Windows 8.1 Flash Debugging on Google Chrome - windows

I have a Flash game (written in Haxe with Sublime Text 3) that I am trying to debug in the browser. It doesn't matter which browser - I just need to be able to see the trace statements and exceptions thrown.
I've tried a tool like vizzy and it just keeps telling me that I don't have a Flash debugger. I've tried to disable the default one and install one from the Adobe but it never appears on the plugins page of chrome.
I installed the 8.1 Flash update but it does nothing for me in terms of viewing trace statements. The flashlog.txt file is empty and I've set the variables in the mm.cfg file.
I'm at my wits end. Anyone have a workaround for this or maybe some open source tool to view the trace statements?


Connecting an external debugger for browser extension development

I'm trying to figure out how to properly attach an external debugger from, say WebStorm or vs-code to debug a browser extension.
How my ideal workflow would look like:
I launch an extension in dev-mode with and then can attach debugger to that browser instance, see break-points/etc.
What I've tried
Configure specifying a URL on which my extension operates.
Add a break-point to a content-script
After browser is started by debug process - load my extension from disk & reload the page
Expected: debugger stops at a break point
Actual: page loads without interruption (or sometimes debugger stops at a random code not from my extension 😅 )
I've also tried setting the breakpoint for a background script, which didn't seem to have any effect either.
For content-script WebStorm seems to indicate that break-points are not in a valid state
Background script breakpoint is, not that it helps
Code is bundled with Parcel with source-maps enabled
Browser is Chrome 99.0.4844.51 (FF debugging does not seem to be supported)
System: macOS 12.2

How to debug Firefox's XUL startup (on Windows)

I have a problem that causes Firefox to behave strangely during startup.
(Specifically, it displays the "Firefox seems slow... to... start" message, even though I didn't install any new extensions or anything like that.)
The function that displays that message is _showSlowStartupNotification in browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js which is called from _trackSlowStartup which in turn is called by _onFirstWindowLoaded.
I want to debug that. How can I do that?
I can debug the Firefox binaries easily with WinDbg and Mozilla's symbol server. But that's not what I want. I want to debug the XUL, not the C++.
I can debug the XUL if I enable the Browser Toolbox, but only after the startup. Even if I set devtools.debugger.prompt-connection to false and run firefox.exe -jsdebugger to immediately open the Browser Toolbox, I get access to it only after the startup code has already been executed. Setting a breakpoint on the interesting function doesn't help as they are not persistent; restarting Firefox doesn't cause the internal XUL debugger to break on them.
So, any suggestions? Is there a way to debug Firefox's XUL from the early start?

Flash Debug not displaying properly in Firefox Linux

I installed the debug version of flash using the script given in this link. Alternatively, I also tried downloading the debug version of flash from here and moved to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but still it gives me problems viewing flash contained.
P.S. - In about:plugins page on firefox it says that Flash is installed and enabled.
While trying to view flash content, the following is being displayed:
(On Adobe's website)
(On this website.)
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

Flash CS6 not displaying AS3 projects (OS X)

Flash CS6 won't display any AS3 projects while debugging anymore. When compiling for debugging it turns up white in the default "debug window" inside of Flash. If I right-click in the debugger window it says "Movie not loaded". No compiler errors are shown. The resulting swf file only runs if opened with the Flash Player from Finder.
This applies for all projects that I know have been working fine up until now. I've also tested to create a new, blank FLA on which I only draw a rectangle with the same result.
If, however, I select a Flash Player version prior to 10 (falling back to AS2) as the target for the test file containing only a rectangle, it does compile and show up fine.
I've uninstalled Flash and Flash Builder (and deleting any trace of the applications in the Library folders) and then reinstalled it multiple times without any result. I've also tried to uninstall Flash Player and Flash Player Debugger to no avail. For this I'm following the advice on Adobe's site and are using their Flash Player uninstaller applications, but it doesn't seem to uninstall all instances of the Players...
I believe the problem lies in the version of Flash Player Debugger that Flash uses internally to display the swf when debugging and it seems to somehow persist between re-installations. Is there a sure-shot way to reset this entirely?
Has anybody encountered this problem before?
I finally found the problem myself. It seems like the Chrome extension called FlashFirebug randomly causes these issues. When I deactivated the extension Flash started working properly again.

possibility to debug user-extensions.js in selenium

I have a webapp which is tested by selenium. Everything works well: writing tests in java, setting breakpoints in my webapp through firebug.
unfortunately I am not able to debug the user-extensions.js it self: After starting the java-test, two firefox windows are opened. One holds the webapp to test, the other one holds the data-flow which uses the user-extensions.
How can I debug the user-extensions?
It seems that it is not possible. I made a workaround and switched the functions to my webapp to debug them there.
It really depends on the browser you're using. I've been able to debug user-extensions using Chrome. In the control Window, you need to right-click and then view the window as a tab. Once you do that, you can activate the developer tools for the control window, which will include the JavaScript debugger.
It's possibile using the Venkman debugger (a separate Firefox extension) and Firefox up until version 32, and that's quite a precious combination.
With Firefox 33 and later, Venkman is broken by api changes, and the native debugger unluckily doesn't allow to debug xul based extensions.
