Visual Studio Community 2013 Parenthesis - visual-studio-2013

I just starting using Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition, and there's a really, really annoying feature that I don't know how to get rid of: if I start typing code on a new line, the editor immediately adds () where my cursor is. No matter what. Even when it makes no sense (e.g. I'm not calling a function).
Is there any way to get rid of that?


C++ IntelliCode not working properly in VS 2019

I use Visual Studio 2019 Community and I just started to learn C++, but the IntelliCode looks not good. The "Desktop development with C++" installed along with its IntelliCode in the installer.
When I hover the mouse over a built-in function or class, it don't show me any description about it but at least I can see the syntax. I also can see the list of methods/properties when I start type. When I type a bracket or parenthesis the VS is not complete it automatically by its pair.
I use to code with C# and that's working fine! It shows the descriptions and complete automatically the brackets and so on... What is the problem with the C++, may I missed a setting?

Stop Visual Studio from adding using statements

It appears that Visual Studio 2019 is adding using statements when I do not intend for it to. While I do really like the right-click Quick Action to add a missing using, I do not want it happening when I do not ask for it.
It's hard to track down when this happens as I'm often typing quickly and only later on do I notice the new using.

F# Intellisense in Visual Studio for Mac

Autocomplete and intellisense is TERRIBLE for visual studio for mac. It will literally autocomplete random objects in the middle of strings and will not work at all when in the middle of a function that doesn't have a valid return value yet (in for or let statements). I had to turn it off because it's way worse than being useless. Anyone have any tips on how to fix this or should I change IDE's? Or is this a problem unique to myself. For reference I am in a script file.
I would highly recommend Visual Studio Code with Ionide extension installed.

Visual Studio text editor does not recognize F# source?

I have got the following problem with F# code recently: almost the complete code is underlines with curly red lines (indicating problems) and whenever I hover with the mouse cursor over any word the pop-up appears with the message "Unexpected token". IntelliSence doesn't work either.
Nonetheless if I start the project it is executed without any problem.
This happens both to already existing F# files and to newly created F# projects. I remember it was working just 2-3 months ago!
I tried to deactivate all possible extensions but it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
I get this too. Sometimes, simply exiting and going back into VS helps. When I tweeted the problem, Don answered with this:
"do you have "python tools for visual studio alpha" installed? if so, uninstall it or apply the hot fix"
This wasn't relevant to me (as I haven't been anywhere near python) but I'm posting here in case it helps you.
-- Edit: here's a link to the patch, thanks to Alexander Galkin:
I haven't seen this situation before but here's a guess at why it's happening and how you might cure it.
Visual studio works on a system for plugins. Even the stuff that is "native", like the C#/F#/VB.NET project systems, are just plugins that uses the visual studio shell. It looks like the F# plugin has been damaged in someway.
If this is Visual Studio 2010:
You might try opening the visual studio installer and trying a repair installation or deactivation and reactivating the F# project system
If this is Visual Studio 2008:
You might try uninstalling and reinstalling the F# plugin

Why would Visual Studio 2010 say it can't show a variable during debug?

In Visual Studio 2010 sometimes when I want to get the value of a variable while debugging, it tells me that it "does not exist in this context" when it obviously does.
I have found that if I use the variable, as in the screenshot below, then it is able to show it.
Has anyone experienced this? Visual Studio 2008 never did this.
How can I get Visual Studio 2010 to always show me variable values while debugging?
alt text
Hazarding a guess..
Could it be that your running in Release mode and the variable has been optimized out? Once you actually use the value, then it no longer can optimize the value out?
Is GetListOfFileNames() deferring execution? Try tacking .ToList() on it.
