The end user does have to do a one-time install of it, it's a plug-in (like Flash or Java). Quoting from this page in the Google documentation:
In Internet Explorer, check() determines if Chrome Frame is installed. If not, the user is prompted to install it.

Firefox 3.6 plugins fail on Mac?

I just upgraded my mac to Firefox 3.6, and now neither of my TIFF Viewing plugins work.
in 3.5, If I had Quicktime on, then I'd get the tiff, viewed through quicktime. If I had Quicktime disabled, but my own plugin, AcellViewTIFF enabled, then I would get ViewTIFF viewing the TIFF. Since I'm the author of ViewTIFF, That's how I had it most of the time.
After I upgraded to 3.6, if ViewTIFF is enabled, I just get a blank space. if ViewTIFF is disabled, no matter whether or not Quicktime is enabled, it goes straight to preview.
Has anyone seen this?
(This is programming related because I'm writing AccelViewTIFF, and if the framework for plugins changed, I need to fix it...)
Edit to add:
This is an NPAPI plugin, I've removed or commented out the main, so I don't think that this is a CFM plugin problem.
I looked at Mozilla's "basicplugin" (located in mozilla-1-9-1-f15a2686e9a6/modules/plugin/sdk/samples/basic/mac under the standard mozilla source) and it works. I compared all of my functions to the functions in BasicPlugin, and the only function that it has that I don't is the drawPlugin function, which appears to do the actual work. All equivalent functions have the same interface.
When I remove or disable AccelViewTIFF, Firefox downloads the image and gives it to preview. When I enabled it it does nothing. This tells me that Firefox IS seeing that I have a plugin, but it's not running it for some reason.
There are no errors either in Firefox's error console or in any of the console logs I can see...
any ideas?
For the record, the problem was that this is an OLD plugin that still uses Quickdraw routines. evidently, they didn't make it into 64b, and so they don't work in FF 3.6.
Lets hear it for progress.
Are you using Leopard or Snow Leopard?
TIFF files open fine with the QuickTime plugin with Firefox 3.6.
Go to Firefox -> Preferences -> Applications. Search for "tif" and then you can choose how Firefox handles files with the image/tiff MIME type. Set it to the plugin of your choosing. QuickTime should work (is for me on Snow Leopard).
