C++ IntelliCode not working properly in VS 2019 - visual-studio

I use Visual Studio 2019 Community and I just started to learn C++, but the IntelliCode looks not good. The "Desktop development with C++" installed along with its IntelliCode in the installer.
When I hover the mouse over a built-in function or class, it don't show me any description about it but at least I can see the syntax. I also can see the list of methods/properties when I start type. When I type a bracket or parenthesis the VS is not complete it automatically by its pair.
I use to code with C# and that's working fine! It shows the descriptions and complete automatically the brackets and so on... What is the problem with the C++, may I missed a setting?


Getting TypeScript in Visual Studio 2015 to auto-complete on enter and auto-complete paranthesies

I just started using TypeScript, and was using the TypeScript Playground here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/index.html
It has decent intellisense, and autocompletes on enter, as well as auto-completes parenthesis and brackets.
However, once I decided to use it in VS 2015, I noticed that enter no longer selects the suggested dropdown, and neither parenthesis nor brackets are auto-added. When programming in C#, these features work out great.
How do I enable this behavior in Visual Studio? I would assume that if it exists on the website, it would definitely exist in a full blown IDE like VS.
Can I enable similar refactoring features to C#, like automatic variable/property renaming across the project if I change a variable name? Using Ctrl-R Ctrl-R to rename a variable doesn't seem to work, it only changes the line I'm on.
VS 2015 Update 3
Typescript for VS 2015 v
Typescript for VS 2015 v 2.0
Edit2: Upgraded to the TS 2.0 VS plugin. The Automatic Brace Completion checkbox is no longer greyed out, yet enabling it does not seem to have an effect on brace completion.
Edit3: These features are in Visual Studio Code.
TypeScript 2.0.2 RC for Visual Studio 2015 — August 30, 2016 fixed this issue. You can download here.
Click Details to see list of all the versions.
Make sure you have the latest TypeScript VS extension installed.

Uninstall F# from VS 2015

I have recently installed Visual Studio 2015 (Enterprise), and although I only selected C++ from the programming languages list, it has also installed F#. A language I have never used and will not use, simply because I'm working with C# and VB currently, and I'm satisfied with the results I get. My plan is moving to C++ after I learn C#, so I have nothing to do with F#. It's only taking up space from my disk and I want to remove it. I've been looking all morning about an easy way to do so, but all I could find was a lot of questions regarding earlier VS releases and somehow managed to successfully remove the F# project templates. But the rest is still there - screenshot:
As you can see I cannot uninstall it via Extensions and Updates, nor I can find it in Programs and Features. I could find some F# SDK and F# for VS stuff in the registry, but I'm not experienced enough with it to find the uninstallers. Any ideas?
Goto Programs and Features in Windows, and select Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 and click Change, when the Setup dialog appears, select Modify then untick the following:

Visual Studio Add-in: How to get selected items in window

Let a "Breakpoints" window (by default opened by Debug>Windows>Breakpoints [ctrl+B, D]) serve as an example. Basically I select few breakpoints in it and I would like to know in my add-in which elements in this window are selected. I am aware that I can get collection of breakpoints in project but I would like to know what elements are selected in "Breakpoints" window.
"Is it possible to get selected items in window or even access its content at all?"
Also I am not sure whenever or not should I post a separate question for this but is there actually a way to capture user activity in IDE like for example capturing an event when user sets (adds) a breakpoint?
Originally I also asked if is it possible to achieve certain things in Visual Studio Express Edition. But this part is irrevelant.
(after reading jessehouwing's answer)
I guess it is not possible using an Add-ins. Use VSPackages isntead. Also Add-ins are deprecated as of Visual Studio 2013 version.
As mentioned in my comments, what you're trying to accomplish is explicitly prohibited in the Visual Studio Express edition and is a violation of it's license. To extend the product, you need to have at least Visual Studio Professional Edition. many of the extensibility points will actively refuse any communication with 3rd party add-ins.
Almost all the things you're asking are possible using Visual Studio Extensibility once you've installed the professional edition. Products like OzCode show that almost everything is possible. Remember that most features inside visual studio are themselves extensions of the product.
Your question, indeed a whole list of questions, is indeed not the way to ask something on StackOverflow. I can give you some pointers to the documentation, which you've probably already found, and maybe to some open source products that themselves extend parts of Visual Studio that can serve as examples, but from there you'll have to piece something together until you're able to ask more specific questions.
Events you can subscribe to, the breakpoints are a CommandEvents I suspect.
Manipulating windows inside Visual Studio
Projects that extend the debugger that might serve as an example:
PyTools (debugger for Python inside Visual Studio)
Node.js tools for Visual studio (extending the Immediate Window)
But there is no easy answer to your question that fits inside this window. I'd suggest you use a tool like Reflector to look at how Microsoft accomplishes certain things (most of Visual Studio Extensibility is written in .NET anyways) and to look at open source projects that extend visual studio behavior. There are quite a few out there on Codeplex.
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to accomplish and how it's different from the Breakpoints features inside Visual Studio Professional and up.
I suggest you ask your question in the Visual Studio Extensibility forums over on MSDN, which is in a collaborative forum format, instead of a Q&A format, allowing people to answer your question bit by bit.

Add a new language to Visual Studio 2010 with syntax highlighting and intellisense

I am trying to add support for a different language in Visual Studio 2010. I was hoping to add custom syntax highlighting, and have some sort of basic intellisense work with it. The language I am trying to add is 4Js Genero (a newer version of Informix-4GL). I basically just need support for the .4gl and .per file extensions that are used in Genero/4GL. Does anyone know how to do this, or can point me in the right direction?
It's not really for the faint of heart. Don't underestimate how much work you'll have to put in.
You'll need the Visual Studio 2010 SDK, and then to read (and re-read, and re-read(*)) all about Language Services
The purpose of a language service in Visual Studio is to provide language-specific support for editing source code in the integrated development environment (IDE). You implement a language service as part of a VSPackage.
(*) - unless it all immediately makes sense to you.
This isn't an answer on how to create custom syntax highlighting.
There is an open-source extension for visual studio 2010+ for Genero 4gl language support out of github:
It should do most of what you're looking for already, and it would certainly make a great starting point for you if you want to do more.

"Scope Highlight" feature in Visual Studio? (same as seen in BlueJ for java)

I would like to know (as I've failed so far in finding such a feature in the VS's options),
if there is a feature which allow for scope highlighting same as seen in the BlueJ IDE for java,
here is an example:
Note how the code blocks are all highlighted with color,
when learning java using blueJ i found it to be extremely easy on the eye when looking at code,
and everything felt a lot more organized,
moving to C# and working on MS visual studio, its all text with some highlighting, Class names, keywords etc etc,
but in general it still feel like a black text on a white background and lacking that organized feeling i sorely miss from blueJ,
i noticed there is a similar question here referring to eclipse,
Eclipse IDE Scope Highlighting?
just to be on the safe side, ill ask again referring to Visual studio,
is there such a feature in VS? is there an add-on \ plugin for VS which allows it?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Microsoft provides a free Productivity Power Tools extension for Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. This has a "Structure Visualizer" feature similar to the CodeRush plugin. Both are more subtle than the BlueJ style, but should make scopes a little clearer.
Productivity Power Tools 2013
Productivity Power Tools 2015
Visual Studio 2017 integrated a version of this into the core application for C#, Visual Basic, F#, and XAML (as Structure Guide Lines). However, C++ still requires an extension.
Look at the DevExpress CodeRush plugin, there is a 30-day trial version.
The function it provides is called "Structural highlighting", and I think its even better than what you want (and its customizable).
CodeRush Express
CodeRush Documentation
